Emily Bieberly SLAMMED After Kobe Confrontation: Is She a 90 Day Fiance Villain?

From the start of Season 9, Emily Bieberly and Kobe Blaise’s storyline has been a hot topic among 90 Day Fiance fans.

Viewers aren’t one-sided, at times clashing on social media as if they’re watching different shows — or coming from different planets.

Events in the latest episode left fans wondering if Emily and Kobe are even still together after a nasty confrontation.

Is Emily the bad guy that critics say that she is? It’s complicated.

Emily Bieberly is aware of how much she's changed

Before we delve into what’s been going on with Emily Bieberly and Kobe Blaise, here’s what people are saying.

Emily’s antics on Episode 8 were certainly her worst — except perhaps in the eyes of mom-shamers who are terrified of boobs.

The social media backlash was intense, so much so that there was comparatively little said about Kobe’s behavior in the same episode.

Emily Bieberly critical tweet 02 of 03

“Trying to see where Emily was helping Kobe during that scene,” one Twitter user commented.

As we will recap shortly, Emily thought that she was “helping” Kobe by attempting to micromanage him during a chore.

She was not. Had they communicated as a healthy couple should, she would have known this.

Emily Bieberly critical tweet 01 of 03

“The only reason why Emily and Kobe are fighting, is because Emily is starting every disagreement,” claimed another.

Actually, that’s not quite the truth, though she certainly caused a major disagreement in the stables on Episode 8.

Previously, Kobe started an argument, both wanting Emily to breastfeed in private for some reason and wanting her to stop altogether.

Emily Bieberly critical tweet 03 of 03

“No Emily, YOU were being rude. YOU ARE ALWAYS RUDE DEMANDING & CONTROLLING!” another exclaimed on Twitter.

“You were not talking talking to him, you were nagging, berating, & disrespectful to kobe,” the person continued.

“You have no thought about how your actions affect him. Its you,” the tweeter wrote. “You are the issue.” That’s at least partially true.

Kobe Blaise - I have to suck her breasts

Turning back the clock a little, Emily — though instantly on many viewers’ hit lists — started off in a good place this season.

Kobe was the one who picked a fight with her over breastfeeding, in part admitting that he wanted her breasts to herself instead of having to “share” with his son.

He also tried to discourage her from nursing her son or pumping milk in her own home, asking that she go hide in the basement.

Emily Bieberly - where am I supposed to go? downstairs?

There are, unfortunately, other people who think like this in the world, though culturally this mom-shaming weirdness is going out of style in the US.

This is why so many celebrities share breastfeeding photos on social media, pushing to normalize something that is very normal.

If someone has sexualized breasts to the point where they cannot conceive of a child being fed in public, or even in the living room, then that’s on them.

Kobe Bliase chats while Emily Bieberly feeds Koban

Some viewers seemed to agree with Kobe that Koban was “too old” to be nursing, but that is one of those things that’s just factually incorrect.

There are of course instances of child-led weaning that take place at younger ages, but Koban is 17 months old.

Almost every health organization on the planet, including the government of Kobe’s native Cameroon, urges breastfeeding until age 2 if not longer.

Emily Bieberly walks Kobe Blaise through changing Koban's diaper

Fans have accused Emily of being “bossy” before, though some of these incidents were sort of necessary.

When someone is learning to change a diaper for the first time, instructions are often necessary to help them do it right.

I changed my first diaper when I was six or seven years old, but I’d want guidance on changing a specific brand on a specific child, for the child’s comfort.

Emily Bieberly guides Kobe Blaise through Koban's car seat

Emily also closely supervised Kobe as he put Koban into the car seat.

Slight errors in putting a baby or a toddler into a car seat can result in discomfort.

Other mistakes can be fatal. You can’t leave stuff like that up to chance for politeness’ sake.

Kobe Blaise to Emily Bieberly - ground nuts (peanuts)

When it comes to child’s safety, things like good intentions (or even culture) have to take a back seat.

So when Emily came in just in time to see Kobe about to give their 17-month-old whole peanuts, it was not a moment too soon.

Whole or parts of peanuts are not advised for children under age four, because they are a choking hazard.

info card - no whole peanuts or parts before age 4

Emily was strongly condemned over every one of those incidents, and more.

The harsh truth is that some of the condemnation was purely misogyny, part of it was production and editing baiting vocal misogynists among viewers.

90 Day Fiance knows its audience all too well, and extreme backlash against (mostly women) cast members has helped the show’s ratings and brand.

Kobe Blaise walks with Emily Bieberly and Lisa

On Episode 8, out of a desire to help out so vague that it feels like production just wanted them to do something interesting, Kobe went out to the stables.

