June Shannon: Moving In with Lauryn After Geno Doak Goes to Jail?

Mama June: Road to Redemption had an intense season finale.

Geno Doak’s future hangs in limbo, and June’s right along with it as they both had to go to court.

Is Geno in prison? At the finale, he was facing 10 years.

Is June having to live with her daughter?

So much of this season has been focused upon June’s sobriety and trying to win over her family.

She eroded a lot of trust with a lot of people who love her.

It may be that June never completely redeems herself in the eyes of the people whom she betrayed during her downward spiral.

But we have to remember that all of this started — the public scandal, anyway — with arrests.

June and Geno were both arrested in early 2019.

When the police found drugs on Geno’s person, he spitefully told them to search June too — landing her in trouble, too.

June was facing as much as 2 years in prison.

Geno, meanwhile, was facing up to 10 years behind bars.

Obviously, they were both nervous at the possibility of incarceration.

But June didn’t take it seriously right away.

In one of this season’s weirder stunts, June spent a few hours living the life of a prisoner.

This was allegedly at Geno’s insistence, to get her to take the situation seriously.

Geno’s idea (by which we of course mean production’s plan) worked.

June was miserable, wearing an orange jumpsuit and was even harassed by an inmate.

So when it came time for her to appear in court, June knew what was at stake.

On the finale, we saw June head to court.

It took seven hours before she was able to report back to her family.

The judge was surprisingly lenient, especially given June’s “celebrity” status.

The court sentenced June to 100 hours of community service.

The celebrations were cut short, however, as June shared the rest of her news.

Geno had not yet been sentenced … leaving his future in limbo.

However, June was still expressing optimism in the finale moments of the finale.

The grandmother vowed to live her life more fully and to appreciate all that she has.

After losing a small fortune, her house, her dignity, and her reputation and nearly getting imprisoned … we hope that she takes nothing for granted.

Geno could get a similar sentence to June’s.

It is also possible that he could be on the receiving end of a harsher sentence.

If so, June’s family is well aware that she would not be able to live without him — like, she can’t live alone.

June has extremely poor vision.

It has been a lifelong problem, one made worse by a number of factors, especially growing up in extreme poverty.

She absolutely cannot drive. She needs someone to look after her, and apparently, it cannot just be a neighbor.

On the finale, June told Lauryn that she might want to move in with her if Geno ends up behind bars.

To Lauryn, this would be a disaster for many reasons.

She has a kid, she has a baby on the way, she has a husband, and she’s functioning as Alana’s mother because June can’t.

June is not in prison — which has been clear for a while, on her Instagram.

She hasn’t exactly confirmed that Geno isn’t in prison, but it does appear that she and Geno are still living together.

This may mean that Geno was sentenced to community service, but that has not been confirmed.

June shannon moving in with lauryn after geno doak goes to jail

Alana Thompson Cries at Mama June Shannon: I Was Afraid You’d DIE!

During her catastrophic downward spiral, Mama June Shannon did more than just nearly end her life.

The multiple betrayals of trust nearly destroyed her entire family.

Now sober, she’s about to be reunited with her daughters on Mama June: Road to Redemption.

But is she ready to hear what her daughters have to say to her?

WEtv released a sneak peek of this grueling Mama June: Road to Redemption reunion.

“You don’t know how many nights I cry myself to sleep,” Alana confesses.

She is openly tearful as she speaks to her mother in this painful heart-to-heart.

This isn’t run-of-the-mill teen angst, either, even though Alana is 15.

She explains to her mom that she weeps “just hoping and praying that you don’t overdose.”

There were many times in 2019 and even very early 2020 when we all shared that fear.

No one, of course, felt that more acutely than her teenage daughter.

This very visibly hits June hard.

During her extended drug binge, she clearly did not appreciate how her actions hurt her family.

That is part of what makes this moment so important — driving home that fact.

This is where Lauryn speaks up after having cared for Alana for a couple of years because June was unfit to do so.

“I can’t give Alana her mom,” Lauryn says matter-of-factly.

Some of us might be distracted by Lauryn’s off-brand Velma look.

(It’s a genuinely good look — no shade)

But her words are starting to hit home with June. At least, we hope so.

Lauryn continues to express the ways in which June’s behavior impacted her.

“It’s like … I’m drowning,” she expresses.

She was overwhelmed by the burden of her mother’s actions and the new responsibilities placed upon her.

Lauryn is not the only one who is visibly overwhelmed.

Alana, whose tender teen age and hormones make this so much harder, begins to openly sob.

This has been and remains a difficult and traumatic ordeal for her.

But not all of the teaser is about this reunion itself.

Other parts continue to show Lauryn and Alana’s daily life.

This includes a moment when Lauryn and Josh discuss Alana.

Josh Efird suggests taking Alana to see Sugar Bear.

Whether or not this is being played up for the camera is up to your interpretation.

