Real Housewives Of Salt Lake City’s Jen Shah Just Accused One Co-Star Of Calling Her Son The ‘N Word’!!

Trouble in the Housewives universe, and this time it’s pretty shocking… Real Housewives of Salt Lake City star Jen Shah took to Instagram Monday to allege some pretty big claims regarding some things an unnamed co-star said, and we’re honestly left a bit speechless. In an IG story, which Jen captioned, “Let’s play…Who did that?! […]

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Jen Shah’s RHOSLC Castmates ‘Shocked’ By Guilty Plea — They ALL Believed Her!

Some of Jen Shah’s closest friends are feeling betrayed now that they know the truth! The Real Housewives of Salt Lake City star shocked everyone on Monday when she plead guilty in her ongoing telemarketing fraud case – after months of claiming her innocence! Now, we’re learning how her RHOSLC co-stars are feeling after the […]

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Lisa Barlow Says Jennie Nguyen Shouldn’t Be Fired: Even Racists Deserve Second Chances!

With all of the Reunion talk about Jen Shah and Lisa Barlow, one could almost forget that Jennie Nguyen was fired for racism.

Despite initially fumbling her scandal, Bravo made the announcement in January.

Initially, the other RHOSLC stars condemned Jennie’s racism, expressind disgust.

But now, Lisa Barlow says that she thinks that Jennie deserves a second chance. Why?

Sometimes, people who are suddenly famous find that bad jokes from a decade prior come back to haunt them.

It’s difficult to “explain” the edgy humor for the late aughts, and sometimes bad faith actors weaponize that against a famous person who mildly annoys them.

Jennie Nguyen’s racism scandal was not that.

Jennie’s alarmingly long list of vicious, racist posts were extremely recent, and it’s hard to argue that she was just “joking.”

In an endless string of posts in 2020, she posted anti-Black memes, blamed Black Americans for being murdered by police, and spread provable lies about George Floyd’s murder.

Try as she might, Jennie speaking her “truth” did not really win people over.

TMZ spoke to Lisa Barlow at LAX, asking her about how she feels about Jennie these days.

Lisa shared that she has not heard very much from Jennie in recent weeks.

She does, however, wish her well.

Additionally, Lisa claimed that Jennie’s firing has been “hard” on her and her castmates.

She took things even further, saying that she supports giving people second chances.

While that is often a good philosphy, Lisa is taking it to the extreme where she would apply it even to Jennie, even so soon.

The first major issue with this is that, usually, accepting that someone has changed requires a genuine belief that change has taken place (obviously).

Jennie’s posts aren’t old LiveJournal posts from 2005 or bad tweets from 2010 or even 2015. They’re from 2020.

Hatred and vitriol take time and dedication to unlearn. Jennie filmed last season just about a year after her racist posts.

The second major issue is more about Lisa, in that she is … not the person to be lending Jennie any “grace” right now.

When the Black community is targeted with anti-Black racism and vitriol, it is not anyone else’s place to say who is forgiven or accepted.

For that matter, no one person can speak for an entire race or ethnicity. Lisa’s not the one to offer Jennie a second chance.

Of course, as TMZ‘s initial report noted, there may be a reason for which Lisa is feeling the urge to forgive and forget.

We all very vividly remember her intense, off-the-walls rant about Meredith Marks and Meredith’s entire family.

It was one of the wildest hot mic moments in the history of the franchise.

Lisa Barlow throws the mic back to a producer

Lisa confirmed to TMZ that she knows that she has a long road ahead before she can mend fences with Meredith.

It does sound like this is her goal, which is at least a good sign.

Lisa also vowed that she will not repeat this particular mistake again.

Lisa Barlow Defends Cruel Rant About Meredith Marks: I Was in a Blind Rage!

Viewers of The Real Housewives of Salt Lake City have had a wild ride all season long.

None of us are surprised that Lisa Barlow’s vicious rant against Meredith Marks came up at the Reunion.

On Part 2, Lisa tried to explain, at times seeming to try to defend, her outrageous and cruel hot mic moment.

To make matters worse, Whitney Rose revealed that Lisa had said something similar to her long before that incident.

On Sunday, viewers watched Part 2 of the three-part Reunion special for Season 2 of RHOSLC.

Of course Andy Cohen brought up the rant.

We had previously heard that it would (obviously) come up, with Meredith revealing that she saw that footage just one day before filming the Reunion.

The expletive-laden rant attacked Meredith, her character, and her family.

Lisa clearly made it while furiously undressing behind a door, somehow forgetting that she had a mic and was on a reality show.

Meredith had some firm words on the matter.