Accompanied by Emily and Emily’s mother, Lisa, his goal was to help with a chore in the stables.

Emily was already eager to spend time with her fiance after this … unfortunately, too eager.

Emily Bieberly gets bossy about how to do things

In her excitement, Emily got downright pushy with Kobe.

She tried to micromanage how he did the chore, right down to advising him on how much horse manure to put on his shovel.

Some folks would love to be told exactly how to do something, but many of us would not. Kobe would not.

Kobe Blaise bristles after being given instructions

It is clear that, in Emily’s mind, she was “helping” her fiance to get the job done faster.

But she came across as bossy, and only grew bossier when Kobe did not immediately take her advice.

The two sort of spiraled, each growing more annoyed with the other without ever communicating why.

Kobe Blaise - can you just shut the f--k up?

Tempers flared, which is when Kobe said something that, for many (hopefully most) relationships, would be a deal-breaker.

“Can you just shut the f–k up?” Kobe asked Emily.

Emily had been rude, but this was an escalation. It’s not an acceptable way to speak to a friend, let alone your fiancee and the mother of your child.

Emily Bieberly has never seen this toxic side of him before

It was not lost on a visibly stunned Emily that Kobe had also said this in front of her mother.

Before going inside, she told the cameras that she had never seen this side of him.

Emily worried that this could happen again. Unfortunately, she did not seem to recognize her escalating rudeness before Kobe.

Kobe Blaise - I feel like maybe it's an American thing

Kobe very clearly did not, in turn, understand how far over the line he had crossed by telling his fiancee to STFU.

In the stables, he speculated — to Emily’s mom — that perhaps cultural gender roles were to blame, that this was an “American thing.”

Lisa gently countered that this was more of a “person” thing, noting that her own husband would never, under any circumstances, speak to her that way.

Emily Bieberly confronts Kobe Blaise, the two semi-apologize

Inside, Kobe and Emily clashed again, offering each other halfhearted apologies.

Emily simply said that she was sorry for “talking” to Kobe, which was not sincere and frankly showed that she had no idea how hostile she had been.

And Kobe still didn’t seem to fully grasp how hurtful his words had been.

Neither Emily nor Kobe have shown themselves to be real competition for this season’s biggest villain.

Bilal and Mohamed seem to be the strongest contenders for that so far.

But Emily is certainly among the most hated, which is pretty par for the course in terms of what the 90 Day Fiance audience’s most vocal members do and do not like.

Emily clearly has the potential to emerge as a season villain, but “she’s bossy while he’s doing chores” isn’t really enough for that.

If she keeps this up, or escalates, she could end up being a bad guy — albeit not the Lifetime movie plotline that Bilal is putting Shaeeda through.

But if we’re being honest, so far, Emily’s been in the right in most of her conflicts with Kobe. He seems like a decent guy, but that doesn’t mean that he’s right.

Are Emily Bieberly and Kobe Blaise Still Together?

This season, toxic aspects of Emily Bieberly and Kobe Blaise’s storyline have played upon the worst instincts of 90 Day Fiance viewers.

But it’s not only aboud editing and misogyny. This couple has real issues that production barely has to exaggerate.

This week’s episode saw Kobe snap, telling Emily to “shut the f–k up” in front of her mom after she got bossy.

Some people will never work out and are just better off apart. Are they still together?

In previous episodes, Emily Bieberly telling Kobe Blaise what to do made sense.

It wasn’t just that she was teaching him things — she was teaching him important things that should never be messed up.

How to change a diaper, how to put Koban in his car seat, how to please never feed whole peanuts to a 17-month-old … you need to get these right the first time.

Emily Bieberly is excited for Kobe Blaise to be done so that they can hang out

On Episode 8, however, Kobe was learning how to help out on her parents’ land.

(The reasons were so vague that we sort of get the feeling that production begged them to do something interesting, but hey, maybe Lisa really did need the help)

While Kobe shoveled some foul-smelling equine offerings in the stable, Emily was eager to be able to spend time with him.

Emily Bieberly gets bossy about how to do things

Unfortunately, she channeled this excitement into basically badgering Kobe into doing the job differently.

She was being bossy and micromanaging him on a task that is not urgent or consequential.

There are some people who prefer to be told exactly what to do and how to do it. Kobe is not one of them.

Kobe Blaise bristles after being given instructions

Emily felt that she was being “helpful” by telling Kobe how to do things faster so that they could move on to something else.

Kobe felt that she was being patronizing and annoying.

Neither of them communicated their feelings very well to each other. They became abrasive, hurt each other’s feelings, and then things got worse:

Kobe Blaise - can you just shut the f--k up?

