Joe Exotic Is Pissed About Brittney Griner Prison Exchange & Wants Joe Biden To Pardon Him!

Joe Exotic is pissed that Brittney Griner was able to walk free from a Russian prison… and now he wants his own deal from Joe Biden!! The former Tiger King star is serving two decades in federal prison, of course, following a conviction on a murder-for-hire charge directed at his ex-costar Carole Baskin. And while another federal judge recently […]

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Tiger King’s Joe Exotic Resentenced To 21 Years In Prison For Plotting To Kill Carole Baskin

Joe Exotic is getting out of prison early. According to TMZ, the Tiger King star was resentenced to 21 years in prison on Friday for allegedly hiring two different men to murder his nemesis, Carole Baskin. He was previously given 22 years in jail for the murder-for-hire plot against his fellow big cat lover but […]

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You MUST See Kate McKinnon As Carole Baskin In The First Teaser For Joe Vs. Carole!

Ready all of you cool cats and kittens? On Friday, Peacock dropped the first teaser of Kate McKinnon and John Cameron Mitchell as Tiger King stars Joe Exotic and Carole Baskin in the upcoming series Joe vs. Carole. The eight-episode show, which is based on the Wondry podcast Joe Exotic, follows the big cat enthusiast […]

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Carole Baskin: I Have a VERY Good Reason for Not Helping Police Find My Husband

No one is really interested in Tiger King 2 or its twisted attempt to redeem Joe Exotic.

But that does not mean that people have forgotten the documentary’s stars … including Carole Baskin.

Though Carole devotes her time, energy, and resources to rescuing big cats, some are more focused on her missing husband.

It was recently shared that Carole has no apparent interest in helping police solve that case. Why?

Millions of people bonded over Tiger King in lockdown. It was a phenomenon.

But that was a year and a half ago, before a series of cascading failures drove people out of lockdown and allowed the pandemic to worsen.

Tiger King 2 isn’t the hit that the original was, but it is a reminder that Carole Baskin’s husband, Don Lewis, has not been seen in decades.

Don went missing in the 1990s.

Since he vanished, he has not been seen in person by anyone.

Some Tiger King stars, particularly the disgraced Joe Exotic, have gleefully implied that Carole had something to do with Don’s disappearance.

The imagined story is a little more imaginative than your average “black widow for the money” story.

Like some twisted urban legend, the idea is that Carole murdered her husband and then fed him to her tigers.

While big cats are carnivores that do chew on bones in the wild, we all know that pigs are much more efficient for disposing of human remains.

Look, we don’t know what happened to Don, and we’re not naive enough to declare that anyone is innocent in this.

But it’s a little odd that so many people have seemed to uncritically absorb Joe Exotic’s claims.

Joe, lest we forget, is behind bars where he belongs for a series of crimes, including attempted murder for hire and a series of charges of unspeakable animal cruelty.

In the second documentary, a Hillsborough County detective names Moises Garcia spoke on camera.

There, he discussed the reopened missing persons case regarding Don Lewis.

Moises was more than willing to give the impression that Carole is totally uninterested in cooperating with the renewed investigation.

Oh? Why might that be?

The implication, of course, is that Carole is the alleged murderer and therefore doesn’t want to assist investigators.

But Carole has her own explanation.

Carole Baskin spoke to TMZ to explain her reluctance.

“There is no one who has more to gain from solving the mystery of Don’s disappearance than I do,” she asserted.

Carole explained that she is invested “because it would clear my name and stop the idiotic rumors.”

So, why isn’t she helping?

“There is nothing that I know that is not either in the Sheriff’s files or in the diary I have published at,” Carole noted.

“And,” she reasoned, “no way I am going to have a clearer memory or anything to add twenty-four years later.”

Carole described spending hundreds of hours combing through documents.

She has handed over evidence to authorities.

Carole even offered a $100,000 reward for the discovery of Don’s location.

Meanwhile, it is alleged that the Department of Homeland Security found that Don is alive and well — living in Costa Rica.

Carole has recently stated that she hopes that this is true.

For what it’s worth, so do we. Frankly, these documentaries have sensationalized Carole while trying to paint a confirmed, convicted monster in a positive light. That has never sat right with us.