But our interpretation is that, like everything about Alana’s dad, this wouldn’t have taken place without the cameras.

Mike “Sugar Bear” Thompson was and is a terrible parent and a rotten human being.

There aren’t really any good reasons for Alana to visit him.

As such, Lauryn’s reaction in this moment is all of us.

We don’t see anything further from this scene.

Instead we see June at her (new) home that she shared with her boyfriend.

“This could be a disaster,” she warns Geno Doak.

The context for that is anyone’s guess, truly.

Up next, we see June reappear in an unexpected place.

Specifically, seated behind Lauryn.

Lauryn turns around and asks her mother “what the f–k.”

Is she merely startled by June’s sudden appearance.

Or is there more to what’s going on in this exchange than is shown in this all-too-short teaser?

Ultimately, there is very little context in this teaser.

But that is the job of this kind of short trailer — a few lines of dialogue to give you something to look forward to.

Mama June: Road to Redemption continues to air on Friday nights on WEtv.

Alana thompson cries at mama june shannon i was afraid youd die

Lauryn Shannon Slams June: She Spent a Million on Crack and DESTROYED Our Family!

Mama June: Road To Redemption is an aspirational title. Actual redemption can be hard to achieve.

June Shannon has spoken to numerous outlets, sharing that she spent an estimated $900k on drugs in just one year.

Not even her own family knew that. Hearing that, they’re stunned.

And her adult daughter, the one who took care of Alana during June’s crisis, is also downright angry.

Lauryn “Pumpkin” Shannon spoke to TooFab about her mother’s destructive, shockingly expensive drug habit.

“When I hear that price and I hear it from the media outlets where she tells her story,” Lauryn remarked.

She expressed: “It is very hard to hear that.”

Lauryn explained that it’s hard to hear “because I didn’t know how bad things had really gotten.”

Of course. By that point, Lauryn had very wisely cut off contact with her mother after multiple disappointments.

She didn’t just do that for herself — she did that for her sister, Alana.

“After I moved Alana out, I really tried to work on ourselves as a family,” Lauryn recalled.

She emphasized that she “really tried to help mama.”

“And then,” she described, “we kind of stepped back for a little while.”

“So I didn’t see her,” Lauryn explained, “I didn’t put the kids around her.”

“When we meet this time on the show, it had been a year since we had physically seen her,” she detailed.

“So that’s hard to hear,” Lauryn said about her mother’s devastatingly expensive drug binge.

“I mean it really is, knowing that — not trying to sound mean and not trying to sound money hungry,” Lauryn shared.

“But to know that me and Josh were struggling trying to do everything we could to keep a roof over Alana’s and Ella’s head,” she expressed.

“It’s just like, but you were out here blowing a million dollars and you couldn’t help me?” Lauryn vocalized.

“I don’t think that she still fully understands the problems she left behind for me,” Lauryn noted.

She explained “because having to take care of Alana, I feel like she’s appreciative of it.”

“But I feel like the way that she says she’s appreciative of it,” Lauryn said, “I want it to be a little more sincere than that.”

“It’s very tough,” Lauryn admitted.

She explained “because somebody who was supposed to be there and supposed to be supportive.”

Lauryn remarked: “it just doesn’t seem that way.”

“I’ve done all these things,” Lauryn noted.

“And,” she added, “I’ve matured as a woman.”

“And now I gotta take the consequences,” Lauryn pointed out, “and I wasn’t even the addict.”

“It’s not like, okay I just take care of Alana,” Lauryn emphasized.

“Like, I have to go through my marriage problems,” she said, “that caused problems there.”

“It basically caused a whole uproar in everybody’s lives,” Lauryn characterized.

“And it’s just like, she sees it,” Lauryn acknowledged, “but she doesn’t see it.”

“She’s gotta prove a lot of things,” she added.

“She has to prove to me that she is truly sober,” Lauryn stressed.

“She has to prove to me that she’s not the person that even she was before the addiction,” Lauryn declared.

She described her pre-drug binge mother as “the one who lied about the little things.”

“For me too, she’s gonna have to let it take time,” Lauryn emphasized.

“For so long we were on her time,” Lauryn reflected.

“We were on Geno’s addiction clock and things like that,” she continued.

“Now, I want you guys to be on my time,” Lauryn stated. “I feel like it should be at my own pace.”

“We do need our space,” Lauryn announced. “We do need our time.”

She explained “because her addiction didn’t happen overnight.”

“Her falling into the drug habit didn’t happen overnight,” Lauryn remarked, “or her ruining the family, it didn’t happen overnight.”

“These things take time and that’s just kind of what I need her to see,” Lauryn emphasized.

“It’s very frustrating for me when she’s pushy, pushy, pushy,” she expressed.

“And it’s like,” Lauryn said, “we were pushy, pushy, pushy when we wanted you to go to the first couple of rehabs and you didn’t go.”

“Seeing Alana cry in general over the Mama situation is very hard,” Lauryn noted.

