Ronnie Magro Loses His S–t in Epic Tirade Against Jen Harley, Boyfriend Joe [UPDATED]

During his decade as one of the main stars of Jersey Shore, Ronnie Ortiz-Magro has put his infamous temper on display many, many times.

Unfortunately, his most shameful displays appear to have taken place off camera, and they’ve repeatedly landed Magro in trouble with the law.

Last week, we reported that the 35-year-old Magro was arrested in Los Angeles on domestic violence charges.

And this is not the first time that he’s been accused of assaulting a woman with whom he was in a romantic relationship.

Now, through screenshots of Magro’s text messages and new accusations about his behavior, a disturbing picture is emerging.

It appears that we’re dealing with a monumentally troubled individual who is unable to control his rage, and who has the habit of unleashing his fury on the most vulnerable people in his life.

We’re certainly relieved to report that his ex Jen Harley rescued their daughter from him shortly after this occurred.

If Ron’s alleged behavior toward Harley and her current lover is any indication, we’re scared for anyone in his inner circle.

Seriously, the guy is telling us a lot about himself. Instead of just laying low, or defending himself, he’s … going off on Jen and Joe, who were not even involved in whatever the heck happened.

Like we said, it says a lot. Take a look:

1. Here We Go Again

Saffire matos ronnie
It brings us no pleasure to report that Ronnie Magro is back at it. The troubled Jersey Shore star, who was infamously arrested for a violent physical altercation with the mother of his daughter, Jen Harley, in 2019, has once again been accused of domestic violence.

2. Major Problems

Ronnie ortiz magro on the shore
Ronnie is on 36 months probation for that incident, which could mean he’s looking at major legal problems stemming from this. We should note that Ronnie has not yet been convicted of anything and is currently out on bail. But even if he once again avoids jail time, this latest incident has highlighted the many ways in which Magro is a very disturbed individual.

3. More of the Same

Ronnie magro ortiz pic
Like his previous arrest, this one took place in Los Angeles, where Ronnie currently lives. While no victim has been named, we know it wasn’t Harley, who has since come to take the couple’s daughter back to Las Vegas, where she lives. While it hasn’t been confirmed, it is believed that Ronnie’s current girlfriend, Saffire Matos, was involved.

4. Details Are Scarce

Ronnie weeps
“He was arrested on April 22 at 11:50 a.m. for domestic violence, but due to victim confidentiality, I can’t go into detail,” said Officer Rosario Cervantes, a spokesperson for the LAPD.

5. It Gets Worse

Ronnie ortiz magro and ariana
Ronnie’s three-year-old daughter was present when the attack occurred, and as we said, Jen made the trip from Las Vegas to Los Angeles in order to bring her home.

6. Caught In the Middle

Ronnie arrest 6
Jen made her anger toward Ronnie apparent shortly after news of the arrest went public, proclaiming that this was the last time she would be making the Vegas to L.A. trip on her daughter’s behalf (implying that Vegas is home for Ariana from now on). Little did she know that was just the start of the drama.

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Khloe Kardashian Defending Leaked Bikini Pic Sends the Wrong Message

If you’ve been anywhere near social media over the course of the past several weeks, then you’ve probably heard about the controversy surrounding a leaked photo of Khloe Kardashian.

The pic – which was taken by Khloe’s maternal grandmother, MJ – shows the 36-year-old hanging out poolside, wearing a bikini.

She appears to be happy, and in good shape, and there’s really nothing remarkable about the image.

Or at least there wouldn’t be, were it not for the fact that it looks so different from the version of Khloe that fans have been seeing over the past few months.

The situation escalated when Khloe and her legal team launched a campaign to have the offending image scrubbed from the internet – a near-impossible feat in 2021, to say nothing of her surprising outrage over this.

Now, Khloe is attempting to explain her over-the-top response, and it seems she’s unintentionally sparked an intense debate over the question of honesty on social media.

Take a look and see if you’re buying what she’s selling.

1. Khloe’s New Face

Khloe kardashian on her instagram
Khloe Kardashian has found herself at the center of a surprising controversy over the past few weeks, thanks to a leaked photo (below). And the situation has raised difficult questions about celebrities’ responsibilities to their fans and followers.

