From the moment that reports first whispered of it, we knew that Britney Spears’ book would expose whose who’ve wronged her.
We were right. But The Woman In Me also includes honest confessions of Britney’s less than proud moments.
A new revelation covers her “infamous” time out partying with Paris Hilton and Lindsay Lohan.
Though it wasn’t as wild as the pubic imagined, Britney does delve into some truths — from how much she drank, to what her drug of choice was during those days.

In 2006, Britney Spears’ marriage to now ex-husband Kevin Federline was withering into dust.
That’s … not new information. They have both more than moved on.
This was around the time when she first became friends with Paris Hilton — another famous blonde whom many of the public did, and still do, misunderstand.

In her new memoir, Britney is quick to emphasize that these outings weren’t anything like the debaucherous, out-of-control benders that some people assumed.
“It was never as wild as the press made it out to be,” she writes in her book.
Britney notes that she “never had a drinking problem” despite some assumptions.

Additionally, Britney writes that hard drugs never appealed to her.
She did, at the time, have a preferred “drug of choice” during those days.
Britney reveals that it was Adderall.

Adderall is an ADHD medication, one that is available only by prescription and — sadly — under artificial scarcity, so that many people who need it cannot easily obtain it or cannot obtain it at all.
Things were a little different in the mid-2000s, however.
Britney writes that Adderall “made me high, yes, but what I found far more appealing was that it gave mea few hours of feeling less depressed.”

Some might say that Britney was wrong to misuse Adderall as a “party drug” when some people desperately need it and cannot access this medication.
First of all, this was 2006. Supplies were different, and doctors were more likely to actually prescribe ADHD meds instead of going “oh, what about this antidepressant that sometimes helps with ADHD?”
To be clear, that’s not Britney’s fault or the fault of anyone else who used ADHD meds to party. The medicine isn’t running out because it’s in short supply — the government limits are the source of the problem. Prohibition culture is the issue.

Second of all, what Britney is describing here is clearly self-medicating.
That is by far the most common reason for someone to do any drug. Even if it’s not the right fit for them, their hope is that it will help — even for a little while.
Of course, that doesn’t mean that self-medication cannot have serious health (and legal) consequences. It does sound like Britney didn’t overdo it.
Britney Spears Reveals Drug Use During Days of Partying with Paris Hilton, Lindsay Lohan was originally published on The Hollywood Gossip.