“The content is absurd,” Meredith stated.

“If that’s how you feel about me, fine. That’s okay,” she told Lisa. “I don’t really care about that.”

However, Meredith told her that “the venom and the hatred that the delivery came with is what resonated.”

She struggled to even watch the rant, admitting that she had to stop due to the vitriol in her friend of 10 years’ voice.

“I couldn’t even sit and watch it. I’d stop it, it took me about an hour to get through it,” Meredith said.

Many of us have done the same with awkward TV moments or cringe humor. It’s so much worse when the moment is about you.

“I was sick, utterly sick” Meredith recalled.

Meredith could not help but note the hypocrisy of Lisa being angry with Jen for saying things in front of her children, then saying all of this about Meredith.

“How do you think my kids feel about the things you just said about me, and the rest of the world?” Meredith demanded to know.

Lisa could have offered an unmitigated apology, but that was not the path that she chose.

“I was packing my stuff to get out, I was talking to myself,” she said, as if that explained it.

Lisa continued: “I was in a blind rage rant.”

Andy asked Lisa if she really didn’t mean what she said (as she claimed) or if it was an anger-induced “truth dump.”

Whitney Rose chimed in, warning Meredith that this was not an isolated incident.

According to her, Lisa had said the same outragoues and hurtful things in a previous rant.

“I did not, I did not,” Lisa insisted, turning back to Meredith in the hopes of convincing her.

“I have never talked about your marriage,” she claimed.

“I have never talked about you before that rant,” Lisa alleged, “and I’m sorry it was caught on audio.”

“I made a lot of comments that I feel sorry for,” Lisa expressed.

“Are my words awful? Yes. Was I at a breaking point? Absolutely. Was I in the privacy of my room? 100 percent,” she went on.

“I could not take anymore,” Lisa added. “Do I regret saying it? Yes. Am I sorry? 1,000 percent. Meredith — I can not say enough how sorry I am.”

During a break, Lisa and Meredith spoke again, with Lisa saying that she was “beyond sorry” for the rant.

She told her: “I’m sorry I’m not breaking cause I’m, like, things together, but I am beyond sorry.”

“I did not ever mean to hurt you, I understand that hurting you hurts [your family],” Lisa emphasized.

Lisa then told Meredith that she had heard a rumor that Meredith was making fun of her home rennovations, which apparently contributed to her fury.

That obviously weirded out Meredith, as even if the rumor were true, Lisa’s rant was beyond an escalation.

“Okay, so you should rip my character to shreds? Okay, wonderful!” Meredith noted, dripping with sarcasm.

Lisa barlow defends cruel rant about meredith marks i thought i

Lisa Barlow Screams at Meredith Marks: You’re a Liar and a TERRIBLE Friend!!

Last week, Lisa Barlow went on a wild rant about Meredith Marks, a rant that didn’t make that much sense at the time.

The next episode did not show her temper as having cooled.

This time, instead of swearing in a closet and accusing Meredith of being broke, she was yelling in her face.

A furious Lisa accused Meredith of lying. This time, she at least said what it’s all about.

This cast trip to Zion, Utah has not calmed down for even a moment.

On Sunday’s episode, after loudly complaining and crying to the others, Lisa Barlow got in Meredith Marks’ face.

Well, from across the bed that thankfully kept them apart.

“I did not f–king speculate on your father’s death and don’t you dare [say I did]!” Lisa demanded.

“You’re the f–king liar! You’re the f–king liar!” she screeched.

Lisa went on, insisting: “Do not do this to me! Do not do this to me!”

Beautiful Whitney Rose was caught in the middle of all of this, but she was hardly the cause of the issue.

There was some sort of miscommunication over the date of Meredith’s father’s memorial, an understandably touchy subject.

Heather heard one date, Lisa heard another, and it just happened to be very close to Jen Shah’s infamous arrest by the FBI.

As a result, some of the ladies decided amongst themselves that perhaps Meredith had been given foreknowledge of when Jen would be arrested, and was avoiding it.

Under more normal circumstances, one might just ask for clarification of Meredith’s itenerary to clear up the confusion.

However, Meredith quickly understood the insinuation and was deeply offended at what she perceived to be a cruel question.

Meredith had accused Lisa of helping to spread this hurtful rumor.

“Lisa, stop yelling at me,” Meredith asked, to no avail. In fact, it backfired.

“You just yelled at me like this yesterday,” Lisa retorted. “I’m not going to f–king stop.”

In very much the tone of a disappointed mother who wants one of her kids to admit who broke the lamp, Meredith turned to Whitney.

“Did [Lisa] speculate or not?” she asked.

