An online video game fight turned into a nearly fatal real-life attack last week, and cops are still floored by how it escalated!
Last weekend, a New Jersey man was arrested in Fernandina Beach, Florida and charged with attempted second degree murder and armed burglary with a mask after he allegedly flew down to the Sunshine State to attack an online gaming rival. Edward Kang (pictured above in his mugshot) is now in custody after cops say the 20-year-old showed up in Florida and tried to kill a gaming foe!
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Nassau County Sheriff Bill Leeper held a press conference last week in which he explained the details of the shocking case to the media. But even Leeper couldn’t hold back his amazement at the insanity that his deputies discovered. Per local media outlets covering the case, the sheriff started the press conference by saying:
“I just want to let you know that this is a weird one. Some things make you say, ‘Hmm.’ Some things you just can’t make up. There’s some things that make you say, ‘What in the world was he thinking?’ And there are some things that make you say, ‘You’re not gonna believe this.’ This case makes you say all four of those.”
Uh… WOW!
Per Leeper, the incident began as an “online altercation” in the massively multiplayer online (MMO) game ArcheAge. Cops still aren’t clear exactly what happened in the game to start off this wild chain of events. But they do know Kang flew down to Florida to confront the unnamed victim after some sort of online transgression got completely out of hand. Per First Coast News, the sheriff said:
“I don’t know what transpired between the victim and the suspect, but something made the suspect want to come down to Florida and injure the other individual.”
According to cops, Kang booked a flight to Jacksonville, Florida a little over a week ago after telling family members he was “going to meet a friend he met years ago through an online video game.” But the second he got to Florida, he went to an Ace Hardware store and purchased both a hammer (pictured above, via the sheriff’s department release) and a flashlight. Cops later found receipts for those purchases in Kang’s hotel room.
Then, very early on the morning of Sunday, June 23 — while the victim was playing a video game, naturally — Sheriff Leeper said that Kang broke into his rival’s home. The victim went to use the bathroom around 2:00 a.m. local time on Sunday, at which point he was confronted by Kang “standing with a hammer raised in the air, in an anticipated strike position.” Per cops, Kang was wearing all black during the attack, too — including gloves and a face mask — and commenced to attack. WTF!!!
Thankfully, the victim’s stepfather was awakened by “screams for help” from his stepson. He rushed to the spot of the screams and “found his stepson on the ground, struggling with the attacker, who was in possession of a hammer,” per Sheriff Leeper. The victim and his stepfather were then both able to successfully subdue and restrain Kang until deputies arrived.
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The first deputies who showed up at the Fernandina Beach home found “significant” amounts of blood in both the entryway and the victim’s bedroom. Cops arrested Kang, then determined that he’d gained access to the home through an unlocked front door. They now say he intended to kill the victim, who had “severe heads wounds” and was rushed to the emergency room. Thankfully, that person has since been released from the hospital.
Kang hasn’t been released from jail, though. Sheriff Leeper said that he was uncooperative with detectives upon being questioned and immediately requested a lawyer. When investigators asked Kang why he did it, the young man reportedly said this of the victim:
“He is a bad person online.”
And then, the kicker: Sheriff Leeper said that Kang was curious about how much prison time he might be facing for the alleged attack. During his press conference, the law enforcement officer mused:
“The suspect asked our deputy, ‘How much time in jail do you get for breaking and entering and assault?’ I would say, Mr. Kang, it’s gonna be a long time before you play video games again.”
Yeah… No kidding…
Kang is still being held in a Florida jail without bond. All this over a video game?! Seriously?? Insane!!
Can you imagine if women reacted this way? Gamers constantly call them sexist names and threaten them with horrifying acts, and you have never and will never read a story about a woman flying to another state to beat some idiot with a hammer. Just sayin’.
[Image via Nassau County Sheriff’s Department]
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