Miley Cyrus Says Her Family Gets Into ‘Fist Fights’ Over Conspiracy Theories

At this point we’d be surprised if any family in the country could get through a holiday meal without a fight breaking out. With all the disinformation out there, and the leader of the free world at the forefront of it, relatives all over America will probably come to blows over notions like the pandemic being a hoax. (Though hopefully those fights will be over Zoom this year because it absolutely isn’t.)

But when it comes to fighting over conspiracy theories, the Cyrus family is ahead of the game.

Miley Cyrus spoke to the KISS Breakfast Show this week to promote her new album Plastic Hearts and ended up talking about the holidays.

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When asked what a typical Christmas dinner was like with her famous fam, the Wrecking Ball singer admitted the butter-filled “mashed potato volcano” wasn’t the only thing that got explosive. She said the meals often end with “fist fights, and usually with each one of us removing ourselves and slamming the door in some way and a lot of apology texts.”

Dang! But over what? Well…

“I mean we’re all kind of conspiracy theorists and I remember one year we got onto the topic of like aliens and it ended with my brothers not talking for a week and my mom crying.”

LOLz WHUT?? They fought over aliens?? And Tish Cyrus ended up crying?? Aw…

Well, we don’t know where Trace Cyrus or Noah Cyrus stand on the issue of extra-terrestrials visiting our planet, but Miley is a firm believer. She told the hosts:

“Yeah, I’m not a total narcissist like I definitely believe in aliens… aliens are really cool and a lot of things this year haven’t been that cool so I think maybe they’re waiting for 2021.”

Hmm. The wording of that implying that those who don’t believe in aliens are “total narcissists” is making this whole fist fight thing make a lot more sense. Ha!

Of course, for Miley this is more than a theory. The 28-year-old revealed her close encounter story in Interview magazine just a few weeks ago, recounting:

“I had an experience, actually. I was driving through San Bernardino with my friend, and I got chased down by some sort of UFO. I’m pretty sure about what I saw, but I’d also bought weed wax from a guy in a van in front of a taco shop, so it could have been the weed wax.”

She remembered other motorists stopping to look at what she described as looking like “a flying snowplow” before actually making eye contact with one of the aliens!

“…I did see a being sitting in the front of the flying object. It looked at me and we made eye contact, and I think that’s what really shook me, looking into the eyes of something that I couldn’t quite wrap my head around.”

Shockingly, Miley isn’t even the only member of her family to have seen a UFO. Poppa Billy Ray Cyrus tweeted back in 2011 about having spotted one and was remarkably chill about it.

What do you and your family get into fights about over holiday meals, Perezcious readers?? Let us know in the comments (below)!

[Image via WENN/Instar/Trace Cyrus/Noah Cyrus/Billy Ray Cyrus/Instagram/The History Channel/YouTube.]

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