2. Accidental Truth

Khloe kardashian unedited photo
The trouble began when this image of Khloe appeared on her Instagram page over Easter weekend. Honestly, she looks great – to us. Khloe apparently doesn’t feel the same way. Reps later explained that the pic was posted by an assistant without Khloe’s knowledge or consent.

3. Nipped, Tucked, and Retouched

Khloe kardashian photoshopped
As any observer can see, the previous photo is not especially unflattering, but it’s also not the version of Khloe that we’ve been seeing for most of the past year – that would THIS version of Khloe.

4. A Simple Misunderstanding

Khloe kardashian body
“The color edited photo was taken of Khloe during a private family gathering and posted to social media without permission by mistake by an assistant,” a rep for the Kardashians explained to Page Six.

5. Nothing to See Here …

Khloe kardashian looking hot
As for the seeming contradiction of wanting to take down an image of a happy, healthy Khloe? “Khloe looks beautiful but it is within the right of the copyright owner to not want an image not intended to be published taken down,” the hired gun continued.

6. What’s the Problem?

Khloe kardashian goes all natural
No one’s questioning Khloe’s right to at least a modicum of privacy, but may found themselves wondering why she was so upset about a pretty run-of-the-mill bikini pic going viral.

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Joe Giudice to Melissa Gorga: You Keep My Family’s Name Outta Yer Mouth!! [Exclusive]

Family is a complicated, layered concept that changes more than people would like to admit, whether you’re on TV or not.

And sometimes, your family – even former family – know how to push your buttons much better (or worse) than anyone.

To wit, Melissa Gorga has recently had a whole lot to say about Joe Giudice on The Real Housewives of New Jersey.

Melissa has also taken shots at her former co-star in multiple interviews, accusing him of using her to stay relevant.

According to her, he’s just trying to profit off of their disagreements – basically trying to make money at her expense.

Well, speaking to The Hollywood Gossip exclusively, Joe himself says that this is the furthest thing from the truth.

The father of four spoke to THG earlier this month with his side of the story, and now he’s back for round two.

From Italy, Giudice explains that the reality is simple: he wants Gorga to stop stressing out his wonderful daughters.

When it comes to using them for storylines, headlines, or anything else, just keep them out of your mouth, will ya?

In his mind, hearing their own aunt go on tirades about their dad on and off of TV isn’t doing the girls any good.

And frankly, it’s not a good look for Melissa or her husband, is it? Read on to see what Joe has to say …

1. Joe Giudice has had enough

Joe giudice in shades
Despite extraordinarily unfortunate circumstances, he and his daughters and Teresa are all adjusting to their new reality. He feels like this is made so much harder when Teresa’s brother and her sister-in-law dredge up some of their family’s most painful moments. And they accuse HIM of using them to stay relevant!

2. There was a recent, heartwarming family reunion

Giudice family dinner in the bahamas
Understandably, not all ex-husbands want to meet their ex-wife’s new boyfriend, and that feeling is often very mutual. But when Teresa and her four beautiful daughters went to the Bahamas to meet up with Joe, Luis and his son tagged along.

3. It’s important for them to see their dad

Joe giudice daughters and teresa giudice in the bahamas
Joe was ripped from their lives by unjust circumstances beyond their control. While in many ways, he was more fortunate than many victims of deportation, the heartbreak of not being with his family throughout most of the year is unthinkable. Fortunately, the Giudice family pulls out all of the stops to make sure that the girls can spend a lot of time with their father — while of course putting their educations first.

4. It was an extended family dinner

Giudice extended family dinner
Family sometimes means making it work, so Joe and Teresa do what they can for their girls, even when they have their own love lives. Joe and Teresa also both posted very graciously about the dinner afterwards, with Joe giving a shoutout to Luis and to his son.

5. But every family has its troubles

Joe gorga talks to the door
In case it wasn’t already clear that there is some tension between Teresa’s brother and sister-in-law and the father of her children, things exploded on last week’s The Real Housewives of New Jersey.

6. Teresa’s feud with Jackie turned into something very different

Teresa giudice takes a seat as asked
She confronted her brother, Joe Gorga, for not defending her earlier … which spawned a short sequence of events that led to Joe and Melissa’s over-the-top explosion.