She explained that she feels this way “because I don’t want her to feel that pain.”

“I don’t want her to have to beg for her mom or dad’s attention,” Lauryn expressed.

“So, I think it’s good that Mama will be able to hear what we have to say and she has no choice,” Lauryn stated.

“She can’t run this time,” she noted.

Lauryn concluded: “She has to sit down and she has to listen.” 

Pumpkin Shares Rare Update On Honey Boo Boo Two Years After Mama June’s Drug Arrest

It’s been a while, but it’s good to hear from Lauryn “Pumpkin” Shannon and her younger half-sister, the infamous Alana “Honey Boo Boo” Thompson! Earlier this week, on Tuesday afternoon, the 21-year-old Pumpkin took to Instagram to post a brand new photo of herself along with her husband, Joshua Efird, and their 2-year-old daughter Ella. The family was shown at […]

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The post Pumpkin Shares Rare Update On Honey Boo Boo Two Years After Mama June’s Drug Arrest appeared first on Perez Hilton.

Lauryn Shannon: Alana Lives With Me! We Can’t Trust Mama June Yet!

Mama June: From Not To Hot star Alana Thompson doesn’t hesitate to hype herself up on social media.

But the truth is that she has been through an ordeal for these past two years.

Her mother’s downward spiral and drug abuse was so bad that Alana had to live with her sister, Lauryn.

These days, June is doing much better. Where is Alana living?

21-year-old Lauryn “Pumpkin” Shannon took to Instagram to share that she had made the unimaginable choice to go to Disney World this week … despite the pandemic.

She shared a photo featuring Josh Efird and young child, Ella.

Looking at the post, some fans had to ask — with 15-year-old Alana seemingly not present, does this mean that Alana is back to living with June? Or, worse, was she back with Sugar Bear?

Lauryn Shannon IG - Alana is still with me

“She’s still with me,” Lauryn confirmed to the commenter.

As you can see in the screenshot above, Doe Doe Shannon left a string of heart emojis under the photo.

However, this is bittersweet but ultimately very good news.

Lauryn is young to be a mother — and she became one, as you will recall, as a teenager.

But she has really stepped up to the plate to provide a supportive home for her teenage sister.

Alana is a teenager, she’s going to high school, and she is dealing with her mother’s extremely public scandals and now with her mother’s recovery and interviews about it.

That means that Alana desperately needs stability at home — something that Lauryn has been able to give.

That way, Alana did not have to go and stay with her awful father, Mike “Sugar Bear” Thompson or with his wife, Jennifer Lamb.

As we have all seen on screen, that would have been an extremely toxic environment for Alana.

Last season, as June crushed her family’s hopes by ghosting on rehab, Alana was confronted by Mike and Jennifer.

Jennifer taunted Alana about her mother’s addiction, being extremely cruel.

Between that and the knowledge that Mike was abusive to June and her daughters when they lived together, this was the last place for Alana to be.

This was also when Lauryn’s role as Alana’s older sister shined.

She physically charged forward as Jennifer’s vicious taunting of Alana continued.

Fortunately, production was there, so Lauryn did not need to physically intercede. Her presence reassured Alana that her big sister had her back.

Speaking of Mama June: From Not To Hot, the show will return.

However, the premiere is expected to be months away.

June herself confirmed this news multiple times last year.

Having the show continue is obviously good for its stars and for fans.

But it can be lifechanging for someone like June, who needs to rebuild her life after she, to be blunt, snorted away hundreds of thousands of dollars in a relatively short amount of time.

Of course, as June rebuilds her life with her reality TV income, she will need to be vigilant — with money comes temptation.

June Shannon Crushes Family’s Hopes, Bails on Rehab AGAIN

Previews for this week’s Mama June: Family Crisis showed Jennifer Lamb’s cruel taunts about June Shannon being a crackhead.

In this sneak peek, we see the family’s horror as June once again bails on her promise to attend rehab.

“One month later,” this sneak peek clip of Mama June: Family Crisis begins.

Likely, that means one month after the explosive confrontation with Jennifer and Mike.

It is also one month after Mama June was supposed to report to rehab for her expensive drug habit.

Here, we see that Alana is also sick at the moment.

She is coughing, and Lauryn has gone to the store in part to pick up the worst thing in the world — cough syrup.

Alana is complaining because Lauryn declined to buy her lip gloss.

Frankly, given the choice between the two, Alana would prefer the lip gloss.

And while we would normally prioritize medicine, in this case, we can’t blame Alana. Cough syrup is worse than most coughs.

However, she was not given a choice, and Lauryn explains why she cannot simply have both.

Lauryn is frankly a little overwhelmed right now and on a budget — which is probably a mix of truth and for-TV drama.

This is where June’s absence is shown to be taking its toll upon the family.

“Mama would have let me get lip gloss,” Alana points out, but Lauryn shuts that down.

At this point, Alana — a braver soul than I am — actually takes the cough syrup.

