Tommy Lee Accused Of Sexually Assaulting Woman In A Helicopter In New Lawsuit

[Warning: Potentially Triggering Content]

Tommy Lee is being sued over sexual assault allegations.

In a complaint filed in Los Angeles Friday and obtained by Rolling Stone, a woman — identified only as Jane Doe — accused the Mötley Crüe drummer of “forcibly groping, kissing and penetrating her with his fingers, and attempting to force her to perform oral copulation” without her consent. She claimed the incident happened during a 40-minute trip in a helicopter from San Diego County to Van Nuys, California, 20 years ago.

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Recalling the horrific situation in the court docs, the unnamed woman alleged she first met pilot David Martz in early 2002 when he was a patron at her bank where she worked as a teller. The lawsuit stated they began a friendship and hung out together, occasionally going to lunches at a restaurant called Casa Machado. She further claimed Martz would invite her to ride in his helicopter. However, the suit said the woman was reluctant to accept the offer at first since she had never ridden in one before.

But eventually she changed her mind. In February 2003, the woman agreed and met Martz at an airfield, believing she was getting a tour of San Diego County from the skies. However, there was a last-minute change in plans. When she arrived at the meeting location, Tommy had been there. The woman was informed she and Martz would be flying the musician to Los Angeles instead of touring San Diego County, per the complaint. She hesitantly agreed to still take the trip in the chopper. But once the trio were airborne, the lawsuit alleged the booze began flowing:

“Within a matter of minutes of being airborne, Martz pulled out alcohol he had stored in the helicopter and began to mix drinks.”

The woman said Martz gave her a drink, but she did not consume it. But Martz and Tommy, on the other hand? The pair allegedly were drinking, smoking marijuana, and snorting cocaine throughout the flight. Jeez. When the pilot noticed the woman wasn’t drinking with them, he asked her why through the helicopter’s headphone system and told her to “just relax.”

In the court documents, the woman alleged Martz eventually ordered her to join the two men in the cockpit and sit on Tommy’s lap to get the best view of the area. Feeling “immense pressure,” she reluctantly agreed. The woman claimed she sat down and the 61-year-old immediately began groping and kissing her, becoming “more forceful” when she attempted to pull away from him. The complaint continued:

“At one point, Lee penetrated plaintiff with his fingers while fondling her breasts. Lee then pulled down his pants and attempted to force plaintiff’s head toward his genitals. By this point, plaintiff was in tears, but she had nowhere to go — she was trapped with little mobility to leave the cockpit.”

So, so awful. The woman claimed Martz “merely watched” the alleged sexual assault happened and said nothing to her when they flew back to San Diego after dropping Lee off in Van Nuys. Following the incident, she said she did not speak to the pilot for years. It wasn’t until June 2009 he contacted her, and they had a very brief conversation.

She’s now suing for gender violence, intentional infliction of emotional distress, and negligence, as the alleged attack caused her “great shock, distress, humiliation, shame and guilt.” The plaintiff is seeking past, present, and future damages, including medical expenses, loss of earnings, and loss of earnings capacity. In the lawsuit, she noted she decided to come forward now as she believes Martz, who died in an aviation accident in 2015, and Lee “had a history of engaging in indecent and illegal conduct on Martz’s helicopter.”


At this time, Tommy has not spoken out about the allegations against him. Reactions to the lawsuit, Perezcious readers? Let us know in the comments below.

If you or someone you know has experienced sexual violence and would like to learn more about resources, consider checking out

[Image via WENN/Avalon]

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