Jenelle Evans: David Eason Beat Up My Friend In Front of My Kids … But I Still Want Him Back!

Decision-making has never been Jenelle Evans' strong suit.

But even though we've spent the last decade watching the former Teen Mom 2 star collosally eff her life up, we still find ourselves a little impressed by her ability to do the exact wrong thing in every situation.

Take a look at this week's insanity, for example.

Her wildly unstable and abusive spouse, David Eason, pistol-whipped a friend of Jenelle's and got arrested twice in 24 hours.

He did this in front of the couple's kids.

Eason threatened to blow her friend's brains out but showed enough restraint - merely assaulting him with a deadly weapon - to somehow convince authorities to let him out of jail on bond.

And now, it looks as though she's once again back together with the maniac who terrorizes her and everyone around her.

This, despite the fact that the Easons are broker than ever, and their perilous financial situation is mostly David's fault.

Scroll on for the full story on this bonkers situation:

1. The Gruesome Twosome

Jenelle evans and david eason in december
Last week, David Eason was arrested for brutally attacking a male friend of Jenelle Evans'. Now, it looks as though the assault may have taken place in front of Evans' kids.

2. The Worst Dad

David eason on his gram
We probably don't need to tell you that these kids have already been traumatized enough, what with watching their dad murder the family dog during one of his temper tantrums last year.

3. Clueless and Complicit

Jenelle eason david eason photo
Each new assault on his kids' psyches reminds us that David is a monster, and Jenelle could easily remove him from her life ... but she chooses not to.

4. Bad Idea

Jenelle and david on a date
The latest offense took place last on Thursday of last week. Two male friends of Jenelle's arrived at her home to help her collect her belongings after a bad fight with David.

5. Anger Management

Jenelle evans and david eason image
Things turned ugly in a hurry when David pistol-whipped one of the men following a verbal argument.

6. The Ruckus

David eason on the land
The other man "attacked" David with a "spiked coat rack," but it looks as though no one was seriously injured.
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