Tiger King’s Joe Exotic Announces ‘Aggressive Cancer’ Diagnosis From Prison

Another misfortune has befallen Joe Exotic. The sequel to the wild (and wildly popular) Netflix docuseries is around the corner, but Joe — real name Joseph Maldonado-Passage — preempted the premiere with a bombshell of his own. As you may recall, in 2020 the zookeeper was sentenced to 22 years in prison for two separate […]

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Carole Baskin Getting Her Very Own Docuseries: I’ll Expose Joe Exotic!

Carole Baskin is perhaps the most divisive figure to arise from 2020’s Tiger King phenomenon.

When it comes to animal welfare, she’s certainly in better standing than Joe Exotic.

Some people like jokes about her. Her missing husband’s family doesn’t feel that way.

No matter how you feel, know that she’s not going away. She’s about to tell her side of the story.

Carole Baskin is the CEO of Big Cat Rescue and, for a year and a half now, a controversial public figure.

The Netflix documentary showed a certain side of her — and of everyone involved, really.

Viewers of an upcoming Discovery Plus docuseries will get to see Carole’s side of things.

The two-part docuseries is titled Carole Baskin’s Cage Fight.

There, she will walk viewers through the battle for animal rights.

Her work and her passion is the protection of big cats.

This won’t just be about big cats in general, however.

Viewers will also get an inside look into Carole’s investigation into the G.W. Zoo.

That infamous zoo was the former property of Joe Exotic and then Jeff Lowe.

The zoo has since been awarded to Carole Baskin by the courts.

There have been a lot of accusations surrounding the zoo.

One imagines that there is a great deal to investigate … but the findings could be profoundly unsettling.

Carole may be the titular star, but she won’t be the only one.

Griff Garrison is a retired homicide detective. Chealsi is Joe Exotic’s niece.

They will join Carole and her team as they investigate the zoo.

There have been distressing allegations of animal abuse at the zoo — beyond Joe’s exiting convictions.

There are also allegations of other serious crimes that some believe took place on the property.

There is a lot of ground to cover and there are decades of history on the property to investigate.

Carole Baskin spoke in a press release to announce the new docuseries.

“This is a unique opportunity for audiences to come ‘behind the scenes’ with us,” she teased.

Carole continued: “for an unfiltered look at how we expose the cub petting exploiters and roadside zoos we feel are mistreating animals.”

“This is our real-life work within a dangerous world,” Carole continued.

“And viewers will see it comes with our people being threatened,” she shared.

Carole continued: “guns pointed at us and the bad guys shooting at our drones.”

Carole Baskin’s Cage Flight will premiere on November 13 on the Discovery Plus streaming platform.

It’s certain to be constroversial.

But … are people interested?

When a sequel to Tiger King was announced, the internet responded with collective disinterest.

It was a bonding thing for many people during the early weeks of pandemic lockdown.

To a lot of people, delving back into that world wouldn’t just be rehashing old news, it would be an unwelcome reminder of that time.

But this could be just different enough to draw an audience’s interest.

This isn’t a sequel to Tiger King — this is a related show that will take a different approach to that same world.

Honestly, we hope that it takes a more responsible look than the original docuseries did.

But Carole is also accused of, well, being a murderer.

Her missing husband’s disappearance was not recent, but his family still wants answers.

They are sure to have a lot to say about this.

Carole Baskin SLAMS Tiger King 2: ‘Reality Show Dumpster Fire’

Not everyone is happy about the return of Tiger King! As you may know, Netflix recently announced the return of their juggernaut true crime docuseries, Tiger King, for a second season. Yep, everyone’s OG quarantine binge is coming back, and from the looks of the teaser, it seems that Joe Exotic will be making an […]

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Carole Baskin Speaks Out After Animal Rescue Volunteer Gets Bitten By Tiger & Suffers Serious Injuries!

Things aren’t going so well at Carole Baskin’s Big Cat Animal Rescue! According to reports, one of the tigers at the Tampa-based facility snacked on a staffer’s hand, causing her to suffer a pretty bad injury. Hillsborough Fire Rescue said they received an emergency call around 8:30 am on Thursday at the Tiger King breakout […]

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Halloween In Quarantine 2020 — All The Best Costumes From Your Fave Celebs!