She has no choice, since she is not yet an adult who can choose to cough with dignity rather than down that repulsive tar.

But the cough is the least of the family’s worries. June’s poor choices have put them in a crisis.

So why, exactly, is the family falling to pieces?

“The past month has been nerve-racking,” Lauryn explains whie speaking to the camera.

She details why June, who had appeared in all of two episodes, is not around to explain for herself what is going on.

“[June’s manager] Gina called me,” Lauryn shares. It sounds for a moment like she said “Geno” but that’s not her fault.

She reveals that Gina Rodriguez called “to tell me that Mama skipped out on rehab.”

Lauryn emphasizes that June has done this to the family “once again.”

“And,” Lauryn laments, “things have just gotten worse since then.”

We can see for ourselves that her life is in chaos.

“I just don’t know how much more I can take,” she expresses.”

“I’m having to put dinner on the table,” Lauryn mentions.

She notes: “I’m basically a single mom when [husband] Josh is not here.”

Lauryn also reveals that she has been taking extra shifts at work — which in turn force Alana, a busy teenager, to also provide childcare.

Alana expresses: “It’s so frustrating.”

As if speaking to her absent mother, she asks: “like why don’t you try and do better for yourself?”

She says that June should want to do rehab “so you can be back in our life.”

“She’s not showing any improvement,” Alana laments.

Alana would have hoped “that she’s trying to get better because she misses us.”

Instead, it seems like Geno and drugs were just way too tempting for her.

“It’s either you miss us or you don’t,” Alana points out.

“And if you don’t,” she says, “don’t lie to us.”

Alana feels betrayed and hurt by her mother’s desertion, as she should.

“It’d be great if Mama came back healthy,” Alana hotes, “and everything was just fine,”

“Maybe then,” she says, “I could just be a normal teenager.”

Instead, she is spending time watching her niece instead of doing homework and talking to friends. That’s not fair at all.

June shannon crushes familys hopes bails on rehab again

Alana Thompson Breaks Down as Jennifer Lamb Screeches: Your Mama’s a Crackhead!

On last week’s Mama June: Family Crisis, June Shannon’s expensive drug habit was laid bare to her family.

Now, Alana Thompson’s father and his wife are trying to take advantage of the situation by snatching up Alana — and her money.

The teaser video begins on a lighter note, as Doe Doe Shannon discusses that her sister has a storage facility.

The audio is edited together a little, but she shares that “June has a storage unit.”

It sounds like she adds that the mystery storage is “up for auction,” so she undertakes a drive to retrieve the goods.

Doe Doe then surprises Lauryn and Alana with the storage unit’s contents.

Our guess? It would be amazing if it were personal possessions of Alana’s that were left at June’s house.

It would be a fun twist if not everything that they thought that she had sold for drug money turned out to be gone forever.

Unfortunately, this is when Mike “Sugar Bear” Thompson and Jennifer Lamb’s sinister subplot rears its ugly head.

We see Mike invite Alana to come live with him.

And by “invite,” we mean that he and Jennifer have already been filmed conspiring to try to make family court force this to happen.

At 14, Alana is smart and assertive enough to see her terrible father for the man that he is.

Even the thought of having to live with him brings her to tears, which is more than understandable.

“Sugar Bear does not want to be in my life,” she points out, her voice breaking as she cries.

Jennifer Lamb has clearly wholeheartedly embraced her role on the show as a primary antagonist.

Viciously, she yells back at Alana: “You don’t want to be in his!”

Alana, realizing that her dad just wants the money that exists to provide for her, breaks down while explaining that this is about Mike, not her.

“He told my mother he doesn’t want me because I’m not a boy,” Alana says while weeping.

Mike walks off, either disappointed that his ploy is not working or ashamed that who he really is has been exposed on camera.

Unfortunately, this only spurs Jennifer to be even more cruel.

“Your mama’s a crackhead,” Jennifer matter-of-factly states.

First of all, though June did test positive for cocaine in the previous week’s episode, it sounds like she’s really more of a meth head.

And second of all, just because something may be true doesn’t mean that it needs to be said to a traumatized, distressed child.

Alana is now very visibly weeping during this agonizing confrontation.

Fortunately, she is not facing down her garbage dad or her trashy wannabe-evil-stepmom alone.

Lauryn “Pumpkin” Shannon has been taking care of Alana, and she’s not letting this farce continue.

Lauryn goes off, pointing out that Mike hasn’t actually acted like a father to Alana.

In fact, he does not in any way support his daughter — Lauryn does that. Alana’s own money does that.

Lauryn and Jennifer lay into each other, the latter upset that her dastardly plan isn’t working out as she had hoped.

We don’t know how much of the drama is staged and how much of this is real, raw emotion — we imagine that it’s a blend of the two.

But it looks like production had to step in between the two of them to prevent a physical brawl from breaking out.

Wow. And the trailer isn’t over yet.

