June Shannon: My Family Hates Me Because I’m a Crackhead!

Earlier this week, we showed you a sneak peek of June Shannon submitting to a drug test on Mama June: Family Crisis.

Now, in a new clip teasing Friday night's episode, June breaks down into tears.

Last year, June Shannon's life spiraled out of control.

Her arrest for crack cocaine was only part of the trouble.

She was in an unhealthy, toxic relationship with Geno Doak.

Their poor choices cost June her home, her small fortune, her reality career, and worst of all, her relationship with her loved ones.

"Do you think that I like the fact of ... going every day without seeing y'all?" Mama June asks.

Lauryn looks on, visibly remaining strong even though we know that she must be feeling a lot right here.

"When I talk," June says, "when we text message, I cry."

She emphasizes that she cries "every time."

June also informs Lauryn that she repeatedly watches a video of her grandbaby that Lauryn had sent her.

Not everything that June says is entirely intelligible, which is not her fault.

She is very conspicuously missing a tooth, which she has since blamed upon biting into a "fat cake," a type of marshmallow dessert.

But even when her words cannot be identified, her emotions ring clear.

June speaks about lamenting the absence of her children and grandchildren from her life.

She seemingly has some keepsakes, akin to the video, that help her to feel close to her loved ones.

But she has not seen them in some time -- because she has not been herself, and it has not been safe.

Though visibly close to tears while face to face with her mom, Lauryn's mind has not changed.

"I'm getting tired of all of her excuses," Lauryn declares in a confessional.

"Bottom line," she spells out, "you hurt us."

"You need to hear how we feel," Lauryn explains to the camera, "and how badly it has affected us."

The entire family has been feeling hurt, betrayed, and afraid to even allow themselves to hope.

June can be seen breaking down into tears.

Presumably, this difficult conversation is either happening before or immediately after June provides her urine sample.

She is submitting to a drug test on this episode. But the results ... will be mixed.

Dr. Ish has already been seen, in the previous sneak peek, announcing that he has "good news" and also "bad news."

Now, in many cases, the good news can outweigh the bad news.

In this case, however, there's no real "bad news" that is okay to get back from a drug test.

For example, he could be saying that June tested positive for something that should not be in her system, but that she has not taken it recently.

While it would be inspiring and positive for her family to hear that she has spent a small amount of time sober ... that is not enough.

In order for the family to trust June again, she will need to turn her life around, and that includes getting clean.

Why do they need for her to fix up her life? Why are the drugs that she chooses to use their business?

Ordinarily, they would not be. June has the natural right as a human being to put whatever she wants into her body.

But June's behavior while doing so has shown her family, repeatedly, that she can only be trusted when she is stone cold sober.

What behavior? How about selling off her home without so much as telling her family.

She sold off not only her own belongings, but items belonging to her children and grandchildren.

Eyewitnesses described seeing garbage and syringes littered throughout the home as it was emptied out for easy cash.

Then, there is the element of danger, as evidenced when Geno crashed the SUV into the house and then collapsed, visibly under the influence.

June had to come out of the house in nothing but a see-through robe to try to pull him into the house, to no avail.

Quite frankly, people in that state cannot be trusted around kids any more than they can behind the wheel of a car.

Fans and viewers should brace themselves for bad news.

Only in the last few months has June shown any real sign of turning her life around.

She has gotten her tooth fixed. Meanwhile, Geno has been gaining weight and baring his arms -- possible signs of sobriety.

Meanwhile, this season was filmed last year.

June's drug test is not going to go the way that Lauryn hopes, even though she is afraid to allow herself to hope.

June and Geno will go to Florida some time after this.

It will take more than this intervention to save June from herself.

Hopefully, her family will continue to offer some form of support.

Though it goes without saying that June's not making it easy for them to stand by her side.

We'll keep you updated on this incredibly sad story as more information becomes available.

June shannon breaks down i cry every time i talk to my family