Jessa Duggar & Ben Seewald: We’re Adopting a Fourth Kid!

Back in May of 2019, Jessa Duggar welcomed her third child.

This was big news in the Duggar-obsessed corners of the Internet, and not only because a new human being had entered the world.

As you're probably aware, the Duggars are very big on procreation.

In fact, girls in the family are taught from a very young age that making babies is their primary reason for being.

Despite that persistent indoctrination - some would call it fertility cult brainwashing - it looks as though none of Michelle's daughters have any interest in following in her footsteps by cranking out 19 kids.

Jessa Duggar in 2020

Josh Duggar has given his parents the most grandchildren with six - quite the feat in under 12 years of marriage.

But his wife, Anna Duggar, recently made it clear that she does not want to end up like Michelle.

(We don't blame her. The more kids you have, the better the chances that you'll end up with one like Josh!)

Jessa Duggar Holds Son

Unrelated jabs at Josh aside - next up is Jessa, who's already openly discussing her desire for a fourth child.

It's a development that would normally make Jim Bob and Michelle very happy ... but there's a but coming.

In a twist that they might not be so thrilled with, the 27-year-old revealed big news over this past weekend.


In a recent interview with Us Weekly, Jill and husband Ben Seewald revealed that they're considering adoption.

And now. “We could wait until all of our kids are grown and gone and then adopt," she said.

"But I also think it’s kind of cool to have an adopted child growing up with the other kids."

Jessa Duggar on her dramatic delivery!

“We’re just in a stage of, like, meeting with people who have adopted and getting advice," she added.

Jessa says she and Ben are "hearing their stories and seeing what that might look like for us.”

Yes, it sounds as though Jessa and Ben haven't made any definitive decisions yet.

Jessa Duggar in Sweats

But it also sounds as though they're doing a lot of research and heavily leaning toward adopting their next kid.

It's also something they've spoken about before they even had their first biological child, so it's not just a whim.

Pretty wonderful, right?

Ben, Jessa

Ben says they've met with other couples who have adopted, and they're always prepared with a battery of questions.

Those questions include:

“What avenues did you go through [for] foster care and adoption agencies? Were you adopting local [or] international?’”

Jessa Seewald, Ben and Kids

As we referenced earlier, Jessa and Ben have been considering adoption since before they even tied the knot. 

And now that they have three biological children, it seems they're on the verge of expanding their family this way.

Jessa Duggar Sons

“We’re not sure if our next baby will be adopted or not, but that’s something that has weighed heavily on our hearts since before we were married," Jessa told the celebrity gossip publication.

“I guess we’re kind of taking it one at a time and we’re thankful for each one," she added.

Son Snuggling

As for when the couple might start the process, it sounds like it will be sooner rather than later.

Jessa told Us that she frequently comes down with bouts of "baby fever" and is very eager for a new addition.

Obviously, that's great news, but Jim Bob and Michelle are likely to feel conflicted about it.

Jessa Duggar on YouTube

They're fans of family expansion by any means necessary, but since Jessa can clearly get pregnant, well ...

They view pregnancy as a sign of God's grace. To not get pregnant when one can is a controversial move.

(The couple used birth control early in their marriage, and they believe they were punished with a miscarriage.)

Jessa Duggar Post-Baby Body

But they already have three biological kids, and fortunately, the Duggar daughters are starting to rebel against Jim Bob,

So hopefully, Jessa doesn't care what he thinks.