We also briefly see June.

As we know, she did not voluntarily participate in most of this season.

But editors are milking what little footage they do have of her for all that it is worth.

Geno starts talking about money, mentioning $150,000 on camera before June silences him, reminding him to hush.

They have blown through a tremendous amount of cash, much of which was spent on drugs.

June then admits that she is scared, which is not surprising.

Despite her family’s hopes for her to break things off with her toxic boyfriend, June and Geno are still solidly together.

The two hold hands in a small display of mutual affection.

Sadly, June and Geno both have a long way to go.

We know that some viewers think that the teases mean that June will totally get better this season.

The reality is that even early this year — months after these episodes were filmed — June and Geno were still struggling, and in Florida.

(For reference, Alana’s fake-snorting-cocaine scandal was in August of 2019)

She and Geno have a long, difficult journey ahead of them to get sober and make things right with her family.

Alana thompson breaks down as jennifer lamb screeches your mamas

June Shannon Confesses to $2,500 Per Day Meth Habit

On the latest episode of Mama June: Family Crisis, the titular June Shannon had to take a drug test on camera. The results were a disaster.

June confessed to her daughter that she has been spending a tremendous amount of money on meth every single day.

“I said, look, we’re not gonna get anywhere staying here,” June told her daughter, Lauryn at the tense sit-down.

For your convenience, we have included a clip of that painful conversation.

“The only reason I sold the house,” she explained, “I was dead f–king broke.”

Many of us suspected that her selling the house last year for significantly less than it was worth was for that reason.

However, it was important to hear it from her — for fans and for her daughter, Lauryn.

“Because you know, at that point, we [were] doing quite a bit,” June admitted, referring to drugs.

Specifically, she was talking about meth, a particularly dangerous and behavior-altering drug.

“I mean, it was a couple ounces a day,” she characterized.

June revealed: “Our habit was $2,500 a day, if not more.”

At this point, we see Dr. Ish in the observation room explain that June appears to be understating her consumption.

For $2,500 a day, that could be 25 grams of meth a day.

He says that a tiny fraction of that would be more than enough for most users.


“It wasn’t something that just started and, ‘oh my God, I started using drugs,'” June tried to express.

“You found out that I got busted,” she acknowledged, referring to her widely reported arrest early in 2019.

“I got high because I wanted to,” she explained, seemingly more interested in defending Geno than in defending herself.

“It’s not the first time I’ve ever done drugs,” June pointed out.

Lauryn is well aware of June’s deeply troubled history … but pointed out that this was different.

She said that this was the first time that she has seen her mother “strung out” in recent years, since she is older.

First of all, that is heartbreaking to hear from Lauryn. Drugs are a human right, but no parent should ever be strung out around their kids.

Second of all, it seems clear that June spending more time on camera and around doctors were what had, for a time, tempered her pursuit of drugs.

Lauryn then explained to her mother that she cannot have Ella or Alana around her when she is like this.

It’s dangerous and traumatic — and Alana has already been through more than enough trauma.

Lauryn is also concerned that June and Geno are trapped in a cycle.

One may try to get clean, but then get dragged back down by the other. Back and forth, with neither attaining sobriety.

Lauryn was visibly and audibly emotional, to the point of tears, when she told her mom that she can’t be around the girls.

“And I promise you,” June insisted, “for the last couple of months, we have been … I would say, 90 percent good.”

Obviously, 90 percent good is an improvement from where she was before.

But it’s not quite enough for her to be entrusted with family time, especially around impressionable children.

June admits that, months ago, she would have shown up blitzed out for her mind to something like this.

“Mama, I’m glad that you weren’t,” Lauryn replied.

Lauryn also talks about how poorly Geno has treated her.

Suffice it to say that the montage of clips of Geno being an ass to June is just the tip of the iceberg.

Honestly? We know that June’s drug habit is not something that she opted to do for fun.

And while Geno is clearly a factor in her addiction and downward spiral, he is not the sole culprit, either.

June was not born a celebrity. She spent decades living in unthinkable poverty.

Her drug use, like her eating habits from before her makeover, is self-medication for a lifetime of trauma.

June shannon confesses to 2500 dollars per day meth habit

June Shannon: My Family Hates Me Because I’m a Crackhead!

Earlier this week, we showed you a sneak peek of June Shannon submitting to a drug test on Mama June: Family Crisis.

Now, in a new clip teasing Friday night’s episode, June breaks down into tears.

Last year, June Shannon’s life spiraled out of control.

Her arrest for crack cocaine was only part of the trouble.

She was in an unhealthy, toxic relationship with Geno Doak.

Their poor choices cost June her home, her small fortune, her reality career, and worst of all, her relationship with her loved ones.

“Do you think that I like the fact of … going every day without seeing y’all?” Mama June asks.

Lauryn looks on, visibly remaining strong even though we know that she must be feeling a lot right here.

“When I talk,” June says, “when we text message, I cry.”

