What Time Is It? Daylight Saving Time 2020 Arrives, Leaves Nation Reeling

In an absolutely stunning and unprecedented turn of events, Daylight Saving Time 2020 shook the nation to its core Sunday.

As a result, rattled citizens are talking to their laptops, phones, smart speakers and friends, asking the all-important question:

"What Time Is It?"

Seriously. This is an actual thing going on.

Trending topics on Google early on this 8th day of March include "Daylight Savings Time," "What Time is It?" and "Local Time."

It's chaos out there in America, people.

Hours ago, for the first time since 2019, Americans (Arizona, Hawaii and P.R. excluded) were confronted with a jarring reality:

The need to set their clocks forward.

By one hour. No more, no less.

Jaws? Hitting the ground.

Daylight Savings Time 2013

Fear not, though. Breathe.

We've got this, people. We got it. If we band together, we can not only come to grips with this new world, but thrive.

THG has posted helpful Daylight Saving Time 2020 visual aids to assist you and keep you on an even keel today.

See above. And below.

Daylight Savings Time Diagram

You're welcome.

While the time change costs us an hour of sleep, evenings will be noticeably brighter, a harbinger of early spring.

Punxsutawney Phil looks to have nailed it this year, BTW. February was mild AF throughout much of the U.S.

Anyway, the sun will set around 7 p.m. or later in most of the U.S., meaning no more commuting home in the dark.

Or more natural light in your house, where you're stuck working from home in this Coronavirus-ravaged wasteland.

Either way, tight!

Tight Tight Tight!

Before you get too excited, or even more thrown off, that extra hour of daylight late in the day comes at a price.

One of the biggest arguments against Daylight Saving Time is the reduction in light in the mornings. Trade-offs.

Of course, the Earth is still moving in the right direction, from a physical standpoint, even if the country is not.

The sun will continue to rise earlier and earlier for the next three months, peaking at the solstice in mid-June.

March 8

By mid-April, sunrise will have “caught up” to where it was before DST, so you'll have that extra hour, and then some!

If you don't like it? You may be definitely giving this way too much thought, but we have some reassuring news for you:

Just give it eight months. Ride it out. November 1, Standard Time will return and we can pretend this never happened.

See below:

Daylight Savings Time Pic