There are simply no circumstances, outside of perhaps some specific bedroom role play, when you should tell your partner to “shut the f–k up.”

Kobe wasn’t responding to a joke or a funny story — he was demanding that Emily stop speaking to him, as rudely as possible.

This kind of line would very reasonably end friendships. It’s an outrageous way to speak to one’s fiancee … especially in front of her mom, but also in private.

Emily Bieberly has never seen this toxic side of him before

Emily was shocked, and she told the camera as much before going inside.

She had never before witnessed this side of Kobe, not in their two months in China and not in their long-distance relationship.

Is this how he is going to react during future disagreements?

Kobe Blaise - I feel like maybe it's an American thing

In the stable, Kobe very awkwardly spoke to Lisa, Emily’s mom.

Kobe seemed to miss the nuance of how rude and hostile what he had said to his fiancee had been.

He wondered if this conflict had to do with them coming from different cultures with different gender roles.

Lisa Bieberly delicately says that it's a "person" thing, her husband would never

Lisa was able to gently steer Kobe in another direction, helping him to understand her daughter’s reaction a bit better.

This wasn’t about how men and women speak in the US so much as about how one person speaks to another.

She noted that her husband would never, ever speak to her the way that Kobe had just spoken to Emily.

Emily Bieberly confronts Kobe Blaise, the two semi-apologize

When Kobe went in, the two offered each other half-apologies.

Emily didn’t seem to grasp how bossy she had been.

Kobe was more apologetic, but still didn’t give the impression that he understood the line that he had crossed.

Kobe Blaise walks with Emily Bieberly and Lisa

Before these recent disagreements, most of the conflict that we saw had more to do with the viewing audience.

Baited by the production crew and editors, misogynistic trolls have been frothing at the mouths with hatred for Emily.

From (gasp!) being honest about her sexual history with Kobe to (no!) breastfeeding her son, she made an easy target for a certain portion of viewers.

But are Emily and Kobe still together? We know that this was all filmed many months ago — likely late last year.

Many, but not all, of us would consider “shut the f–k up” an absolute relationship dealbreaker no matter what, though clearly this is not the case for Emily.

Could they still be together after multiple disputes and an exchange of such harsh words?

Kobe Blaise IG mother's day tribute 2022

Last month, Kobe and Emily hinted that they are still together.

Kobe gave a shoutout on Mother’s Day, praising all moms but singling out Emily by saying “I still got this wonderful woman.”

Emily reinforced the hint by telling him that she loves him in a comment, as you can see above. It certainly appears that they were still together very recently.

Kobe Blaise IG know your worth video still

To complicate matters, however, Kobe made a vague post to Instagram after Episode 8 aired.

“Know your worth and never feel bad to break a relationship or leave a place where you’re not appreciated,” he wrote.

“Some people are in your life for a reason,” he offered, “while others are there for a season.”

Kobe Blaise IG know your worth caption

“And,” Kobe continued, “most of the times those seasonal people in your life will make you feel like you can’t survive without them.”

He advised: “Remember God does not only bless people financially, taking someone out of your can also be a blessing. We move”

It sounds like a generic piece of advice … but is it a hint that he and Emily are over? Only time will tell.

Jibri Bell BRAWLS with Daveed Over Miona Insults on 90 Day Fiance (Recap)

90 Day Fiance Season 9, Episode 8 showed multiple couples going from bad to worse.

Jibri spends a lot of time defending his buddy Daveed to Miona, because the two do not get along.

Once there, however, Jibri and Daveed are the ones clashing … leading to a physical fight.

Ariela is trying to be supportive of Biniyam’s pie-in-the-sky UFC dreams, but she is in for a rude awakening.

Bilal and Shaeeda grapple with religious differences and very conflicting ideas about how to live and operate in their home.

Emily and Kobe are not getting along, leading to a very toxic moment that happens right in front of her family.

Kara and Guillermo’s short but sweet walk downtown highlights how common international love stories can be.

Patrick is moving to Dallas, which means that so is Thais … and, to her chagrin, John.

Finally, Mohamed is starting to make it clear that his previously stated rules for Yve were just the start — and he expects her to convert.

1. Jibri Bell and Miona Bell

Jibri bell and miona bell pack for chicago
The two start off at home in Rapid City, packing up for their trip to Chicago. Jibri laments that Miona is taking up so much space in the suitcases, but he also packs what looks like a dozen different sets of sunglasses. That is extremely Jibri of him, but it’s a pretty cute moment for them.