She emphasizes that she cries “every time.”

June also informs Lauryn that she repeatedly watches a video of her grandbaby that Lauryn had sent her.

Not everything that June says is entirely intelligible, which is not her fault.

She is very conspicuously missing a tooth, which she has since blamed upon biting into a “fat cake,” a type of marshmallow dessert.

But even when her words cannot be identified, her emotions ring clear.

June speaks about lamenting the absence of her children and grandchildren from her life.

She seemingly has some keepsakes, akin to the video, that help her to feel close to her loved ones.

But she has not seen them in some time — because she has not been herself, and it has not been safe.

Though visibly close to tears while face to face with her mom, Lauryn’s mind has not changed.

“I’m getting tired of all of her excuses,” Lauryn declares in a confessional.

“Bottom line,” she spells out, “you hurt us.”

“You need to hear how we feel,” Lauryn explains to the camera, “and how badly it has affected us.”

The entire family has been feeling hurt, betrayed, and afraid to even allow themselves to hope.

June can be seen breaking down into tears.

Presumably, this difficult conversation is either happening before or immediately after June provides her urine sample.

She is submitting to a drug test on this episode. But the results … will be mixed.

Dr. Ish has already been seen, in the previous sneak peek, announcing that he has “good news” and also “bad news.”

Now, in many cases, the good news can outweigh the bad news.

In this case, however, there’s no real “bad news” that is okay to get back from a drug test.

For example, he could be saying that June tested positive for something that should not be in her system, but that she has not taken it recently.

While it would be inspiring and positive for her family to hear that she has spent a small amount of time sober … that is not enough.

In order for the family to trust June again, she will need to turn her life around, and that includes getting clean.

Why do they need for her to fix up her life? Why are the drugs that she chooses to use their business?

Ordinarily, they would not be. June has the natural right as a human being to put whatever she wants into her body.

But June’s behavior while doing so has shown her family, repeatedly, that she can only be trusted when she is stone cold sober.

What behavior? How about selling off her home without so much as telling her family.

She sold off not only her own belongings, but items belonging to her children and grandchildren.

Eyewitnesses described seeing garbage and syringes littered throughout the home as it was emptied out for easy cash.

Then, there is the element of danger, as evidenced when Geno crashed the SUV into the house and then collapsed, visibly under the influence.

June had to come out of the house in nothing but a see-through robe to try to pull him into the house, to no avail.

Quite frankly, people in that state cannot be trusted around kids any more than they can behind the wheel of a car.

Fans and viewers should brace themselves for bad news.

Only in the last few months has June shown any real sign of turning her life around.

She has gotten her tooth fixed. Meanwhile, Geno has been gaining weight and baring his arms — possible signs of sobriety.

Meanwhile, this season was filmed last year.

June’s drug test is not going to go the way that Lauryn hopes, even though she is afraid to allow herself to hope.

June and Geno will go to Florida some time after this.

It will take more than this intervention to save June from herself.

Hopefully, her family will continue to offer some form of support.

Though it goes without saying that June’s not making it easy for them to stand by her side.

We’ll keep you updated on this incredibly sad story as more information becomes available.

June shannon breaks down i cry every time i talk to my family

June Shannon Forced to Take Drug Test on Camera: Get Clean or GTFO, Family Says!

Mama June: Family Crisis already showed fans her family’s shock and worry after June Shannon’s life began falling apart at the seams.

In a new sneak peek, June is subjected to a drug test … and she herself admits that she doesn’t know what the results will be.

This teaser for Friday’s Mama June: Family Crisis packs a tremendous amount of tension into a very short video.

Last week, after wasting a lot of time with Jennifer Lamb reveling in her role as series villain, we saw June.

Mostly, she was just riding with producers and looking consideably worse for wear.

Now, people are still worried about her disheveled appearance and missing tooth … but there are greater concerns.

Mama June Shannon knows that if she wants to get back into her family’s good graces, she cannot be on drugs.

She’s not herself when she’s on drugs — she has sold off her belongings along with her family’s property, without warning.

Her reckless choices have caused her to lose her family and her home, selling it for well below its actual value.

If they are ever going to trust her again, she must prove that she is clean.

Mama June arrives and tensions are running high.

Lauryn has a lot of worries and expectations.

For all of her talk of being angry with June, well, that anger is genuine but she loves and misses her mom.

She’s missing her mom, but she’s afraid to get her hopes up again after so many disappointments.

June herself is clearly feeling a lot, including embarrassment.

She has not been a willing participant in most of the season, despite teasers suggesting otherwise.

It seems likely that she may have done this either in a bid for cash, or in one of her lucid moments when she wanted to reconnect with her family.

Whatever her motives, this is a humiliating thing — to be filmed and drug tested while having a conspicuously worse appearance.

And yes, there is a drug test.

It looks like they’re getting June to take a urinalysis test.

For many, many obvious reasons, they are not recording the reality TV star and grandmother while she provides her sample.

