Kailyn Lowry: There’s No Effing Way I’m Letting Chris Lopez In the Delivery Room!

At this point in the pandemic, you're likely feeling a bored, stressed out, and maybe even a little irritated by the people with whom you share a living space.

But hey, it could always be worse -- you could always be Kailyn Lowry.

To say that Kail has a lot on her plate these days would be a massive understatement.

Currently, Lowry is pregnant with her fourth child, and she's not on the greatest terms with her baby daddy.

In fact, Kailyn has a restraining order against Chris Lopez, who is also the father of her third child.

So it should come as no surprise that she's not expecting Lopez to play a huge role in the baby's life.

Lowry, Kailyn Rae

When Kail was pregnant with their first child together -- her third overall -- she was hopeful that Chris would eventually come around and assume the role of a responsible father.

Sadly, when the time came, Lopez behaved more like an "Instagram dad," to quote Kail.

This time around, she knows better, and she says she won't even do Chris the courtesy of allowing him to be present when the baby is born.

“I likely won’t invite Chris to the birth,” Kail said in a new interview with Champion Daily.

Kailyn Lowry on Video

She added that Lopez is legally permitted to contact her, but has made no effort to be supportive during her pregnancy.

“Despite having the PFA (order of protection), he’s allowed to contact me (in writing) via text or email about the kid(s) and he never has,” Lowry said.

“He’s never asked if they need anything," she added.

Kail went on to say that she doesn't think Lopez will even be bothered by the lack of an invitation, as he seems entirely uninterested in the life of his second son.

Chris Lopez With Lux

“So what’s the point?” Kail said. 

“So I likely won’t invite him, but am unsure.”

Yes, Kail left her options open with that last remark, but it sounds like she has her mind pretty well made up.

And who could blame her?

Kailyn Lowry and Trio of Kids

Chris was present at the birth of their son, Lux, but he apparently put in a surprise appearance at the last minute.

We're sure Kail will have a lot on her mind the day of the delivery, and she probably doesn't want to have to worry about whether or not Chris is gonna show up.

But who knows?

She's demonstrated in the past that she has quite a soft spot for the guy.