June Shannon Sells and Abandons House, Shocking Family

After Lauryn Shannon and Alana Thompson had to relocate to avoid the shady stalkers after Mama June, Alana was looking forward to returning home.

But on the latest Mama June: Family Crisis, the family discovered that June had sold and abandoned her house. Alana can never return.

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Aunt Doe Doe Shannon took her adult daughter Amber to stop by June Shannon's once-nice home.

Famously, as we reported last year, June had sold off her belongings -- and those of her family.

She also sold off the damaged home for considerably less than it was worth.

Through Doe Doe and Amber's eyes, viewers got a look at the now abandoned house.

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Well, "abandoned" may not be the right word.

Whoever bought the house from June clearly decided that they could easily patch up the damage.

They redid the floors, numerous windows, and more.

(We're sure that they spent less upgrading the house than the drop in price between when June bought it and sold it -- she could have made more money)

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Funnily enough, Doe Doe and Amber were able to just waltz on inside through the unlocked door.

Real talk: surely production had already cleared the visit with the mysterious new owner, assuming that WEtv did not simply buy the house themselves.

Anyway, Doe Doe and Amber wandered around the ground floor of the house, marveling at how eerie and vacant the house has become.

The strangest part, really, was that June had apparently not notified her family at all.

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(We had never really noticed that the kitchen seems kind of small given the size of the house -- it's weird, right?)

As they went on their stunned tour, editors hilariously added somber flashbacks to when the house was inhabited.

Milestone events and sentimental flashbacks played.

Doe Doe realized, with encouragement from Amber, that she had to tell Lauryn.

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First, however, Doe Doe wanted to vent.

She was absolutely furious that June, who paid cash for that house, had abandoned it.

If you own a house, there are ways to leverage that property into additiona wealth. Even without doing that, you at least have a place to sleep.

Property is how people remain safe and preserve generational wealth. June abandoned that for quick cash -- and for Geno.

Doe Doe Shannon is Stunned

We then see Doe Doe deliver the news.

Real talk, we don't think that this was Lauryn's first time learning this.

For one thing, it was reported when June sold her house.

Just because she didn't call Lauryn to tell her doesn't mean that she doesn't know.

Lauryn Shannon Does Not Like What She Hears

A lot of reality shows feature scenes where the stars pretend to receive information for the first time.

Rarely is it so obvious as on Family Crisis, where most of the women in the family have the same facial tells when they are acting.

Eyes wide and mouths slightly open, they just deliver their lines with a little more emphasis.

It's not scripted, but it's planned. Whatever, it doesn't need to be genuine to be entertaining.

Lauryn Shannon Has a Face Journey

Seriously, Lauryn was giving extra facial reactions the whole time to make sure that editors would have their pick.

She's a true professional.

Anyway, unfortunately they then had to inform Alana.

We have zero doubt that Alana knew this already before the clearly planned moment when she brought up the idea of one day moving back home.

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That said, we're sure that she was distressed to learn that June had sold the home -- Alana's home.

Arguably almost as bad, it came out that June had told both daughters that the house would one day by theirs.

Did she mean that they would share it? Both had seemingly had the impression that they would be the sole heirs.

Anyway, Alana also brought up her belongings left behind -- things that June sold off to any buyer who wanted them.

Alana Thompson Hears "New" Information

Speaking of June committing crimes, she has a court date.

Doe Doe declared her intention to be there to confront June when she shows up.

Sure enough, June and Geno pull up in their SUV, which has seen better days.

Geno got out of the car, screaming obscenities and homophobic slurs at camera people. There is no excuse for that.

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June clearly did not wish to be seen.

We did not get to see her interaction with Doe Doe, whatever that may have been.

Hopefully, we'll see more in the next episode ... but we don't get our hopes up.

We know that June's life continued to spiral out of control for months after this was filmed. Now, however, things are looking up.