Due to the coronavirus pandemic, Halloween looks VERY different this year! Trick or treating is canceled in many states, and parties all over the US have gone unplanned. Fortunately, you can still dress up and have a safe celebration from inside your COVID bubble (seriously, we better not see anyone out and about being d**ks!). […]

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Tiger King‘s Carole Baskin Comes Out As Bisexual & Says She Always Felt Like She Was ‘Born Into The Wrong Body’

Carole Baskin is opening up about something she’s known on the inside for a LONG time! The Tiger King star is fresh off her turn on the high-profile reality TV competition show Dancing with the Stars, still basking in the publicity afforded to her — and her organization, Big Cat Rescue — through that venture. With that, […]

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Tiger King Shocker! Human Remains Sniffed Out Near Lake Property Of Carole Baskin’s Missing Husband!

Could Don Lewis‘ disappearance finally have a solid lead?! As you’ll likely recall, the case of his 1997 vanishing act was reopened following the release of Tiger King: Murder, Mayhem and Madness, which chronicled the life of his former wife Carole Baskin along with others in the big cat space. On the show, Joe Exotic shared theories suggesting […]

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Tiger King Star Carole Baskin Admits In Old Letter She ‘Would Have Eventually Killed My Husband’! Whoa!

Carole Baskin has some explaining to do about a recently unearthed old letter of hers… The Tiger King star — who took her turn on Dancing With The Stars this season, as well — is the writer of a very interesting old letter than has just been uncovered and publicized for a new TV special. In the […]

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Joe Exotic: Carole Baskin Is Going to JAIL For Killing Her Husband!

When Tiger King debuted on Netflix back in March, no one anticipated that it would become the top pop cultural phenomenon of 2020.

In fact, if we told you Americans would still be wearing masks and obsessing over Joe Exotic in September, you might have had a hard time deciding which claim is more difficult to believe.

The doc series about polygamous big cat enthusiasts is enjoying a resurgence in popularity at the moment thanks to Carole Baskin’s appearances on Dancing With the Stars.

Unfortunately for Carole, all that attention has served to dredge up some old scandals that she would probably prefer to forget about.

As you probably remember — who could forget? — Baskin has been accused of killing her husband, Don Lewis, and disposing of his body by feeding it to one of the tigers at her zoo.

The chief proponent of that theory is Mr. Exotic himself, and it’s kind of hard to take anything he says seriously, especially since the guy is currently serving a 19-year prison sentence on murder for hire charges.

But that’s the thing about wild conspiracy theories — just because nutjobs believe in them, that doesn’t mean they’re not true.

Sane people who have been following the situation also believe Baskin may have played a role in her husband’s disappearance.

Among them are Lewis’ family, who took out an ad during Baskin’s first DWTS appearance offering a reward for information about the missing man.

Naturally, Joe is loving all of this shade being thrown at his number one foe, and we suppose it was only a matter of time before he jumped in and started bashing Baskin himself.

Exotic is the subject of an upcoming Discovery ID special, and TMZ has obtained a portion of one of the prison interviews producers conducted for the project.

“All I can say is, don’t throw stones when you live in a glass house,” Joe says of Carole.

“A dear friend of ours in Tampa, Florida is feeling the repercussions of the way she’s lived the last 20 years of her life,” he continues.

“I’m glad that Don’s family is gonna finally maybe get some answers.”

From there, Exotic suggests that he’s just one of the many people who have been brought down by Baskin’s ongoing campaign to conceal the truth.

“This is a travesty,” he says.

“If this can happen to me, how many other people have been tried. All of their cases need to be re-opened and re-looked at.”

For obvious reasons, Baskin has not responded publicly to this latest round of allegations.

But she’s likely realizing that her decision to compete on DWTS has led to a renewed interest in her husband’s disappearance.

Even if she wins, we doubt that the Mirrored Disco Ball is worth all of this grief.

Joe exotic carole baskin is going to jail for killing her husban