Lady GaGa Says She Can’t Remember The Last Time She Bathed

It’s the classic moment in the musical biopic we all know, when the artist is awash with accolades, glowing with handfuls of golden awards, they begin work on the next big album, and an assistant in the studio sniffs the air, makes a sour face, and asks… “Hey, what died?”

OK, maybe that part got edited out of Bohemian Rhapsody… LOLz! But it’s the unfiltered truth for Lady GaGa right now!

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The Born This Way singer shared a very embarrassing personal moment on Twitter Thursday, revealing she has been forgoing some basic hygiene just for you, the fans! She wrote:

my assistant: when’s the last time you bathed
me: i don’t remember

Wha?! Not even a shallow bath? Gurl, have a care for the engineers sitting with you in the studio!

This time the Little Monsters all over her are bacteria.

We kid, but GaGa is actually talking about the sacrifices she’s making for her fans. See, that little #LG6 hashtag means she’s talking about working so hard on the next album she isn’t even taking a break to clean herself.

Yeah, it still sounds gross… but it means the long-awaited followup to Joanne will make its way to your ears just a little bit faster. Though if it sounds like the backup singers are all holding their noses you’ll know why.

Lady GaGa studio album LG6
What?! / (c) Lady GaGa/Instagram Story

Then again, maybe it’s not so much album expediency fueling her abandonment of hygienic norms…

Gurl has also apparently been single for quite a while. Maybe she just doesn’t give an eff?

She and fiancé Christian Carino split all the way back in February, opening the door to rampant speculation about her working relationship with co-star and director and duet partner Bradley Cooper. That was followed by rumors of a fling with Avengers star Jeremy Renner.

However, neither materialized into a full-fledged, official relationship. And just this month we heard she and Christian were finally talking again, but sources assured us it was just as friends. So near as we can tell, GaGa has been a free agent for TEN MONTHS.

No wonder she’s able to get away with not bathing in who knows how long. She doesn’t have someone lying next to her to tell her ENOUGH IS ENOUGH.

Well, far be it from us to interrupt the artist’s process… you do you, GaGa!

[Image via Andres Otero/WENN.]

The post Lady GaGa Says She Can’t Remember The Last Time She Bathed appeared first on Perez Hilton.