Jenelle Evans has a history of dating terrible men.
Like, really just the worst guys you could imagine.
She's married to the worst of the worst now, David Eason, but just before she met him, she was engaged to Nathan Griffith, who is no prize either.
For a long time, David and Nathan hated each other, but now that all seems to be changing.
And here's what Nathan has to say about it ...
1. Here's The Thing
OK, so Nathan Griffith isn't the brightest, right?
2. SO Right
But one thing he's always gotten right is his low, low opinion of David Eason.
3. Almost ...
Well, until he changed his mind and gave him a "peace gathering" gift, as Jenelle would say, but more on that in just a minute.
4. Memories
Nathan and David hated each other from the beginning -- although to be fair, David definitely hated Nathan a whole lot more.
5. A Look Back
Jenelle had split from Nathan just a few weeks before she started dating David, but since they, you know, had a kid together, she still had to keep in touch with him. And David did not care for that, not one bit.
6. Scary
David tried to take control of the situation pretty much immediately. He insisted that he be the person to communicate with Nathan about Kaiser, and he even once threated to "fill this entire street with uppercut" because he was so intimidated by him.
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