Kim Kardashian’s O.J. Simpson Jokes SLAMMED By Victim’s Families!

As you've almost certainly heard by now, Kim Kardashian hosted Saturday Night Live this week, and the reviews of her performance have been ... mixed, to put it generously.

Kim made little attempt to hide that she was reading from cue cards, and her wooden delivery further hindered some sketches that didn't have much going for them in the first place.

But the billionaire mogul got off to a solid start, opening the show with a monologue that surprised viewers with Kim's competent timing -- and her ability to push the envelope with some genuinely edgy material.

Unfortunately, not everyone was a fan of her envelope-pushing material.

The most surprising moments in Kim's first foray into standup involved her father's relationship with O.J. Simpson.

The late Robert Kardashian was a close friend of Simpson's, and he played a crucial role in assembling the legal "dream team" that got the former NFL star acquitted of double murder.

Though it's a part of her family history that she rarely discusses, Kim went all-in with the O.J. jokes during her monologue.

“It’s because of [my father] that I met my first black person. Want to take a stab in the dark at who it was?” she led off.

"I know it’s sort of weird to remember the first black person you met, but O.J. does leave a mark or several or none at all. I still don’t know.”

Now, people have been making jokes about the fact that O.J. got away with murder for over 25 years.

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But the punchlines are a bit more shocking when delivered by someone who knew him intimately, and whose father played a crucial role in securing his acquittal.

Obviously, the jokes were written by SNL writers, and not by Kim.

Still, her willingness to deliver them in front of a national television audience is a sure sign that she found the content completely appropriate.

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Now, several critics of Kim's monologue have come forward to condemn the 40-year-old mogul's response.

One of these detractors is Tanya Brown, the sister of O.J.'s slain wife, Nicole Brown Simpson.

Tanya told TMZ that she felt Kim's comments were in “poor taste," as well as “beyond inappropriate and insensitive."

O.J. Simpson at Parole

She added that it's equally shameful that Kris Jenner chose to participate in the episode, despite the fact that she was close friends with Nicole in the years prior to her death.

Author Don Winslow echoed Tanya's comments, tweeting:

“Can the press who praised Kim Kardashian’s SNL monologue which made multiple jokes about Nicole Brown’s repeated beatings by OJ Simpson and her horrific and violent death (she joked about both) take a minute and post photos of Nicole’s repeated injuries? It’s not f–king funny.”

Kim Kardashian with a Smirk

The comment received thousands of likes in its first two hours online.

The content of Kim's monologue was especially surprising in the wake of the death of Norm MacDonald.

In the weeks since the beloved SNL star passed away, many of his most beloved comedy bits have been making the rounds online -- and many of them were jokes about O.J., whose trial was the top story for much of Norm's time behind the Weekend Update desk.

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McDonald was fired for those jokes by NBC executives who were close friends with Simpson.

We assume those people are no longer with the network.

Either that, or they've finally gotten the memo that their buddy almost certainly murdered his wife and an innocent bystander.