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Leah Messer Drops Scary Bombshell: I Found a Lump … And I Need an Ultrasound

A new season of Teen Mom 2 is almost upon us.

And with it, a whole new set of trials and tribulations for the series’ original leads – and a couple of newcomers joining the cast.

Suffice it to say, there will be plenty of storylines for fans to absorb and dissect this year, although in particular stands out.

On the casting front, Ashley Jones has replaced Chelsea Houska, and Jade Cline is still making a name for herself on one of MTV’s most popular and longest-lasting shows.

But with no offense to Ashley (above) or Chelsea, it’s the plight of a longtime fan favorite that’s left viewers desperate for answers.

The trailer features a scary moment in which Leah Messer reveals that she discovered a lump in her breast.

Things are concerning enough that the 26-year-old mother of three says she has decided to undergo testing.

“He recommended that I have an ultrasound done,” Messer says during a phone call.

Obviously, we’ll have to wait until the new season premieres on May 4 to find out what’s going on with Leah.

And that doesn’t seem like the sort of issue that will be resolved in a season premiere, so we’ll probably have to wait much longer than that.

But eventually, we’ll get some closure on a situation that already has Teen Mom 2 fans fearing the worst.

Making the scenario even more agonizing is the fact that Leah appears to be firing on all cylinders just ahead of her health scare.

In addition to raising her three daughters West Virginia native Leah was writing her memoir at the time.

She was also planning to launch a podcast when she got the bad news from her doctor.

But it seems all of that was temporarily put on hold when she found out she was facing a potential crisis.


The bad news is, it might be months before we figure out how this situation has been resolved (or, for that matter, if it has been resolved).

The good news is, these scenes were shot last year, and Leah has made no mention of struggling with regard to her health.

So in all likelihood, the lump turned out not to be cancerous, or it was successfully treated in the months since.

But we can’t be sure about that until we hear it from Leah, and alas, that may not be happening imminently.

And since it looks as though her health scare will be a major storyline, we won’t hear it from Leah until we hear it on the show.

The situation reflects what has become a major point of contention between producers and cast in recent years:

The stars want to communicate freely with their fans on social media.

But producers feel – perhaps rightfully – that if the cast shares everything on Instagram, there will be no reason for fans to tune into the show.

Obviously, some sort of balance has to be achieved in that regard, which is no easy feat with families, friends and entire teams involved.

The difficulty of maintaining some semblance of privacy while at the same time giving producers enough to keep her storyline interesting?

It’s a real thing, and is supposedly one of the challenges that led popular co-star Chelsea Houska to quit Teen Mom 2.

And as they enter their second decade of stardom, no doubt Leah and Kailyn are beginning to feel similarly strained.

So here’s hoping that Leah’s situation turned out to be nothing – and that we won’t have to wait until the finale to find that out.

Needless to say, Teen Mom 2 can’t start soon enough.

Leah messer i found a lump and now i need an ultrasound

Khloe Kardashian Defends Altered Image, Decries Leaked Pic, Misses Point

If you’ve been anywhere near social media over the course of the past several weeks, then you’ve probably heard about the controversy surrounding a leaked photo of Khloe Kardashian.

The pic – which was taken by Khloe’s maternal grandmother, MJ – shows the 36-year-old hanging out poolside, wearing a bikini.

She appears to be happy, and in good shape, and there’s really nothing remarkable about the image.

Or at least there wouldn’t be, were it not for the fact that it looks so different from the version of Khloe that fans have been seeing over the past few months.

The situation escalated when Khloe and her legal team launched a campaign to have the offending image scrubbed from the internet – a near-impossible feat in 2021, to say nothing of her surprising outrage over this.

Now, Khloe is attempting to explain her over-the-top response, and it seems she’s unintentionally sparked an intense debate over the question of honesty on social media.

Take a look and see if you’re buying what she’s selling.

1. Khloe’s New Face

Khloe kardashian on her instagram
Khloe Kardashian has found herself at the center of a surprising controversy over the past few weeks, thanks to a leaked photo (below). And the situation has raised difficult questions about celebrities’ responsibilities to their fans and followers.

