Kim Kardashian SLAMMED After Tweeting From American Horror Story Set Amid Writers’ Strike!

Supporters from the Writers Guild Of America are not too happy with Kim Kardashian right now!

On Friday, the 42-year-old reality star hopped on Twitter to ask her 74.9 million followers “what [they were] all up to” while she had “some time between shots” for season 12 of American Horror Story. The problem with her seemingly innocuous tweet? Since the beginning of May, thousands of screenwriters involved with the WGA have been protesting after the union was unable to reach a contract with the trade association that represents Hollywood studios and production companies.

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The WGA was making some pretty reasonable demands – including asking for higher minimum sales, shorter exclusive contracts for released content, and more. They also want to make sure studios won’t start replacing them with AI. All of these terms the WGA have argued are essential after streaming took over the entertainment industry. So it seems like some simple requests, right? Well, the studios were unwilling to accept these conditions, and thus writers have been striking ever since.

While many stars in Hollywood have shown their support for the writers, that hasn’t stopped everyone from crossing the picket line and continuing to film. And AHS is one of many Ryan Murphy projects that have proceeded with production. So when Kim asked her fans what everyone was doing while she was on the set of the television show, many striking writers and supporters flooded her comments section to blast her. They wrote:

“Picketing, Kim.”

“You need to get a refund on that law degree, and fire every person that told you it was a good idea to tweet this.”

“they’re striking queenie storm off set”

“Striking in support of my union.”

“Not crossing picket lines is what I’m up to”

“As somebody currently cast on a scripted show, you should be standing in solidarity with the WGA, because without writers, you wouldn’t even have a show to be on set for.”

“Striking in support of our union. Thanks for crossing our line.”

“Are you going to advocate for the striking writers while you’re working on THEIR show, ma’am? Here’s an opportunity to use your privilege for a good cause”

“Well Kimmy, the writers of shows like yours are on strike and trying to get the financiers of shows like yours to have a conversation.”

Many people also called Kim a “scab,” which is someone who refuses to strike and crosses a picket line to work:

“Keep scabbing queen!!!!!!!!”

“Kim K a scab?! Who would have believed it?!”

“Not being a scab”

Basically, this tweet (below) summed up the majority of commenters’ feelings about Kim working on AHS amid the writer’s strike:

Yikes… It probably wasn’t the best idea for Kimmy Kakes to be tweeting from the set of AHS while a major writers’ strike is happening. At this time, she hasn’t responded to the backlash. But what are your thoughts on the situation, Perezcious readers? Let us know in the comments below!

[Image via Hulu/YouTube]

The post Kim Kardashian SLAMMED After Tweeting From <i>American Horror Story</i> Set Amid Writers’ Strike! appeared first on Perez Hilton.