It’s awkward enough just watching her take the cup into the bathroom, you know?

This is intense AF.

We can see how Lauryn is visibly nervous.

Previously, we have discussed how Lauryn and Doe Doe and June all have the same obvious “tells” for when having a planned conversation.

But right here, we see Lauryn when she’s acting. She’s about to receive important news on camera.

The tension doesn’t exist for no reason.

See, even June herself doesn’t know what the results of the drug test will be.

She admits it on camera. Maybe she’s not sure if it’s all out of her system from the last time that she used.

Whatever results are coming will be news to them all. Either that, or June is just hoping for a false negative.

Dr. Ish is there again, for moral support or whatever the reality TV equivalent of that is.

He was there, of course, for June’s intervention last year — months before this scene was filmed.

That intervention failed spectacularly, of course, as June refused any overnight treatment at any facility — too afraid of losing Geno.

The entire family, and perhaps June herself, is hoping that this time will go more smoothly.

We don’t know with certainty what the results are, here.

(Well, not exactly)

We do know that Dr. Ish comes back and says that there is good news and bad news.

You don’t need to see June’s tearful response to whatever is said to know that “good news and bad news” means bad news.

Meanwhile, we see that other members of the family who were not present are curious about the results.

Doe Doe Shannon, June’s sister, is obviously concerned about her sister.

We have to imagine that only Lauryn was there because they did not want to overcrowd June.

But Doe Doe is not the only conspicuous absence from the tense scene.

Lauryn says plainly that she is not prepared to tell Alana about this.

Alana has been taking June’s downward spiral very hard.

It’s no surprise — she’s a young teenage with a traumatic childhood who is now faced with losing her mother to drugs.

Feeling abandoned and betrayed to a man is no fun.

Lauryn did not want to get Alana’s hopes up by even mentioning the appointment.

However, Doe Doe’s sister brings it up — and it’s hard to tell how planned this was.

Lauryn shoots her cousin a “shut up” look.

Meanwhile, Alana is clearly instantly suspicious and realizes that she has been left out of something important.

These days, we know that June has been taking steps to improve her life.

But that was not the case when this was filmed. She was still in deep.

June will go to Florida with Geno after this was filmed, and continue to miss her tooth for months.

She did recently fix her smile, which fans see as a sign that she is now clear-headed enough to see herself in the mirror.

June shannon submits to a drug test in intense sneak peek

Lauryn Shannon Goes OFF on Alana Thompson for Pretending to Snort Cocaine

Late last summer, 14-year-old Alana “Honey Boo Boo” Thompson pretended to snort cocaine while on Instagram Live.

On Mama June: Family Crisis, fans — and Alana — came face to face with the fallout and the real world consequences of that impulsive mistake.

Alana thompson says that it was just a joke

On Friday’s episode, we saw — and herard — Lauryn furiously scolding Alana after, on impulse, the high school freshman mimed snorting cocaine.

(We hope that this was dramatized for the cameras, as we’re sure that most of the episode was, because no one should yell … just about ever).

“Alana, seriously what the f–k possessed you to do that?” Lauryn demanded to know.

“All this stuff going on with Mama,” she lamented, “and you’re sitting here continuously f–king doing stuff!”

Alana thompson begs june shannon to come home

Lauryn did not buy into Alana’s protestatons that it was a joke, countering: “It’s not funny!”

But Alana was deeply distressed and felt cornered as people online and in real life gave her hell for it.

“It was a joke,” Alana protested. “Everyone is supposed to laugh about it. I mean, I wasn’t trying to make fun of Mama’s situation or anything.”

“It was just simply a joke, I mean it wasn’t even like that,” she continued. “Why can’t people just take a joke?”

Alana thompson makes a lot of sense

The reason was not just that it was a potential red flag in terms of how she was handling her mother’s arrest and downward spiral.

There were also some immediate, real-world downsides.

In a FaceTime chat with her management, Gina Rodriguez, Alana learned that she had done more than disappoint people.

Some of her business sponsorships, which have kept her financially stable despite her mother’s descent, were cutting ties with her.

Alana thompson feels ganged up upon

“This is ridiculous. What do you think you’re doing?” Gina admonished Alana.

“Why are you smiling?” she asked. “This is not funny!”

‘Some of your sponsorships have been calling us and emailing us trying to cancel with you,” Gina revealed.

She added: “We’ve been trying to put out fires all morning.”

Alana thompson and lauryn shannon see what joshua efird has to s

Josh Efird was the one to really drive the message home in an over-the-top, theatrical, made-for-TV kind of way.

He (and production) drove Alana out to a farm where she had to perform gross, manual labor on camera.

While we have no idea how this was not a violation of child labor laws, we do know that a lot of states have exceptions for farming (for no good reason).

However much or little Alana actually did, the point was to show her that her current reality gig is a sweetheart deal compared to other labor.

