Ewan McGregor Is Auctioning Off His Clothes With Help From Daughter Esther

Ewan McGregor Is Auctioning Off His Clothes With Help From Daughter Esther

Ewan McGregor is clearing out his closet and teaming up with his daughter, Esther, for help.

Esther, a model, announced that her Obi-Wan Kenobi actor dad was struck with the idea of auctioning off his clothing with proceeds going to UNICEF in a new Instagram post.

Keep reading to find out all the details…

“Me and my dad have been working on something quite special,” Esther announced in her initial Instagram. “While cleaning out his closet my father had the idea to get together, pick out the gems and best quality clothes, and sell them in order to raise money for UNICEF.”

She explained that there are “designer pieces, and one of a kind, REAL on set costumes for various films and projects he’s worked on.”

Ewan, with Esther‘s help, will be selling off the items through her Instagram, every Monday over the next few weeks, and payment is through Venmo at the moment.

“Thank you all so much for your participation! And remember if you can’t/ don’t want to buy clothes you can still donate what you can! :)”

A few of the items Ewan modeled for Esther was a Louis Vuitton suit, belt buckles and more.

Check it out!

If you’re wondering more about Ewan‘s latest facial hair look, he’s explaining the reasoning behind his mustache.