2. Accidental Truth

Khloe kardashian unedited photo
The trouble began when this image of Khloe appeared on her Instagram page over Easter weekend. Honestly, she looks great – to us. Khloe apparently doesn’t feel the same way. Reps later explained that the pic was posted by an assistant without Khloe’s knowledge or consent.

3. Nipped, Tucked, and Retouched

Khloe kardashian photoshopped
As any observer can see, the previous photo is not especially unflattering, but it’s also not the version of Khloe that we’ve been seeing for most of the past year – that would THIS version of Khloe.

4. A Simple Misunderstanding

Khloe kardashian body
“The color edited photo was taken of Khloe during a private family gathering and posted to social media without permission by mistake by an assistant,” a rep for the Kardashians explained to Page Six.

5. Nothing to See Here …

Khloe kardashian looking hot
As for the seeming contradiction of wanting to take down an image of a happy, healthy Khloe? “Khloe looks beautiful but it is within the right of the copyright owner to not want an image not intended to be published taken down,” the hired gun continued.

6. What’s the Problem?

Khloe kardashian goes all natural
No one’s questioning Khloe’s right to at least a modicum of privacy, but may found themselves wondering why she was so upset about a pretty run-of-the-mill bikini pic going viral.

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Bachelor Nation: Are ANY Couples Still Together??

The Bachelor and The Bachelorette are TV shows with a clear goal that you don’t need Bachelor spoilers to figure out:

Set up a man or woman with his/her soulmate.

Heck, nearly every season ends with a proposal, right? And yet, over time, almost no proposals end in actual marriage.

By the numbers, few couples from Bachelor Nation last months; let alone years; let alone an entire lifetime together.

Have there been exceptions to this rule?

Oh yeah, just look at Jason and Molly. Or Sean and Cat. Rachel and Bryan. Even Arie and Lauren … or JoJo and Jordan.

Nevertheless, it’s still an arduous, uphill battle.

See Hannah Brown and Jed Wyatt, or Peter Weber and Hannah Ann, or Peter Weber and Madison for that matter.

Their engagements lasted … days? Hours?

These are unique cases, and yet … not. Heck, Peter and Kelley Flanagan broke up too now. Dude was 0-for-3 in 2020!

The fact is that it’s hard out there for duos spawned by this franchise to make it work, as we saw repeatedly last year.

If you recall, Colton and Cassie broke up last summer. Followed by Becca and Garrett. Then even Ashley and J.P.

Such a brutal year, 2020.

Oh, and Clare and Dale split up as well. The other Bachelorette of 2020, Tayshia Adams, has fared better. At least so far.

And then there’s the dumpster fire that was Matt James’ season of The Bachelor, a mess we would all like to forget.

Needless to say, it didn’t work out.

Looking back through the years, which duos are still living happily ever after after the final rose was bestowed?

Take a look at notable couples from The Bachelor and Bachelorette and see whether they’re still a romantic item now.

1. Clare Crawley and Dale Moss

Clare crawley and dale moss on the gram
Where to begin with Clare Crawley and Dale Moss, the latest casualty of The Bachelor Curse a.k.a. real life? These two got engaged after like two weeks, peaced out of the show, and were head over heels in love before a host of usual suspects – cheating allegations, long-distance relationships, conflicting priorities, the stress of the spotlight, the honeymoon phase wearing off – derailed their romance in spectacular fashion in early 2021. Is it possible for a breakup to be surprising and yet not at all?

2. Tayshia Adams and Zac Clark

Zac clark picture
Tayshia Adams and Zac Clark, on the other hand, appear happy as can be – at least for the time being. After she took over The Bachelorette when Clare bounced with Dale, she went on to enjoy a relatively conventional season, culminating in an engagement to Zac. We wish these two all the best, as they certainly do seem like a great fit. You just never get your hopes up too high as a fan these days.

3. Matt James and Rachael Kirkconnell

Rachael kirkconnell with matt
What a mess. What a complete and utter mess. An unmitigated disaster that the show will take a long time to recover from, if it ever does, no one can take away the fact that it was, truly, the most shocking season in Bachelor history. (Ironically, Chris Harrison stepped down at the end of it.) Of course Matt James, hyped for months as the first Black Bachelor, would end up giving Rachael Kirkconnell – who came under fire for racially insensitive photos and comments – his final rose. He never even proposed to her (no promise ring, no nothing) on the finale, which is probably the only good news producers could’ve hoped for, as their Valentine’s Day breakup (a month before the season finale even aired) was relatively quick and painless.