2. They drive to Chicago

Jibri bell defends his friend during the drive
It’s more than 900 miles (nearly 13 hours of driving), so what we saw of the drive was very abbreviated, but Jibri knows that Miona and Daveed don’t get along or like each other, but defends his buddy to Miona, asking her to give him a chance. He also details to the camera that Daveed kicked his head into a coma when they were teens (he was out for three days) after Jibri made fun of his accent. Jibri dated a girl for months only to learn that she is Daveed’s twin sister, and he and Daveed forged a lasting friendship. Totally bonkers.

3. They arrive

Jibri bell meets up with daveed dacho
Daveed promotes his truck-related business to the cameras as he and Jibri touch base. He and Miona force smiles and hug.

4. But Daveed has some advice for Jibri

Jibri bell is unhappy with pragmatic advice
He suggests that Jibri do some “real” business like he is, which Jibri does not want to hear. He accuses Daveed of sounding just like his (Jibri’s) parents. Jibri’s focus will be music, but Daveed feels that Jibri has only made a little in recent years and has seemed distracted.

5. The distraction objects to that

Miona bell defends jibri bell to daveed dacho
Miona speaks up for Jibri following his dreams. It’s a good reminder that these two do work very well together, even if they have been clashing over wedding plans.

6. Speaking of which …

Miona bell calls to inquire about a destination wedding
Miona is taken aback by how expensive this beach wedding that she wants for some reason will be. It’s three times as expensive as it would have been in Serbia. This does not deter her, however, even driving her to take the drastic step of calling to ask questions as she hopes to have a destination wedding during the K-1 visa timeframe.

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Kobe Blaise Loses Patience with Emily Bieberly: STFU!!

While many 90 Day Fiance viewers have been appalled by the sexist backlash against Emily Bieberly, but she and Kobe Blaise are still finding their way.

That means that, as they try to adapt to being together again as parents after two years apart, they’ll have their ups and downs.

In this clip, Emily is overly eager to help Kobe with what he’s doing, and the two clash.

When Kobe tells Emily to “shut the f–k up,” things have clearly taken an ugly turn.

Without context, it’s hard to say why Kobe Blaise is doing some shoveling in this horse stable.

But as this sneak peek for Season 9, Episode 8 of 90 Day Fiance begins, that’s what he’s doing.

He and Emily Bieberly are all bundled up, while Emily’s mom keeps a respectful distance so that she doesn’t get in the middle of the couple.

Emily is seemingly eager for the two to be able to spend time together.

But, in her eagerness, she is offering too much “advice” that sounds like instructions.

Unlike basic safety stuff with Koban, this is hardly life-or-death, so Kobe is bristling under Emily’s suggestions.

“Let me do it my own way, alright?” Kobe tells Emily after a little too much micromanagement.

“Are you serious?” he asks. “It’s like you want us to fight about almost everything.”

Emily is clearly hurt by this, snapping back with “Stop talking and just do it.”

What started as a simple communication issue devolves,w ith Kobe telling the camera that it feels like Emily wants to “control everything.”

To him, it feels like she is hounding him. To her, it feels like he’s ignoring helpful advice.

“I wish you would just listen to me,” she expresses during the clip.

Kobe explains that he gets the impression that Emily is deliberately putting on a show of bossing him around.

He feels that she is “just trying to make her family know that she is in control of me.”

Kobe continues: “But I’m losing my patience.”

From her perspective, he’s just ignoring her advice, which she finds confusing and hurtful.

So Emily tells him that she’s not going to “help” him with this anymore.

She thinks that he’s being rude (to be clear, they are both being rude because neither of them are communicating well).

Kobe wasn’t kidding when he said that he was losing his patience.

“Can you just shut the f–k up?” he asks Emily.

Emily is stunned. Her mother, who is close enough nearby to hear, is also shocked. That’s just not something that someone in a healthy relationship says to another.

“I cannot believe you just said that to me,” Emily replies.

Kobe continues, saying that he straight-up does not need her around while he is working.

Emily is upset, storming off. Kobe says “F–k off” while she departs. That is … not good.

Some people work extremely well with specific instructions. Other people resent being told how to do things. Often, there’s a mix of both.

What happened here was two conflicting communication styles resulting in both of them finding the other rude and hurtful.

Unfortunately, instead of talking things out, the two just allowed their anger to build until Kobe lashed out. This was entirely preventable.

Kobe blaise loses patience with emily bieberly stfu

Mohamed Abdelhamed Demands Yvette Arellano Choose Him or a Bikini on 90 Day Fiance (Recap)

Memorial Day Weekend’s episode of 90 Day Fiance saw some new, ugly sides to a few cast members come out.

Season 9, Episode 7’s most dramatic moment went down with Mohamed and Yvette, from start to finish.

