Tiger King Zookeeper Erik Cowie — Who Testified Against Joe Exotic — Found Dead

One of Joe Exotic’s Tiger King adversaries has passed away. According to reports, Erik Cowie (pictured above), who was a zookeeper on the hit Netflix series, was found dead on Friday evening, face down in a bed inside a New York City apartment. He was just 53 years old. It’s not clear who lived in […]

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Tiger King’s Jeff Lowe & Wife Lauren Busted For DUIs 2 Weeks After Feds Seized 68 Big Cats From Their Zoo

It looks like Jeff Lowe and Lauren Lowe have found themselves in another sticky situation! On Saturday morning, the Tiger King stars allegedly were driving under the influence around Oklahoma City. According to People, officers noticed a white Range Rover pulling out of a parking lot, driving over a curb, and suddenly stopping. Lauren then […]

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Feds Seize Almost 70 Big Cats From Jeff Lowe’s Tiger King Park!

It’s not looking good for Jeff and Lauren Lowe’s Tiger King Park! According to reports, nearly 70 cats from the reality star’s zoo in Thackerville, Oklahoma have been seized by feds, as the animals were said to be endangered and abused. On Thursday, the The Justice Department said 68 animals — including lions, tigers, lion-tiger […]

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Joe Exotic and Dillon Passage: It’s Over for Tiger King Couple!

Thus far, all of Joe Exotic’s ploys to get out of prison have failed.

The infamous Tiger King star remains behind bars and may remain there for decades.

His young husband, Dillon Passage, took to social media to share plans for an amicable divorce.

Despite the circumstances, however, Joe is reportedly insisting that they’re not rushing into a split.

“In November of 2017 I met Joe,” 25-year-old Dillon Passage recalled on Instagram over the weekend.

He described his 58-year-old husband as someone “who was there for me during a difficult time in my life.”

“After just 9 short months he was arrested,” Dillon noted.

“And,” Dillon continued, “for the last two and a half years, we have been apart.”

“I’ve always stood by his side,” he emphasized.

“And,” Dillon affirmed, “will continue to always love and support him.”

“When Tiger King was released on Netflix a year ago,” Dillon began.

He continued: “my life was thrown into a world of media and public attention.”

Dillon described this experience as “something that was completely foreign to me.”

“I felt as if I had a microscope constantly looming over me,” Dillon described.

He expressed that this was an experience “which was and still is incredibly uncomfortable.”

“With everyone pulling me in different directions,” Dillon wrote, “I found my manager @jefftduncan.”

Dillon described his manager as someone “who, despite Joe’s recent social media tirades against, has always acted in my best interest.”

“And,” he continued, “helped me navigate the complexity of the new situation I found myself in.”

“I don’t feel obligated to explain to the world what occurs in my personal life,” Dillon emphasized.

Dillon Passage IG divorce announcement part 01 of 02 (March 2021)

“And,” Dillon continued, “despite Joe taking to social media to air every grievance.”

He wrote: “I don’t feel it’s the healthiest way to handle private matters between two people.”

Dillon shared: “I therefore don’t intend to post any more on this subject. “

“To answer the main question the public wants to know,” Dillon addressed.

He told his fans and followers that “yes, Joe and I are seeking a divorce.”

Nine months together, years of being separated by bars. That’s not easy.

Dillon Passage IG divorce announcement part 02 of 02 (March 2021)

“This wasn’t an easy decision to make,” Dillon admitted.

“But,” he shared, “Joe and I both understand that this situation isn’t fair to either of us.”

Dillon acknowledged: “It’s something that neither of us were expecting.”

“But,” Dillon reflected, “we are going to take it day by day.”

“We are on good terms still,” he added.

“And,” Dillon expressed, “I hope it can stay that way.”

“I will continue to have Joe in my life,” Dillon affirmed.

“And,” he continued, “do my best to support him.”

Dillon wrote that he will support Joe “while he undergoes further legal battles to better his situation.”