4. Colton Underwood and Cassie Randolph

Colton cassie
Colton Underwood and Cassie Randolph, as we mentioned and you probably heard if you’re reading this, broke up in late May 2020. By all accounts, Cassie was The One for Colton from the start, and it appeared that she was along for the ride long after he busted the inaugural nut. Whether they actually make it to the altar was always suspect, however, given the hesitation we’d seen on the show … and some of the bombshells he dropped in his recent memoir … and just the overall odds of reality TV relationships actually lasting. Not good. But hey. They made it over a year and as they said in their joint statement, some people are just meant to be friends instead. No shame in that truth. Of course, given her recent accusations and the restraining order she filed, there may be plenty of shame we’ve yet to learn about.

5. Peter Weber and Madison Prewett

Madison prewett and peter weber
Peter Weber was an iconic disaster on The Bachelor. So much so that it’s hard to decide which of his relationships to even include here. He began his season needing “closure” with Hannah Brown, who returned to the show for multiple episodes … then got engaged to Hannah Ann Sluss on the finale and dumped her a month later (long before the finale actually made it to air). Then Chris Harrison flew to Alabama to set Peter up with runner-up Madison Prewett, who he went public with on the After the Final Rose special. They broke up two days after. Then he got together with Kelley Flanagan, another contestant on his season who didn’t even make it to hometown dates. Good luck to her.

6. Hannah Brown and Jed Wyatt

Jed wyatt photo
This one didn’t come close to working out. Hannah accepted Jed’s proposal… only to find out TWO WHOLE DAYS later that Wyatt had never told her about a quasi girlfriend back at home. She then dumped him. A year later, she said she had doubts even during the proposal itself. Maybe she shouldn’t have put herself through that, but what can you do. The heart wants what it wants and sometimes that’s douchelords.

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Who Was the Worst Bachelor Ever?

In 2020, Peter Weber was often called the worst Bachelor of all time.

After he proposed to Hannah Ann Sluss, ghosted her, dated Madison Prewett for like a day, and then finally wound up with Kelley Flanagan, who also got tired of him, he may have earned that title.

It’s not hard to see why the guy is so widely disliked – after all, he wasted everybody’s time, delivered a painfully anti-climactic conclusion, and broke quite a few hears with his indecisiveness.

But while it’s not often that you’ll find us defending Pilot Pete here at THG, we have to push back against the idea that he’s the unequivocally the worst Bachelor of all time.

Sure, he’s the most recent to deliver a total letdown of a season – but he’s not the first, nor the last. In fact, Matt James’ season ended with many disappointments as well.

So join us on a trip down Fantasy Suite memory lane as we take a look at the rose master generals who were more thorn than blossom and determine who was really the biggest dud among studs.

Take a look:

1. The Front-Runner

Peter weber and his ladies
You might hear the term “worst Bachelor of all-time” bandied about a lot in reference to Peter Weber. But as you’re about to find out, Pilot Pete actually has quite a bit of competition in that department.

2. Matt James

Matt james gma picture
Matt James, the first Black Bachelor lead, came in with high expectations, for sure. While he personally didn’t do anything during his 2020 season that would be considered “Worst Ever” material, the franchise crumbling around him made for one of the ickiest seasons in franchise history.

3. He Chose Rachael Kirkconnell

Rachael kirkconnell with matt
Incredibly, Matt’s final rose winner was Rachael Kirkconnell, who made headlines during the season for all the wrong reasons – old photos of her at a racially insensitive Plantation party, and her tone-deaf response to that controversy. Rachael eventually apologized more sincerely, but not before Chris Harrison made the situation exponentially worse with an even more tone-deaf defense of Kirkconnell. By the time the final rose was handed out on TV, the couple had already gone their separate ways – and many fans had divorced the Bachelor itself.

