Michelle Williams OBLITERATES Instagram Troll Who Criticized Her For Not Having Kids

Back off haters!! Michelle Williams is not having it with hateful, sexist comments on her Instagram feed anymore!

The Destiny’s Child member recently clapped back at a so-called fan after they insulted her for not having kids! The hater commented on a January 15 post, saying:

“Michelle I love you but you need some children”

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Ugh, there are so many things wrong with this comment. Like, first of all, what’s even the point?? Why must she have kids just cause she’s a woman? And second, the compliment prior to the rude statement is just an annoying qualifier for the writer to feel okay with stating their unwanted opinion — like saying “no offense” before totally offending someone. Sigh.

The 41-year-old seemed to agree with us as she responded:

“You’re an idiot”

But when the user thought her comment was “uncalled for,” the singer slammed the negative follower even further by adding:

“No, what’s uncalled for is you telling a woman that she needs to have children.”

Michelle went on to explain the many reasons why the original statement is outdated, inappropriate, and just plain rude, holding nothing back as she wrote:

“What if that woman CAN’T have children?? What if that woman DOESN’T WANT children? WATCH YOUR MOUTH and FINGERS. Don’t ever let that come out of your mouth or your fingers on a comment section again to ANYBODY. I would have ignored but too many people need [to] stay out of a woman’s uterus!!! Now scram and be blessed!!!”

Honestly, we’re so glad she put that commenter in their place! Nobody should be shamed for how they want to live their life! Unfortunately, the Checking In podcast host isn’t a stranger to hateful comments either, as she’s often been flooded with “abuse” aimed at the Dawson’s Creek star of the same name.

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The mixup became especially apparent after the white actress made a passionate speech at the 2019 Emmy’s, demanding pay equality for women. One of the most powerful messages of the night, it caught a lot of attention from trolls online who were tagging the wrong Michelle Williams! The popstar took to IG Live at the time declaring:

“I’m so sorry my namesake upset you, but can’t you see that I’m black. I stand beside Michelle Williams on her speech, okay? She was beautiful, she was brilliant. She played Gwen Verdon to a tee. She was awesome. Now get it right, and stop cussing me out.”

Yass, girl!! Call. Them. Out!

What do U think of these Insta comments, Perezcious readers? Was Michelle in the right to dish out a bit of education on these rude opinions or should she have just ignored the drama?? Let us know in the comments (below)!

[Image via Michelle Williams/Instagram]

The post Michelle Williams OBLITERATES Instagram Troll Who Criticized Her For Not Having Kids appeared first on Perez Hilton.