Alana Thompson Cries at Mama June Shannon: I Was Afraid You’d DIE!

During her catastrophic downward spiral, Mama June Shannon did more than just nearly end her life.

The multiple betrayals of trust nearly destroyed her entire family.

Now sober, she's about to be reunited with her daughters on Mama June: Road to Redemption.

But is she ready to hear what her daughters have to say to her?

WEtv released a sneak peek of this grueling Mama June: Road to Redemption reunion.

"You don't know how many nights I cry myself to sleep," Alana confesses.

She is openly tearful as she speaks to her mother in this painful heart-to-heart.

This isn't run-of-the-mill teen angst, either, even though Alana is 15.

She explains to her mom that she weeps "just hoping and praying that you don't overdose."

There were many times in 2019 and even very early 2020 when we all shared that fear.

No one, of course, felt that more acutely than her teenage daughter.

This very visibly hits June hard.

During her extended drug binge, she clearly did not appreciate how her actions hurt her family.

That is part of what makes this moment so important -- driving home that fact.

This is where Lauryn speaks up after having cared for Alana for a couple of years because June was unfit to do so.

"I can't give Alana her mom," Lauryn says matter-of-factly.

Some of us might be distracted by Lauryn's off-brand Velma look.

(It's a genuinely good look -- no shade)

But her words are starting to hit home with June. At least, we hope so.

Lauryn continues to express the ways in which June's behavior impacted her.

"It's like ... I'm drowning," she expresses.

She was overwhelmed by the burden of her mother's actions and the new responsibilities placed upon her.

Lauryn is not the only one who is visibly overwhelmed.

Alana, whose tender teen age and hormones make this so much harder, begins to openly sob.

This has been and remains a difficult and traumatic ordeal for her.

But not all of the teaser is about this reunion itself.

Other parts continue to show Lauryn and Alana's daily life.

This includes a moment when Lauryn and Josh discuss Alana.

Josh Efird suggests taking Alana to see Sugar Bear.

Whether or not this is being played up for the camera is up to your interpretation.

But our interpretation is that, like everything about Alana's dad, this wouldn't have taken place without the cameras.

Mike "Sugar Bear" Thompson was and is a terrible parent and a rotten human being.

There aren't really any good reasons for Alana to visit him.

As such, Lauryn's reaction in this moment is all of us.

We don't see anything further from this scene.

Instead we see June at her (new) home that she shared with her boyfriend.

"This could be a disaster," she warns Geno Doak.

The context for that is anyone's guess, truly.

Up next, we see June reappear in an unexpected place.

Specifically, seated behind Lauryn.

Lauryn turns around and asks her mother "what the f--k."

Is she merely startled by June's sudden appearance.

Or is there more to what's going on in this exchange than is shown in this all-too-short teaser?

Ultimately, there is very little context in this teaser.

But that is the job of this kind of short trailer -- a few lines of dialogue to give you something to look forward to.

Mama June: Road to Redemption continues to air on Friday nights on WEtv.

Alana thompson cries at mama june shannon i was afraid youd die