4. Nick Viall

Nick viall in a suit
First on our list is Nick Viall. We know what you’re thinking — Nick’s not such a bad guy. In fact, he still hosts a wildly popular podcast about all things Bachelor Nation. But that’s exactly our point …

5. Viall Behavior

Nick viall appears on abcs good morning america
If you google the term “here for the wrong reasons,” Nick’s face should be the first to pop up. From the start, this guy made it perfectly clear that he loves the limelight more than he could ever love any romantic partner.

6. Not Taking the Hint

Nick viall and chris harrison
Nick won the first impression rose from lawyer Andi Dorfman and made it to her final round, where he lost to Josh Murray. He then weaseled his way into Kaitlyn Bristowe’s season. Next, he appeared on Bachelor In Paradise, before finally landing a role as The Bachelor in 2016.

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Jenelle Evans’ Life on the Land Exposed on Deeply Troubling Series

Well, it’s finally over. The End of an Error, you could say.

After six installments, a sh!t ton of crying, and more excuses than we can count, Jenelle Evans’ “I Have Something to Say” series has wrapped up its iconic first-season run on YouTube.

Now, it’s time to look back at what we learned.

There are some obvious things, of course:

  • The Teen Mom 2 terror has too much time on her hands;
  • She’s more desperate than ever to stay relevant;
  • She blames everyone else for her problems.

But there are more subtle lessons, as well, many of them having to do with the never-ending insanity that is life on The Land.

The Land, of course, is the mythical, cleverly-named spot where the Eason-Evans homestead is located in North Carolina. 

Join us as we take a trip down memory lane and revisit the key takeaways from Jenelle’s biggest waste of time ever.

1. A Mother’s Fury

Jenelle is very angry
Over the course of six episodes (few of which were delivered on Mondays, as planned), Jenelle Evans made her case against CPS and claimed her children were stolen by the government. The whole thing was every bit as insane as it sounds …

2. Telling Her Tale

Je vs cps 1
It started last month, when Jenelle uploaded an intensely dramatic, nearly 1-hour video, in which she alleged that she was unfairly targeted by Child Protective Services and accused the organization of essentially kidnapping her children.

3. The Nugget Incident

David kissing nugget
As you’ll recall, Jenelle’s kids were placed in new homes after her husband, David Eason, shot and killed the family dog during one of his infamous temper tantrums.

4. Drama Queen

Je vs cps 8
The first thing we learned from the videos is that Jenelle is as dramatic as ever. She kicked things off with a recording from a 911 call, followed by footage of her crying after losing her kids — footage that she apparently shot herself.

5. Mystery Tears

Je vs cps 2
From there, she showed a brief clip of her daughter Ensley crying. No context was provided, but apparently, we were supposed to conclude that the girl was in tears because her brother had been taken by CPS.

6. Breaking Out the Court Voice

Je vs cps 11
At that point, Jenelle started talking like a professional news lady, y’all, telling the camera, “Within the next few episodes, I’m gonna explain the corruption, distress, trauma introduced to my family by CPS of May, 2019.”

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90 Day Fiance Racist? TLC Hit Accused of Xenophobia, Misogyny

TLC’s 90 Day Fiance is a massively successful franchise consisting of an ever-growing bouquest of spinoffs.

Memes from the show are spread far and wide, some shared by people who have never watched the show.

The cultural impact of this hit series cannot be questioned.

But what a growing portion of the audience – even its unabashedly devoted fans – are questioning is whether the show’s cultural impact is a good thing. This isn’t just about the stars, either.

The show has undertones of racism, xenophobia, and misogyny.

At every stage of the process, it sometimes appears that 90 Day Fiance aims to appeal to the worst assumptions that viewers already have.

This doesn’t mean that we can’t watch 90 Day Fiance or enjoy it, but it’s important to be cognizant of exactly what we are consuming.

And 90 Day Fiance has some real problems that are growing bigger as the show tries to outdo past seasons with each new season and spinoff.

Continue reading below and see what we mean.

1. 90 Day Fiance has a race problem

Lisa hamme explains
No, not a race problem — a race-ISM problem. In that, it is very representative of many American (and international) institutions. There are also issues of xenophobia and misogyny.

