Moose Sneaks Up On Woman Walking Her Dog And Kicks Her In The Head (VIDEO)

If you think you’re having a rough week, at least there’s not a thousand pound moose giving you a hoof to the head!

That’s exactly the type of week Tracy Hansen had in her home of Anchorage, Alaska last Thursday. According to a video her neighbor Kate Timmons recorded while driving past, Tracy was walking her dog Gunner along a trail they take three times a day. What was different about this day in particular, though, is Kate noticed a moose was charging behind Tracy and her pet!

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As she drove her car down the road, Kate quickly pulled out her phone to record the incident. She could be heard telling her kids who were in the car with her:

“You guys, this moose is chasing this person.”

The moose closed in on Tracy, and in a panic Kate sped up to try and warn her of the massive animal she had yet to notice was following her:

“Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey! Watch out! Watch out!”

This moose must’ve had something personal against the woman, because he just kicked up his two front legs and hit her in the head! Ouch!

Luckily Tracy was fine. In fact, she told local outlet KTUU she thought she’d been clipped by someone on a bike:

“I thought someone had not been paying attention and hit me with a bike or something. I had put my hands up to my head, and I’m like, ‘I’m bleeding.'”

We can’t really blame her for assuming it was a bike! Who expects to be kicked by a moose, even in Alaska? Maybe if it was Australia you’d expect some crazy animal happenings to go down…

Kate was the one who came to the rescue with her husband and drove her neighbor to the hospital to be treated for her injuries. She had to get staples in her head and she’s been suffering from headaches and bruising, but that’s not stopping her and Gunner from resuming their daily walks:

“The moose won’t stop that.”

You can see the video for yourself (below):

What a wild story! Reactions, Perezcious readers?

[Image via Warner Bros/YouTube]

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