Hallmark Actors Tyler Hynes, Andrew Walker, & Paul Campbell Reveal When They’ll Quit the Network & Stop Making New Films

Hallmark Actors Tyler Hynes, Andrew Walker, & Paul Campbell Reveal When They'll Quit the Network & Stop Making New Films

Hallmark actors Andrew Walker, Paul Campbell, and Tyler Hynes, gave a recent interview where they were asked if and when they’d exit the network.

If you don’t know, the trio starred together in the 2022 Hallmark Channel movie Three Wise Men and a Baby, and they sat down with Vulture to chat about the network.

Keep reading to find out more…

When asked, “What would signal for you all that your time at the network is coming to an end?,” each of revealed their own response and reasoning for why they may one day depart.

Paul responded, “When I stop being excited about it, because then I can’t bring anything to the project. When the magic goes away for me, it’s probably time to hang it up.”

Andrew said, “When my kids need me at some point in their lives or if I’m going to travel. I have these ideas that I want to just leave for a year and travel the world.

Tyler then responded, “That’s an interesting question. You’re going to make me start thinking about that. It would probably be what Paul said — if I start showing up on set and I start to feel like this is no longer immersive or interesting. If it ever gets pretty unpleasant, I’d be out. If the vibes go toxic, I would leave.”

Paul then interjected, “He has an aversion to bad vibes,” to which Andrew added, “I like sick waves and sick vibes, bruh.”

Tyler then concluded, “As soon as that f-cking wave starts to give out, man, I’m gone.”

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