Lisa very loudly and adamantly answered on Whitney’s behalf, insisting: “I did not speculate on your father’s death.”

“[I said] everybody grieves in different ways,” Lisa continued.

However, she was very firm in that Meredith is “not going to get an apology” from her over any part of this.

“There is nothing wrong with what I said,” Lisa furiously declared, “and I’m not saying sorry.”

To hear Lisa tell it (and we did, to the confessional camera), the only person whom Meredith should blame for this rumor is Meredith.

“I’m a f–king liar? Who’s lying about the dates of their dad’s memorial? Not me,” she argued.

“You told me one date and you told Heather another date,” Lisa said. “That has nothing to do with me. I’m not a f–king liar.”

Meredith later laid out a tidier time frame when Heather and Whitney stopped by her home for some health and fitness time.

It’s not clear if her more detailed timeline of where she was and when will help clear things up, but it’s something.

Meanwhile, we did appreciate seeing Lisa take a sip of a Taco Bell cup just to spite Mary Cosby. That’s always a worthwhile endeavor.

Lisa barlow screams at meredith marks youre a liar and a terribl

Lisa Barlow Rants: Meredith is a Broke Cheater Who Doesn’t Own a House!!

On last week’s wild The Real Housewives of Salt Lake City preview, we knew that things would get ugly.

In it, Lisa Barlow called Meredith Marks a “whore” who had boned half of New York.

Despite being an impressive feat if true, it was not meant as a compliment. Lisa was furious — but why?

Finally, we got to see the unbelievable scene in fully glory … and Meredith has already given her public response.

Sunday night’s episode was already filled with, well, a lot, and that dinner was no exception.

It was Cinco de Mayo, marking an event in which Mexican forces prevented the French military from aiding the Confederate States of America.

The Housewives, however, were less focused upon history of even Mexican culture than they were upon mutual dislike.

Mary Cosby was being downright nasty at that dinner table, and getting worse every step of the way.

It’s no secret to viewers that she is not a good person.

But to see her be so openly and repulsively hostile with no provocation … well, there’s a lot of that going around.

For just one example? Mary accused Lisa Barlow of being “fake” and not really caring about her family (what?).

Why? Because Lisa … eats Taco Bell.

Eating Taco Bell just means that you enjoy eating delicious food, but Mary is unhinged and hostile and an alleged cult leader so we don’t know what we expected from her.

Mary’s unrepentant vileness was challenged by some of her castmates.

Whitney Rose continued to implore her, in a very Whitney sort of way, to understand why this was so shocking to her.

This was not the behavior that Whitney expected from a woman who has her own church, but Mary saw no contradiction.

There was more, of course, including Whitney’s exchange with Meredith — which did not go well for Whitney.

First, however, Lisa felt extremely disrespected by how Meredith continued to refuse to call out Mary’s bad behavior and to defend her.

In Lisa’s mind, this had reached a breaking point, and without explanation, she got up from the table and stormed off.

People get up and leave in a huff on reality TV all of the time, often thinking very little of it.

That same night, Mary had gotten up to retrieve a jacket because she felt cold at dinner, refusing to bring a blanket for Whitney when asked.

But while Lisa left in relative silence, her rage was reaching a boiling point.

There was clearly more going on than Meredith being a better friend to Mary than to Lisa.

But viewers couldn’t guess what it was, because Lisa did not explain it.

Instead, she stormed into a room, muttering to herself … which turned into ranting and screaming.

Thankfully, Lisa was still equipped with her mic, which caught every last word of her tirade.

“Meredith can go f–k herself, I’m done with her,” she declared.

Lisa continued: “‘Cause I’m not a f–king whore and I don’t cheat on my husband.”

“Her and her dumb f–king family that poses,” Lisa spat.

“Why don’t you own a house? Wait, you can’t,” she ranted.

Lisa accused: “‘Cause your husband changes jobs every five minutes?”

“Fake Meredith is a piece of s–t,” Lisa griped.

“‘I have your back,’ I’m offended by that. F–k you!” she yelled behind the door.

Lisa went on: “That f–king piece of s–t garbage whore. I f–king hate her!”

“She’s a whore. She’s f–ked half of New York!” Lisa claimed. “She can go f–k herself.”

Perhaps the most outlandish moment of all came next, when Lisa opened the door, only half-dressed.

She threw the microphone at a producer, announcing: “Here, you can have your mic back!”

That was the jarring end to the episode, and of course it was filmed many months ago.

Specifically, it was filmed in May of last year, which means that Lisa has had a long time to think about what was going to air.

