June Shannon: Moving In with Lauryn After Geno Doak Goes to Jail?

Mama June: Road to Redemption had an intense season finale.

Geno Doak's future hangs in limbo, and June's right along with it as they both had to go to court.

Is Geno in prison? At the finale, he was facing 10 years.

Is June having to live with her daughter?

So much of this season has been focused upon June's sobriety and trying to win over her family.

She eroded a lot of trust with a lot of people who love her.

It may be that June never completely redeems herself in the eyes of the people whom she betrayed during her downward spiral.

But we have to remember that all of this started -- the public scandal, anyway -- with arrests.

June and Geno were both arrested in early 2019.

When the police found drugs on Geno's person, he spitefully told them to search June too -- landing her in trouble, too.

June was facing as much as 2 years in prison.

Geno, meanwhile, was facing up to 10 years behind bars.

Obviously, they were both nervous at the possibility of incarceration.

But June didn't take it seriously right away.

In one of this season's weirder stunts, June spent a few hours living the life of a prisoner.

This was allegedly at Geno's insistence, to get her to take the situation seriously.

Geno's idea (by which we of course mean production's plan) worked.

June was miserable, wearing an orange jumpsuit and was even harassed by an inmate.

So when it came time for her to appear in court, June knew what was at stake.

On the finale, we saw June head to court.

It took seven hours before she was able to report back to her family.

The judge was surprisingly lenient, especially given June's "celebrity" status.

The court sentenced June to 100 hours of community service.

The celebrations were cut short, however, as June shared the rest of her news.

Geno had not yet been sentenced ... leaving his future in limbo.

However, June was still expressing optimism in the finale moments of the finale.

The grandmother vowed to live her life more fully and to appreciate all that she has.

After losing a small fortune, her house, her dignity, and her reputation and nearly getting imprisoned ... we hope that she takes nothing for granted.

Geno could get a similar sentence to June's.

It is also possible that he could be on the receiving end of a harsher sentence.

If so, June's family is well aware that she would not be able to live without him -- like, she can't live alone.

June has extremely poor vision.

It has been a lifelong problem, one made worse by a number of factors, especially growing up in extreme poverty.

She absolutely cannot drive. She needs someone to look after her, and apparently, it cannot just be a neighbor.

On the finale, June told Lauryn that she might want to move in with her if Geno ends up behind bars.

To Lauryn, this would be a disaster for many reasons.

She has a kid, she has a baby on the way, she has a husband, and she's functioning as Alana's mother because June can't.

June is not in prison -- which has been clear for a while, on her Instagram.

She hasn't exactly confirmed that Geno isn't in prison, but it does appear that she and Geno are still living together.

This may mean that Geno was sentenced to community service, but that has not been confirmed.

June shannon moving in with lauryn after geno doak goes to jail