An awkward dinner with Yve’s friends led to rehashing an old argument in the car, with Mohamed making it clear that he expects a lot more changes from her.

In Princeton, Ariela takes Biniyam for dinner with her family, but her siblings have questions and concerns. Can he reassure them?

Bilal and Shaeeda’s blink-and-you-miss-it scene involves some genuine romance and a heart-to-heart.

It is a very welcome break from the Lifetime Original psychological thriller Bilal’s been putting on.

Emily and Kobe clash over seemingly everything. Who will end up in the (literal) driver’s seat of their relationship?

Jibri takes Miona to meet his amazing grandmother, but just because their outfits match doesn’t mean that they see eye-to-eye on everything.

Kara takes Guillermo to her high school reunion, where he comes face-to-face with her ex. One revelation could forever change how he views Kara.

1. Yvette Arellano and Mohamed Abdelhamed

Mohamed abdelhamed calls out yvette arellano dress slash jacket
Yve and Mohamed are ready to go out to dinner to meet up with her friends, who will be meeting him in person for the first time. However, Mohamed calls out Yve’s outfit, asking her to wear a longer jacket because her underwear shows through her dress in some lighting. This is a common issue with a lot of clothing, but a dealbreaker for him. Yvette agrees and gets a long jacket, but she is clearly a little taken aback that this is how the evening is beginning.

2. No wine, thanks

Yvette arellano passes on wine tonight
While Jen, Rochelle, and Tatiana are free to drink wine, Yvette has agreed to Mohamed’s request that she only drink on special occasions now. She has also removed pork from her diet. She is not Muslim herself or interested in converting, but she is doing a lot to make him comfortable.

3. What does Mohamed think of Yve’s friends?

Mohamed abdelhamed they are weird
He thinks that they’re weird, mostly. He feels like they are dressed in a certain way to test him and his reactions — Rochelle, at least, is wearing a low neckline, though looking back at Yvette’s introductory episode, the skin coverage is comparable to how they dressed when they just met up with Yve.

4. Time for a “lightning round” of questions

Jen rochelle and tatiana ask mohamed abdelhamed about past relat
Realistically, you don’t get on the show with your friend if you’re not going to ask some tough questions or otherwise stir the pot, so that’s just what they do. They ask Mohamed about his prior relationship experiences. He had one serious ex, but she broke things off because he does not have money. He confirms that he has never slept with or kissed anyone before Yve.

5. Oh?

Yvette arellanos friend jen asks about sex porn
Yvette previously gave him rave reviews, however vague, to her friends, so they ask how he even knew what to do. Jen asks a natural but over-the-line question, which is whether Mohamed learned what to do from porn.

6. Mohamed is clearly scandalized and offended

Mohamed abdelhamed no one never would ask this kind of questions
He says that he would be shocked if anyone for any reason discussed this in his community in Egypt. Of course, he’s on a reality show, he’s experiencing a different culture, and Jen is a sex therapist who is accustomed to very direct relationship conversations. But even in America, blunt discussions of sex and porn usually take place between trusted friends who are both comfortable with the topic, not with strangers. Usually.

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Emily Bieberly and Kobe Blaise Storyline Exposes 90 Day Fiance’s Biggest Flaw

Emily Bieberly and Kobe Blaise weren’t on the latest episode of 90 Day Fiance, but they are still a hot topic.

After their last episode, some viewers are looking right past Bilal and Shaeeda’s Lifetime psychological thriller vibes to label Emily a “villain.”

There is a simple explanation for why Emily and Kobe getting such a strong response.

And it goes right to the heart of 90 Day Fiance‘s most pernicious problem.

Kobe Bliase chats while Emily Bieberly feeds Koban

In many ways, Emily Bieberly and Kobe Blaise’s story is inspiring.

They waited so long to be together, really through no fault of their own, and both want to shower love on their young son.

Kobe made the journey to Salina, Kansas to live with Emily and her family and to finally bond with precious little Koban. It’s a beautiful story.

Kobe Blaise - getting to meet Koban for the first time

But back on Episode 5, things took a sour turn when Kobe confronted Emily about pumping milk for Koban.

He didn’t like that she was doing it at all, and he insisted that she should not be doing it in the living room.

Kobe challenged Emily pretty bluntly while she pumped milk for their son, claiming that this is “not normal.”

Kobe Blaise tells Emily Bieberly - this is not normal

Emily was taken aback, as were any viewers who hadn’t seen the warnings of this in previews.

She’s already in her own home. Where was she supposed to go to pump?

According to Kobe, downstairs in the basement.

Emily Bieberly - where am I supposed to go? downstairs?

