Joy-Anna Duggar: The VERY Compelling Reason Fans Think She’s Pregnant Right Now

Earlier this month, fans were abuzz with suspicion that Joy-Anna Duggar may be pregnant again.

She has now been radio silent on Instagram for weeks. That is out of character.

In fact, given that she only took a much shorter break after Josh's arrest, only one theory makes sense based upon her social media patterns.

It really looks like Joy is pregnant again. Seriously, take a look:

An observant and very thorough Reddit user has essentially used math to note that something is up with Joy-Anna.

"Joy hasn’t posted or liked anything on Instagram in 2 weeks," the post observes.

"And," the redditor notes, "it’s out of character for her."

Reddit post on Joy-Anna Duggar posting habits (pregnancy?)

"She isn’t as frequent a user as Jill or Jinger," the Reddit denizen acknowledges.

"But," the post continues, "she is definitely one of the more consistent girls to use it."

With that in mind, OP did some number-crunching.

Joy-Anna Duggar in Pants

"I did some analytics using the spacing of her last 150 Instagram posts, which is about the last year and a half," the post explained.

"She posts pretty consistently, with her average post gap 4 days," the user shared.

"And," the post detailed, "the most common gap was just 2 days."

A Kiss for Joy-Anna Duggar

"As it stands the current gap of 14 days is an outlier," the post pointed out.

"The only post gaps longer than 14 days are 16 and 17 days," the redditor recalled.

These were "when she was heavily pregnant with Evelyn, and over the 2020 Christmas new year period."

Autumnal Joy

One might naturally point to Josh Duggar's arrest, but the Reddit user thought of that.

"Even after the pest arrest she only waited 8 days before posting," OP wrote.

That doesn't take Josh's arrest and subsequent charges entirely out of the equation ... but it's a fair point.

Joy-Anna Duggar with the Cradle

There are multiple reasons that a pregnant person might hold off on social media posts.

One is that, for public figures, it's all about the "big reveal."

There are a couple of explanations for this practice.

Joy-Anna Duggar Embraced from Behind by Austin Forsyth

For most couples, from your friends and neighbors to celebrities, there's a very good reason to hold off on a pregnancy announcement.

Miscarriages are always a possibility.

It would be very painful to make a premature announcement and have to follow it up with one (or likely, more) explanations of why you're no longer expecting.

Joy-Anna Duggar, Hat Selfie

For celebrities, especially G-list reality stars who are no longer on TV, there's another reason.

Whether it's a planned group announcement or a paid interview, pregnancy news can be turned into a promo.

If it sounds cynical, that's because it is ... but yes, many people really do wait until there's a career or financial reason to spill the news.

The Joy of Hunting

But there are more "human" reasons why someone might stay off of Instagram for a while.

(Especially when someone can presumably just not post about their pregnancy while otherwise posting as usual)

It can be hard to keep a secret when you're interacting with fans every day.

Joy-Anna Duggar is Pregnant!

There is, of course, a more obvious explanation for why someone who is pregnant might not be super active on social media.

Pregnancy is hard. Pregnancy when you already have kids is harder.

Joy-Anna could, at this moment, be grappling with childcare and pregnancy symptoms at the same time.

Joy-Anna Duggar and a Daughter

With that in mind, it's easy to imagine why she might not feel like she has time for Instagram.

But you know who does? Fans.

Fans have spotted what they may be a baby bump (or attempts to conceal it) in recent photos.

Joy-Anna and Evelyn

It's speculation at this point, of course, or we'd be telling a very different story.

But for now, let's just say that the signs that Joy might be pregnant with another Forsyth baby are multiplying before our eyes.

Perhaps the Forsyths are, too.