Cardi B & Trump-Loving Candace Owens GO AT IT In Political Social Media Feud!

Oh, you know, just another fight online about politics on Labor Day Weekend!

Rapper Cardi B and grifter right-wing political activist Candace Owens had it out with each other late last night in an epic feud over Joe BidenDonald TrumpWet A** P**sy, Black culture, and more political and socio-economic topics related therein. They covered a LOT of ground in this social media meltdown, y’all!

Related: Cardi B Hilariously Calls Out Melania Trump’s Old Nudes! Oops!

It kicked off by Owens blasting the Bodak  Yellow rapper for sitting down with Biden recently, and specifically regarding Cardi asking Biden what he’d do about Black men dying in America. Owens took umbrage with that framing of the question, as she called out Cardi by saying Black men die at the hands of other Black men more than they do cops — as if police brutality weren’t a serious issue in this country. Oh, Candace.

Quickly, the firestorm devolved from there, with Owens belittling systemic racism in police departments across the country while clearly showing jealousy over the fact that Cardi was able to sit down with Biden. Girl, we get it, you wish you had Cardi’s pull! Don’t be jealous, be kind!!!

Owens straight-up called out the rapper in a tweet about her hit song Wet A** P**sy, then, baiting Cardi into a full-fledged fight (below):

The back-and-forth kicked off in full from there, along with thousands of fans and followers delivering their opinions about the two women and their political views, too.

Related: Wait, Didn’t Candace HATE Trump Right Up Until She Loved Him? Come On…

At one point, Cardi posted a video reportedly from the Hamptons in New York. In the clip, it appeared to show her sister Hennessy being harassed by several white men who took notice of the fact that her and her partner are an Afro-Hispanic gay couple (below):

Owens honestly came off as jealous of the rapper throughout the back-and-forth, calling her “uneducated when it came to politics” but completely failing to understand just how big a reach Cardi has with her social following and fandom.

The rapper has serious pull with young people if she can help convince them to educate themselves on the issues and vote this election cycle. Obviously, she’s doing that with a candidate (Biden) who Owens doesn’t personally care for, and so… it’s a thing.


Both women posted long Instagram videos, as well (below):

It’s a LOT!!!

As TMZ said about the whole ordeal, politics in 2020 isn’t very pretty. Boy, ain’t that the truth?!

Related: Twitter Dunks On Russell Brand’s Stupid-A** Criticism Of ‘WAP’!

What do U think, Perezcious readers? Do U side with Cardi or Candace?! Maybe more to the point: did either woman change your mind with this back-and-forth, or were you already pretty set up with whether you were going to support Trump or Biden in November?

Sound OFF with your take about public battles like this down in the comments (below)…

[Image via WENN/Avalon/Instar]

The post Cardi B & Trump-Loving Candace Owens GO AT IT In Political Social Media Feud! appeared first on Perez Hilton.