Interestingly, Kobe — possibly answering a producer’s question — claimed that this is unusual in Africa.

Kobe is from Cameroon, and we don’t doubt that his impression of “discreet” women reflects his life experiences.

But many African fans of 90 Day Fiance have pointed out that this is not universal to the entire continent, with some admitting that they’d assumed that being uptight over breastfeeding was an “American” thing.

Kobe Blaise - in Africa, women will be a little more discreet

There’s no question that many Americans do have hangups about breasts, women, motherhood, and where they intersect in breastfeeding.

Fortunately, Emily’s parents affirmed to the camera that they do not share that antiquated worldview.

They support their daughter feeding their grandson, and don’t want her to hide in some sort of Shame Room to do it. Obviously.

Emily Bieberly parents David & Lisa support Emily breastfeeding Koban

Kobe soon revealed that there was more to it than simply being uptight about breasts being visible.

He admitted that he wanted Emily to start weaning Koban, not going with a child-lead weaning route.

Though virtually every health organization in the world recommends breastfeeding until age 2 or older, Kobe found it odd that Koban was still breastfeeding.

Kobe Blaise - how you're gonna have to, like, stop him

Cameroon’s own government recommends breastfeeding until age 2 or longer.

There are also alarming health statistics about the role that malnutrition plays in the deaths of young children in Cameroon.

Despite multiple initiatives to promote breastfeeding, reports say that cultural obstacles — which may explain Kobe’s attitudes — have hindered these noble efforts.

Cameroon child malnutrition deaths - 38% under age 5

It soon became clear, as Kobe spoke to the camera, that he did not wish to “share” Emily’s breasts with his son.

He and Emily are engaged and are rekindling their sex life … as much as they can, given that they’re parents and also living with her parents.

But he wants her breasts all to himself, which is an odd way to look at things.

Kobe Blaise - I have to suck her breasts

That is already a lot to unpack, but we knew that it was coming.

It wasn’t just the trailers that warned us. The cameras and editing made certain that we all saw Emily breastfeeding Koban.

Part of it was to get a reaction from mom-shaming misogynists who feel as Kobe does, and part of it was to set up viewers for Kobe’s confrontation.

Koban is high energy at bedtime with Emily Bieberly and Kobe Blaise

There have been other easy shots at Emily, from her one night with Kobe in the hotel before coming home to using separate beds at home to help Koban stay on schedule.

Emily has had her defenders, of course, especially by past and present breastfeeding parents and others who don’t think that hiding in shame is ever appropriate.

But overall, even as viewers watch Bilal play games with Shaeeda’s emotions until she is driven to tears, Emily is getting the “villain” treatment.

mom-shaming breastfeeding 01 of 03 (may 2022 examples)

It’s not like the show — from producers to editors — didn’t know that Emily feeding her son would get backlash.

There have been any number of viral stories in recent years in which someone gets mom-shamed for (gasp) nursing their kid.

Whether it’s in a restaurant or on a park bench, intrusive weirdos will make absurd demands of strangers, some of whom clap back and go viral for it.

mom-shaming breastfeeding 02 of 03 (may 2022 examples)

The phenomenon of this particular type of misogynistic trolling is so well-documented that there are support groups.

Part of it has to do with how our culture sexualizes breasts to such a degree that even nursing a baby is framed as “indecent.”

It’s not everyone, and it is getting better, but many parents know that refusing to hide in the bathroom to feed their child could make them targets — and 90 Day Fiance was counting on that.

mom-shaming breastfeeding 03 of 03 (may 2022 examples)

90 Day Fiance has a lengthy history of catering to misogynists, using editing and even casting to spoon-feed them reasons to hate a woman on screen.

Some of the women in the franchise have been genuinely awful people, but we’re not talking about Leida Margaretha or Angela Deem.

One simply needs to edit out a little context — or, more simply, show a young, pretty woman living her life — and a certain segment of viewers will eat them alive.

Emily Bieberly and Kobe Blaise 90 days to wed

Considering the world in which we live, it’s almost surprising to see that 90 Day Fiance‘s misogyny problem is bigger than it’s racism or xenophobia issues.

As long as the editing continues to cater to that, a couple of stars each season are going to be thrown into a meat-grinder fueled by (often internalized) misogyny.

Maybe Emily will do something awful later this season. Right now, she’s just feeding her son, and the people who have a problem with that — including Kobe — are just plain wrong.

Kobe Blaise Wants Emily Bieberly’s Breasts All for Himself on 90 Day Fiance (Recap)

90 Day Fiance Season 9 marches on, with Episode 5 giving viewers some beautiful reunions … and potential new villains.

Kobe has just met his son for the first time, but decided to call out where Emily feeds him — and that she does it at all.