Perhaps that is why she apologized to Meredith, who revealed it on Watch What Happens Live.

“I’m trying to still decipher that,” Meredith admitted to Andy as she struggled to explain Lisa’s outburst.

“When Lisa apologized to me later on, she told me that somebody told her that I said her house was ugly,” she described.

“And,” Meredith continued, “that’s why she felt that that tirade was justified. I don’t really understand that, that seems quite vapid to me.”

Meredith admitted that there were “certain clues” that Lisa harbored these kinds of resentments.

“But this level of hate is far beyond anything I could have ever imagined,” she admitted.

Meredith continued: “The lies that she’s spewing, it’s just incomprehensible.”

So, has Meredith wracked up an impressive body count characterized as “half of New York?” No.

“Maybe it’s projecting,” Meredith shaded. “Seth and I have been very honest, we’ve had moments where we dated other people.”

“We have not dated a lot of other people,” she clarified. “I’ve could not even have 10 boyfriends because I’ve never slept with 10 people in my life.”

As for Seth’s work, she noted that the nature of Seth’s work means that he often switches jobs.

“He’s never been fired from any job he’s ever been at,” Meredith affirmed.

She also noted that, as millions of Americans are painfully aware but powerless to act upon, renting is more expensive than buying.

Meredith explained that she and Seth are renting because they’re not sure what house they want to get.

Right now, they have an “empty nest” for the first time, so they don’t want to rush into a house that isn’t right for them.

“I don’t discuss anyone else’s money,” Meredith added. “I was raised that that’s in very poor taste and I find it kind of repulsive that she’s going there with me.”

Lisa barlow rants meredith is a broke cheater who doesnt own a h

Real Housewives Star Jennie Nguyen FIRED Over ‘Disgusting’ Anti-BLM Posts!

It’s over for Jennie Nguyen! The Real Housewives of Salt Lake City cast member has officially been fired from the Bravo show after racist social media posts from her Facebook account surfaced over the last few weeks. In the 2020 posts, which were written during the Black Lives Matter movement following the murder of George […]

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Jen Shah Gets Physical With Lisa Barlow in Nasty Bus Brawl

Whether it’s entirely her fault or it’s some wild, improbable misunderstanding, Jen Shah is not having a great time.

This week’s episode of The Real Housewives of Salt Lake City began with Jen screaming and crying at one castmate.

It ended with her screaming at and taunting another castmate.

From brawling on the bus to bordering on blackmail, Jen was not backing down.

The nastiness boiled over on teh bus, when Jen Shah confronted Lisa Barlow about her support.

She felt that Lisa did not show her the same grace and support that she has shown others.

Jen being Jen, she was yelling and screaming this, while Lisa tried to remain calm … but it was a losing battle.

After Jen spent some time standing (on the bus!) and screaming in Lisa’s face, production got involved.

The two had to be separated, with Jen sitting up towards the front where the producer could physically keep them apart.

This did not stop the verbal altercation, as both women continued to yell at one another.

Jen was calling Lisa a bad friend, if in many more — and harsher — words than that.

Eventually, Jen broke down, sobbing, over how miserable she is during this investigation, fearing that she will miss out on her children’s lives.

Though Jen maintained that she is totally innocent of the charges brought against her, this did move Lisa, and the two almost hugged it out. A little.

Jen insisted that Meredith and Mary were behind this somehow.

While it feels unlikely that the two were making the FBI dance on a string, Jen is clearly looking for enemies everywhere.

She’s also making enemies everywhere, so honestly? Who knows.

Meanwhile, Heather says that Meredith and Mary had the right idea by traveling separately.

She’ll happily go in on any alliance they have if it means not being subjected to this again.

Meredith and Mary traveled separately and arrived later, and that was just the beginning of Mary opting out of group activities.

After getting settled at the villa, there was a spiritual ceremony that evening with an energy healer.

The whole idea was just to open themselves up to the best that the universe has to offer, or whatever.

That activity seemed to go well for a number of the ladies, but Mary did not partake.

On the one hand, it sometimes seems odd to watch one Housewife bow out of a group activity by citing their beliefs.

On the other, Mary is perfectly entitled to her faith.

There are plenty of spiritual or religious activities in which many of us would not participate, so of all of Mary’s deeds, this one is fine.

Dinner saw another confrontation, of course.

This time, it was between old foes Jen and Meredith, after everyone was clearly tired of the latter defending Mary.

Once again, Jen was more than happy to get right in her castmate’s face, and things looked on the edge of turning physical … again.

Jen is fixated on the idea that Meredith is behind her legal woes, but Meredith doesn’t back down — despite remaining seated.