“Like I said in my last post,” Dillon advised, “be careful of the assumptions you place on others.”

He noted: “Everyone carries a challenge or burden you may not see.”

Dillon concluded his caption: “This is as true for me as it may be for you.”

TMZ spoke to Joe Exotic’s attorney, who was able to share excerpts from an email from Joe.

“Me and Dillon have talked and we are not going to get in a hurry and get a legal divorce,” Joe reportedly wrote.

“This has been tough on both of us,” the disgraced former zoo owner acknowledged.

“And,” Joe wrote, “he is going to do what he thinks he needs to do.”

“And I prefer to stay married right now,” he added, “so things don’t get complicated.”

“And if I live through this great,” Joe expressed, “we will figure it out then …”

“He still answers the phone three times a day,” Joe noted to his attorney.

“And,” he added, Dillon “will continue to be my support.”

Dillon’s Instagram post is still up, however. It’s unclear what we should make of this he-said, he-said.

Joe Exotic SUES Department of Justice: Tell Trump to Pardon Me!!

You would have to be gullible, have no respect for right and wrong, and be a self-aggrandizing fool to want to see Joe Exotic go free.

That’s why Joe knows Donald Trump is his only chance at a pardon. And now he’s suing to try to force the Orange Tyrant’s hand.

Joseph Maldonado-Passage is suing the United States Department of Justice.

The disgraced Tiger King star is attempting to obtain a pardon from outgoing White House occupant Donald Trump.

Through his attorney, Joe’s attorney filed a 6-page complaint just days ago.

In the complaint, he is demanding that the Department of Justice at least make a recommendation about his pardon request and issue that recommendation to Trump.

The court documents show Joe’s attorney arguing against the Office of the Pardon Attorney’s previous rejection, a decision made in September.

They are clearly hoping that this more aggressive, even hostile move, will gain the attention that Joe seeks … both because of his personality and because he wants Trump to take notice.

The Office of the Pardon Attorney generally receives requests and pleas and looks over the facts of a case before issuing recommendations to the President.

Usually, this is done for humanitarian reasons. In Trump’s case, obviously, that’s pretty moot, and pardons have been largely reserved for war criminals and co-conspirators.

The exceptions, it seems, came only at the behest of beautiful, busty reality stars willing to give Trump momentary attention to get the justice that they sought.

Though a President can in theory pardon whomever they like for any federal offenses (with the possible exception of themselves), the DOJ does have guidelines.

It is generally expected that a petitionary wait at least five years after their conviction or release from confinement before applying for a pardon.

Clearly, Joe Exotic and his legal team are both desperate and hopeful — hopeful that Trump’s gleeful destruction of political norms will extend to him, too.

Joe is currently in only his first year out of a 22-year prison sentence.

First of all, he’s under a boatload of animal abuse charges. Descriptions of his alleged behavior with his animals sound nothing short of monstrous.

But because our society inadequately punishes crimes against non-human animals, Joe’s conviction for his plot to murder animal rights activist Carole Baskin ensured that he got put away.

As we mentioned, Joe’s bid to have the usual 5-year waiting period waived was denied by the Office of the Pardon Attorney.

Usually, that kind of hard “no” is the end of a person’s quest to benefit from the Presidential Pardon Power.

However, Joe seems desperate … and if he thinks that Trump’s capricious whims and inflated ego are his best bet of getting out of prison before 2040, he’s probably right.

Pardon Attorneys are under no obligation to pass on any of the pleas that get thrown their way.

However, it does appear that Joe’s application is “pending” on the DOJ’s website, but that is not necessarily a win, as his claim is fairly moot because it is unclear on what grounds he seeks a Pardon.

Presidents can Pardon people based upon mood or impulse, but trying to force one through the court needs, among other things, some sort of actual argument or controversy. But if the appeal lands on Trump’s desk, all that it might take is a selfie with an eccentric famous person.

Halloween In Quarantine 2020 — All The Best Costumes From Your Fave Celebs!