Ariela and Biniyam touch down in the United States, but a generous gift from Ari’s parents may turn into a burden on their family.

Bilal has a new test for Shaeeda, and it involves his children.

Guillermo is finally reunited with his and Kara’s dog and meets Kara’s family — and he’s so adorably nervous about the whole thing.

Thais introduces herself to viewers, revealing that there are big things that neither Patrick nor her father know yet.

Mohamed’s first morning in America doesn’t go at all like he imagined, because Yvette has to go to work.

1. Emily Bieberly and Kobe Blaise

Kobe blaise tells emily bieberly this is not normal
After warm celebrations, Emily sits down to pump some milk. After spending a couple of days picking up Kobe, Koban probably ran through a good bit of what she had already pumped. But Kobe decides to call her out, claiming that this is “not normal.”

2. He thinks that she should nurse and pump elsewhere

Emily bieberly where am i supposed to go downstairs
Every now and then, there’s a viral social media post about a woman getting shamed for breastfeeding somewhere — on a park bench, in a museum, that sort of thing. In each case, the bad guy is demanding that she go elsewhere, or “cover up,” or both, and is almost universally dragged by the collective internet. Kobe is taking that even further, suggesting that Emily should pump elsewhere even though she is in her own home.

3. Kobe says that women are more “discreet” in Africa

Kobe blaise in africa women will be a little more discreet
Africa is a sprawling continent full of various languages, cultures, and traditions across more than 50 countries. I’m not going to try to whitesplain away Kobe’s observations, but as many 90 Day Fiance fans can attest, numerous viewers who are from Africa have already taken to social media to say that Kobe’s experience is not theirs, and that, in their cultures, breasts are less sexualized and therefore breastfeeding is less stigmatized. Of course, all of that may be moot, as Emily and Koban — and now Kobe — are not in Africa right now.

4. There’s more to it than just where and when

Kobe blaise how youre gonna have to like stop him
Kobe’s suggestion that Emily breastfeed elsewhere was already unreasonable, but he is also expressing a desire for Emily to simply stop breastfeeding their son altogether. According to Kobe, he brought this up even before coming to the United States. He says that his sister stopped nursing her baby at 7 months, and that he’s never known anyone to breastfeed past 10 months.

5. Well …

Cameroon child malnutrition deaths 38 percent under age 5
Almost every health organization on the planet, including Cameroon’s government, recommends breastfeeding until 2 years if not longer. More than one-third of child deaths before the age of five in that country are related to malnutrition, with other children having growth stunted. International studies have noted that there are challenges, including cultural resistance, to breastfeeding programs in Cameroon. While breastfeeding is not an option for everyone and not a fix-all solution, it is possible that Kobe is unfamiliar with the health benefits that Koban is receiving. (And, more to the point, we’re talking about a toddler and his mom — the only people who should be part of this decision)

6. Kobe has his own motive

Kobe blaise i have to suck her breasts
He is unwilling to “share” Emily’s breasts, and says so pretty directly. We’re not kink-shaming Kobe (or anyone else), and we can only speculate about what questions producers may have asked to get him to say this, but it’s a little weird to put yourself into an imaginary competition with your kid.

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Ariela Weinberg Has One Final Clash with Biniyam Shibre’s Family Before Leaving Ethiopia on 90 Day Fiance (Recap)

On 90 Day Fiance Season 9, Episode 4, viewers were introduced to the final new couple of the season.

First, however, Ariela and Biniyam recovered from the aftermath of the wine-throwing incident as they packed their things to leave Ethiopia.

Freshly after revealing that he was just testing Shaeeda, Bilal’s mother is coming over, and Shaeeda hopes to make a good impression.

After rekindling things with Emily, Kobe gets to meet his 17-month-old son for the first time, and everyone’s emotions are riding high.

Miona gets some of her first American experiences ahead of making dinner with Jibri, which is unfamiliar ground for both of them.

Guillermo is adorably excited on the ride to Kara’s home, but the next day, the two have their first conflict … and it doesn’t go well.

Finally, we are introduced to Patrick and Thais.

These two have a lot going for them, but at the end, the couple are throwing up some major red flags that have nothing to do with Patrick’s brother.

1. Ariela Weinberg and Biniyam Shibre

Biniyam shibre i am very nervous for moving us
Ariela and Biniyam are packing up for their big move, but they are still recovering from the night before, when Wish unloaded a full glass of red wine in Ariela’s face. While it’s true that Wish has since claimed that some of the context was edited out (allegedly, Ari suggested that Wish could do well donating eggs and joining OnlyFans and Ari encouraged her and Mimi to come to the US with them), nothing could really justify that move.