Jen calls Meredith a fraud, which Meredith laughs off — under the circumstances, it’s not the best insult for Jen to sling.

Meredith does get up and walk away, at which point Jen escalates her taunts.

Jen then calls out that Meredith has “10 motherf–king other boyfriends.”

It’s an odd, wild claim to make, eliciting either a puzzled or a quickly-masked alarmed reaction from Meredith.

It looks like this mess just got more complicated, because previews indicate that Meredith may endure some fallout.

Jen shah gets physical with lisa barlow in nasty rhoscl bus braw

Mary Cosby: Is She Really a Cult Leader Who Inflicts Religious Trauma?

Jen Shah is not the only controversial member of the cast of The Real Housewives of Salt Lake City.

With all of Jen’s antics on social media and on the show, you’d be forgiven for forgetting that.

Mary Cosby inherited an empire of Pentecostal churches when she married her step-grandfather.

Her castmates are deeply divided over what they think of her.

For a while now, Meredith Marks has been hearing things about Faith Pentecostal Temple, Mary Cosby’s church.

She’s not getting the details that she would like to hear.

Instead, she’s hearing rumors and cryptic warnings that she finds more frustrating than helpful.

The late Cameron Williams was previously a pastor at Mary’s church.

Meredith once had a conversation with him (at Lisa’s party).

Cameron was deliberately vague about what exactly went down, but … well, he’s no longer a member of Mary’s church.

In fact, Cameron made it clear that he was happy to no longer be a part of that congregation.

Without specifying his beef, he said that Mary and her husband “have done some things that are very harmful.”

Beyond that, Cameron warned Meredith to “be careful” when it comes to Mary.

Meredith is not alone in having been cautioned about Mary.

Whitney Rose later told her about a similar warning.

Whitney also shared that Mary’s congration more or less reveres her as a god, which is not generally acceptable doctrine in Christian denominations.

So this came up when Meredith sat down with Lisa Barlow.

Lisa delicately phrased that Mary can be “elusive” when it comes to her church, not always there.

As a result, her congregation treats her with some serious awe that might not be entirely healthy for anyone involved.

“I think Cameron thought the world of Mary and I think they had a very strong relationship,” Lisa stated diplomatically.

Meredith asked: “What are you trying to say, Lisa?”

“I’m not trying to say anything,” Lisa insisted. “I’m just saying I think he trusted in Mary and felt extremely close to her.”

You can see their exchange here, in the above video.

But Meredith and Lisa did not see eye to eye on this.

Meredith felt that it was her duty as Mary’s friend to share these vague insinuations with Mary.

In contrast, Lisa wanted Cameron’s name kept out of it.

Both of their desires to protect their respective friends are understandable.

Meredith went through with her plan.

Mary Cosby is shocked on RHOSLC

When she did, Mary was quickly dismissive, telling her that all churches have people badmouthing them.

(Is that true? It’s hard to say how we’d determine if “all” churches have disgruntled ex-members who liken the place to a cult)

Still, the matter was dropped … until Mary retired for the evening.

The other Housewives began to compare notes, with Lisa describing Cameron as having suffered extreme “religious trauma.”

Religious trauma is more or less what it sounds like — people who were traumatized in a religious context.

This can come from cults or much more conventional houses of worship, and can be inflicted by parents, religious leaders, entire communities, or even teachers.

“Religious trauma is the most abstract thing I have ever heard in my life,” Meredith lamented.

“All these insinuations are being made that are way more damaging, I would guess, than what the truth is,” she speculated.

“I have stood behind Mary because she had been a good friend to me,” Meredith explained.

“But I am being told all these cryptic messages and nothing is clear,” Meredith complained.

“And,” she expressed, “I’m getting angry and upset.”

Additionally, Meredith asked for something concrete instead of words that, for her, were all too vague.

“He mortgaged his house,” Lisa revealed of the late Cameron, “and gave her $300,000.”

It is probably safe to say that this should literally never happen — either you’re rich enough to give a six-figure religious donation, or you don’t give it at all.

Hopefully, next week’s confrontation will offer some sort of explanation for all of this.

Meet The Real Housewives Of Salt Lake City In SPICY First Trailer!

It’s here! The newest Real Housewives franchise for you to obsess over, the first in FOUR YEARS! And this one is all about one of the number one no-nos when it comes to conversation at the dinner table: religion. And no, the Real Housewives of Salt Lake City are NOT all Mormons! In the spicy first trailer, […]

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The post Meet The <i>Real Housewives Of Salt Lake City</i> In SPICY First Trailer! appeared first on Perez Hilton.