Alana thompson cries on the couch

Just in case that wasn’t enough to convince Alana to shape up, the family also staged an intervention of sorts, with Dr. Ish.

This was where Alana eventually broke down into tears as they gat to the heart of the issue.

That issue — her mother totally abandoning her for drugs and a man who reportedly threatened to kill her.

Eventually, Alana came to tearfully admit that she felt like a bit of a burden on her family, who assured her that this is not the case.

Alana thompson does not like what she is hearing

It is our sincere hope that Alana is also undergoing actual therapy, the kind that is not filmed.

We know that a healthy mental and emotional state is not always conducive to an entertaining reality star, but … she needs support.

It can be easy to forget that Alana is really going through this, on top of dealing with being a childhood star with a lot of early life trauma.

Seeing her storm away from her sit-down with a camera and producer should be enough to hammer home that some of the drama is very real.

Lauryn shannon goes off on alana thompson for pretending to snor

June Shannon Sells Off Family’s Belongings in Shocking Sneak Peek!

On last week’s Mama June: Family Crisis, June Shannon ghosted on rehab, leaving her entire family devastated and disappointed.

In a sneak peek for this week, the entire family reacts with horror as June sells everything she owns — and a lot of what they own — for quick cash.

Late last summer, when these episode of Mama June: Family Crisis were filmed, Alana Thompson was dealing with a scandal.

See, the high school freshman had pretended to snort cocaine on Instagram Live.

Between being 14 years old, being a celebrity who grew up on television, and her mother’s downward spiral and crack arrest, this was serious.

And everyone was determined to get Alana to understand that.

Being 14, however, Alana does not initially understand why so many adults who love her are freaking out.

In this sneak peek, we see Lauryn beg her to take this seriously.

Alana’s manager, Gina Rodriguez, even video chats with her to talk about the seriousness of this scandal.

In reality, we know that Alana likely lost some business opportunities because of that. 14 year old stars are held to lofty standards.

Meanwhile, Jennifer Lamb very dramatically shows Mike “Sugar Bear” Thompson the video of Alana.

Now, Jennifer clearly loves being on reality TV, and not just because she got a full body makeover.

In this very staged-looking conversation, she assumes the role of the gleeful villain, encouraging Mike to seek custody of Alana.

We all know that Mike was a terrible father and shouldn’t have custody of a houseplant. But this storyline looks pretty serious.

Meanwhile, Lauryn is also taking this seriously, in her own way.

Because she and Gina were not able to get through to Alana, it appears that they are staging a mini-intervention for Alana.

Nobody thinks that Alana is actually doing lines of coke, but interventions can be for many things.

Alana is visibly stunned when she walks into, well, a very polite ambush.

(My word, look at those crocks just sitting on the floor)

The good news is that it appears that this intervention somehow got through to Alana.

Maybe they spelled out their concerns. Maybe they told her about the professional consequences of being “the girl who pretended to snort coke.”

Whatever it was, Alana ended up weeping. We hope that this was a sign that she got the message. Poor girl.

Obviously, Alana’s acting out — which was genuinely mild — was because of June’s own bad behavior.

And, as the family learns in this sneak peek, June’s behavior got a whole lot worse.

Last year, just days after Alana’s scandal broke, someone recorded the interior of June’s damaged, trashed house.

June was selling off her possessions in a desperate bid to keep Geno by her side, and a potential buyer shared what they had seen with the world.

Now, the sneak peek doesn’t show all of the details, like the discarded syringes laying around or almost all of the furniture being gone.

But it is Lauryn’s husband, Joshua Efird, who gets to break the news on-camera (while, let’s be real, Lauryn fakes a reaction to news she already knew).

Lauryn doesn’t have to fake her horror — at the state of June’s house.

Even more unnerving is that June isn’t limiting this fire sale to her own possessions.

The “crack addicts will steal your stereo” trope is so old that it dates back to when stereos were normal household equipment.

But in this case, it appears that June was selling things from Alana’s room, from Lauryn’s old room, and even things belonging to Ella.

As Lauryn and her husband discuss this horror show, Alana listens on.

Remember, June was supposed to go to rehab just recently, but ghosted. Alana is having to process how far her mother has fallen.

It gets worse than just the trashed house and then stolen and sold items.

(Yes, when you take something belonging to someone else and sell it, it is stealing, even if it’s in your house and even if you bought it)

Joshua notes that the potential buyer had also gotten a glimpse of June herself along with the syringe-littered garbage heap of a house.

And, well, Lauryn’s face really says it all.

Mama June: Family Crisis is certainly living up to the “family crisis” part of its name.

But fans expecting to see June clean up her act or even return to her starring role are in for a nasty shock — at least, this season.

Only very, very recently has June Shannon taken steps to fix her life. Fans hope for the best.

In the mean time, we can continue to watch the devastating fallout that one woman’s choices are having on her entire family.

June shannon sells off her familys belongings in shocking sneak