2. Still, they’re Bini’s family

Biniyam shibre my family they coming for lunch
Ariela declines to join Biniyam for lunch as he goes to meet with his sisters again before the big move. Part of it is over how last night went, but part of it is that she’s still packing.

3. Bini has no plans to confront Wish and Mimi

Biniyam shibre just i want that they happy for me
He admits that he doesn’t plan to get into things with his sisters, just as he didn’t really say anything after Wish dashed so much wine into Ariela’s face. That’s … not a great look on him, but one can at least understand why he doesn’t want to have a big fight before moving away.

4. Wish and Mimi are worried

Mimi shibre dont be naive just take care of yourself
In a genuinely emotional moment, they worry that Biniyam will not have a good time in the US. In Ethiopia, Bini has gotten his way on almost everything, and they fear that things will be reversed when they’re surrounded by Ari’s family.

5. They have other hopes

Biniyam shibre pray for us reunion with firstborn
Their wish is that Biniyam can meet up with his firstborn son, Simon. There are … a lot of understandable questions that fans have about Bini’s ex-wife. Some fans have claimed that she must have “kidnapped” the child, while reports from people who claim to know Bini and Bria have said that Bini signed away his rights but is unwilling to admit that on camera. We do not know the truth of the matter.

6. Before Bini leaves …

Wish shibre we also wanna say bye to avi
His family wants to say goodbye to him and to little Avi.

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Kobe Blaise and Emily Bieberly Sob as Kobe Meets His Son for the First Time

Years ago, in Xi’an, China, Emily Bieberly and Kobe Blaise had a wild one-night stand.

At least, that’s how it started. It turned into a relationship, an engagement, and now they are both parents of a toddler.

But Kobe and Koban have never been able to meet in person before.

When Kobe meets his son for the first time, he is moved to tears, and Emily quickly joins him.

As we saw on last week’s episode of 90 Day Fiance Season 9, Kobe Blaise was eager to meet his son.

Koban is 17 months old. Kobe has been waiting to meet him for more than two years.

Emily Bieberly was sympathetic — but also hoped that the two of them could have one night together before parenting consumes their lives forever.

On Episode 4, as we can see in this sneak peek clip, Kobe and Emily arrive together at her parents’ house.

He is greeted with balloons and a welcome by Emily’s parents, who are of course unsure of what to expect — and reluctant to intrude upon the moment.

The main event, however, is Koban and Kobe meeting in person for the very first time.

Koban is just a toddler. He is initially shy.

At first, both for emotional comfort and for sustenance, he is more interesting in nursing than anything else.

Kobe awkwardly says hello to Emily’s parents while Koban nurses. Then, it’s time.

Koban makes the smallest gesture towards Kobe, and Kobe is so overcome with emotion.

He bursts into tears, covering his face as feelings overwhelm him.

“Oh my god,” Kobe expresses. “he’s so cute.”

Kobe’s emotional state sets off Emily, who also tears up.

This is a powerful moment for this young family.

It’s a major moment in Koban’s life, too, even though he does not fully grasp the significance of the man from mommy’s computer screen now being there in person.

Meanwhile, Emily’s parents are in an awkward position.

They would love to meet their future son-in-law, get to know him, hug him, comfort him in this moment of intense emotion.

But they’re keeping to the sidelines, very deliberately, in a conscious effort to not detract from this milestone moment.

“I couldn’t take it,” Kobe gushes to the camera in this sneak peek clip.

“He was just so sweet,” he accurately described his 17-month-old son.

“Like, I’m a dad just because of him,” Kobe noted. “It was just a very beautiful moment.”

Fan reactions are sure to be mixed, however.

Obviously, seeing Kobe and Koban meet was adorable and long overdue.

Kobe would have been here ages ago if the K-1 visa had come faster and if the COVID-19 pandemic had not happened.

Emily has been condemned as “selfish” for hoping for a night with Kobe before he meets Koban.

On the one hand, that’s at least a valid take, albeit a short-sighted one.

Is it really best for Kobe or for Koban if the two of them are never able to rekindle their past sexual history and just live like roommates who happen to share a child?

Like we said, it’s still a reasonable point, though perhaps this episode will show us Kobe and Emily being more on the same page.

But the 90 Day Fiance fandom has certain prejudices — and, above all, misogyny, which has been firmly targeted at Emily since the premiere.

You know that some weirdos absolutely have strong, terrible opinions about Emily feeding her son instead of hiding in shame in another room like in ages past. Yikes.

Kobe blaise and emily bieberly sob as kobe meets his son for the