This is the most pure, heartwarming news that any of us could ask for during these grim days of lockdown.
Anderson Cooper became a father this week after welcoming the birth of his son. And yes, there are photos.
"I want to share with you some joyful news," Anderson Cooper begins his joyous Instagram announcement.
"On Monday," he writes, referring to April 27, "I became a father."
"This is Wyatt Cooper," Anderson introduces his son to the world.
Writing on Thursday, the beloved journalist details: "He is three days old."
"He is named after my father," Anderson explains, "who died when I was ten."
"I hope I can be as good a dad as he was," he expresses.
"My son's middle name is Morgan," Anderson then adds.
This, too, explains: It's a family name on my mom's side."
'I know my mom and dad liked the name morgan," Anderson reveals as his post continues.
He knows this "because I recently found a list they made 52 years ago."
Anderson says that this was a list that they crafted "when they were trying to think of names for me."
"Wyatt Morgan Cooper," he announces. "My son."
"He was 7.2 lbs at birth," Anderson writes.
That is not only within the normal range for baby weights, but extremely close to average for baby weights.
"And he is sweet, and soft, and healthy," he gushes.
Anderson adores his son "and I am beyond happy."
"As a gay kid," Anderson recalls, "I never thought it would be possible to have a child."
'And," he continues, "I’m grateful for all those who have paved the way."
Many trailblazers in LGBTQ+ rights, across generations, helped to create a world where Anderson could become a father.
Anderson continues to express his gratitude "for the doctors and nurses and everyone involved in my son's birth."
"Most of all, I am grateful to a remarkable surrogate who carried Wyatt," Anderson expresses.
He gives credit to the surrogate who carried "and watched over him lovingly, and tenderly, and gave birth to him."
"It is an extraordinary blessing," Anderson acknowledges.
He is in awe of "what she, and all surrogates give to families who cant have children."
"My surrogate has a beautiful family of her own," Anderson acknowledges, "a wonderfully supportive husband, and kids."
Contrary to the TV image of surrogates as desperate twenty-somethings, most surrogates and gestational carriers have previously given birth.
"And," he says, "I am incredibly thankful for all the support they have given Wyatt and me."
"My family is blessed to have this family in our lives," Anderson expresses with gratitude.
"I do wish my mom and dad and my brother, Carter, were alive to meet Wyatt," Anderson laments.
Gloria Vanderbuilt passed away on June 17, 2019 at the age of 95.
"But," he shares, "I like to believe they can see him."
Many religions and spiritual traditions hold the view that loved ones not only exist after death, but can then observe the living.
'I imagine them all together, arms around each other, smiling and laughing," Anderson shares.
He believes that his dearly departed family members would be 'happy to know that their love is alive in me and in Wyatt."
"And," he concludes, "that our family continues."
This is so heartwarming. Today's pollen count must be especially high because my eyes are watering. From the pollen. Surely.