Tristan Thompson On STEROIDS?! NBA Suspends Him 25 Games For Failing Drug Test!

Tristan Thompson is making headlines for all the wrong reasons… and none of ’em have to do with Khloé Kardashian this time around!

The 32-year-old Cleveland Cavaliers player got popped on an NBA-mandated drug test this week, and on Tuesday, the league announced his failure is going to cost him a 25-game suspension! That’s nearly a third of the season!! This is huge!!

Related: Khloé Struggles Not To Be A ‘Petty Bitch’ & ‘Badmouth’ Tristan Thompson All Day!

Specifically, Khloé’s baby daddy violated the terms of the NBA/NBPA Anti-Drug Program by testing positive for two types of steroids: ibutamoren and SARM LGD-4033. His suspension officially begins on Wednesday night, when the Cavs play the Milwaukee Bucks.

Womp, womp!

Per the National Institutes of Health, ibutamoren is taken to promote the release of growth hormone in the pituitary gland and promote recovery from that. Meanwhile, SARM LGD-4033 — also called Ligandrol — works to mimic the function of testosterone in the body. That, in turn, increases energy and stimulates muscle growth. Both drugs, per WebMD, are banned by organizations like the World Anti-Doping Agency and the NCAA in addition to the NBA.

So Tristan got caught up in it. Which is crazy. He should know better!! He’s been in the league for well over a decade now after getting drafted way back in 2011. And he’s played for a LOT of teams, including nine prior seasons with the Cavs before he left to spend time with the Indiana Pacers, Chicago Bulls, Boston Celtics, Los Angeles Lakers, and Sacramento Kings. But now he’s back in Cleveland! Well, for some of the season anyway.

BTW, he’s getting no salary for the next 25 games while he serves out this suspension. Yes, NO PAY at all! So, uh, sorry about that last part in particular, baby mommas Jordan Craig and Maralee Nichols!!

[Image via Hulu/YouTube/Cleveland Cavaliers/YouTube]

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