Due to the coronavirus pandemic, Halloween looks VERY different this year! Trick or treating is canceled in many states, and parties all over the US have gone unplanned. Fortunately, you can still dress up and have a safe celebration from inside your COVID bubble (seriously, we better not see anyone out and about being d**ks!). […]

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Tiger King Star Carole Baskin Admits In Old Letter She ‘Would Have Eventually Killed My Husband’! Whoa!

Carole Baskin has some explaining to do about a recently unearthed old letter of hers… The Tiger King star — who took her turn on Dancing With The Stars this season, as well — is the writer of a very interesting old letter than has just been uncovered and publicized for a new TV special. In the […]

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Joe Exotic: Carole Baskin Is Going to JAIL For Killing Her Husband!

When Tiger King debuted on Netflix back in March, no one anticipated that it would become the top pop cultural phenomenon of 2020.

In fact, if we told you Americans would still be wearing masks and obsessing over Joe Exotic in September, you might have had a hard time deciding which claim is more difficult to believe.

The doc series about polygamous big cat enthusiasts is enjoying a resurgence in popularity at the moment thanks to Carole Baskin’s appearances on Dancing With the Stars.

Unfortunately for Carole, all that attention has served to dredge up some old scandals that she would probably prefer to forget about.

As you probably remember — who could forget? — Baskin has been accused of killing her husband, Don Lewis, and disposing of his body by feeding it to one of the tigers at her zoo.

The chief proponent of that theory is Mr. Exotic himself, and it’s kind of hard to take anything he says seriously, especially since the guy is currently serving a 19-year prison sentence on murder for hire charges.

But that’s the thing about wild conspiracy theories — just because nutjobs believe in them, that doesn’t mean they’re not true.

Sane people who have been following the situation also believe Baskin may have played a role in her husband’s disappearance.

Among them are Lewis’ family, who took out an ad during Baskin’s first DWTS appearance offering a reward for information about the missing man.

Naturally, Joe is loving all of this shade being thrown at his number one foe, and we suppose it was only a matter of time before he jumped in and started bashing Baskin himself.

Exotic is the subject of an upcoming Discovery ID special, and TMZ has obtained a portion of one of the prison interviews producers conducted for the project.

“All I can say is, don’t throw stones when you live in a glass house,” Joe says of Carole.

“A dear friend of ours in Tampa, Florida is feeling the repercussions of the way she’s lived the last 20 years of her life,” he continues.

“I’m glad that Don’s family is gonna finally maybe get some answers.”

From there, Exotic suggests that he’s just one of the many people who have been brought down by Baskin’s ongoing campaign to conceal the truth.

“This is a travesty,” he says.

“If this can happen to me, how many other people have been tried. All of their cases need to be re-opened and re-looked at.”

For obvious reasons, Baskin has not responded publicly to this latest round of allegations.

But she’s likely realizing that her decision to compete on DWTS has led to a renewed interest in her husband’s disappearance.

Even if she wins, we doubt that the Mirrored Disco Ball is worth all of this grief.

Joe exotic carole baskin is going to jail for killing her husban

Joe Exotic Says He Was ‘Sexually Assaulted’ By Prison Staff — And Wants Donald Trump To Pardon Him!

Joe Exotic is ready to plead his case to Donald Trump! The Tiger King star has reportedly submitted a 257-page case to the President, detailing the various reasons why he should be pardoned from the 22-year sentence he is currently serving after being convicted in a murder-for-hire plot. Most shockingly, per TMZ reports, the letter […]

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Woman Claims Her Ex Was Possibly Involved In The Disappearance Of Carole Baskin’s Husband!

Could this be a new development in the case of Don Lewis‘ disappearance?! As you’ll recall, Tiger King star Joe Exotic has long maintained his nemesis Carole Baskin killed her husband, possibly feeding him to tigers. The DWTS contestant has repeatedly denied these accusations about her late partner, who was declared legally dead in 2002, but […]

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