2. Not all racism looks the same

Baby girl lisa hamme explains her frustrations
It’s not as simple as Baby Girl Lisa calling her husband Usman, a Nigerian man, the N-word — a slur that she also favored using on social media — and TLC cut the footage of it and rehired her. Only when the footage leaked followed by courageous Black Lives Matter protests from coast to coast did TLC realize that maybe having a slur-slinging racist on their network was not a great idea, at which point they reportedly fired Lisa from B90 Strikes Back. That’s one of the more obvious examples … but the main problem with the franchise is more insidious.

3. This is a complicated, multi-faceted topic

Angela deem i dont have to do s t because im an american
It’s not always about the stars of the show proudly spouting American supremacy, though that is a deeply screwed up thing to watch. Angela Deem is beyond parody at this point. If all of the problems with 90 Day Fiance were as glaringly obvious as the verbally abusive and toxic stuff that comes out of her mouth, it wouldn’t be an issue.

4. In a way, 90 Day Fiance is not alone

Nene leakes appears to spit
Many reality shows are accused of reinforcing racism and misogyny in their viewers, with shows like The Real Housewives of Atlanta having been the subject of lengthy scholarly articles on the pernicious ways that they cement racist stereotypes in the mindsets of viewers.

5. Step 1: Casting

Larissa lima says who is against the queen will die
Reality TV isn’t scripted, but there are a number of tools on hand to guarantee that what you produce is entertaining and will resonate with your audience. The first step is editing. Though 90 Day Fiance is always sure to include at least a few couples that are just dealing with some awkwardness or some outside adversity but are otherwise normal people in love, they also cast couples with dramatic or even suspicious age gaps, couples where one or both parties appear to be a scammer, and they’re always happy to cast stars who appear to have … glaring personality disorders that will play well on TV.

6. Step 2: Meddling

David and annie discuss their marriage
Production sets up group activities, asks stars to repeat a line more audibly or with more energy, and can ask leading questions in confessionals to get stars to say what they want, how they want them to without feeding them a script. Production prods the stars to fight each other at Tell All specials, dangling the possibility of future seasons if they are entertaining enough. In some cases, they straight-up feed stars lines — as they famously did to a friend of David and Annie’s, who was filmed asking Annie for a “massage” at the insistence of producers who wanted to create needless awkwardness.

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The Bachelorette Spoilers: Meet Katie’s Hot Suitors!

The Bachelorette will be doubling up in 2021.

As previously detailed, two women will take center stage on this franchise over the coming months: Katie Thurston in the summer and Michelle Young in the fall.

Mere days after ABC dropped this bombshell on fans, the network has gone ahead and revealed the identity of all 31 suitors from whom Thurston will choose.

To be clear, it doesn’t sound like all of the men listed below will appear on Season 17 … we’ve certainly seen the show pull a fast one or two in this regard.

But most of them probably will. Upon revealing these photos and mini biographies on Facebook, ABC wrote:

“We are giving you an early look at the men who may be on this season of The Bachelorette!”

Which will actually show up on front of the camera when episodes air frrom New Mexico later this year? We can’t say for certain.

But one of these hunks will almost definitely propose to Thurston before all is said and done. How exciting, right?!?

Right. Check ’em out!

1. Aaron, 26

Aaron 26
Aaron is 26 years old and hails from a place called Walnut, California. He’s pretty darn easy on the eyes, huh?

2. Andrew, 31

Andrew 31
Andrew M. is a native of Walnut Creek, California. The 31-year old is standing in front of some pretty scenery here.

3. Andrew, 26

Andrew 26
Andrew looks ready for love, doesn’t he? This 26-year old lives in Waukegan, Illinois.

4. Tré, 26

Tre 26
Tré is from Covington, Georgia. He’s ready to start a family at age 26.

5. Thomas, 28

Thomas 28
Thomas is 28 and from the city some people think is the best in the country. We’re talking about San Diego.

6. Tanner, 28

Tanner 28
This is Tanner, a native of Del Mar, California. We’ve heard he is 28 years old.

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Where Do the Duggars Live? Tour Their Homes, From Penthouse to Warehouse!

Where do the Duggars live? For many fans of the famous and controversial TLC family, the Duggar homestead is a familiar sight.

Jim Bob and Michelle built a 7,000-square foot Arkansas pad with the proceeds from their first TLC specials way back in the day.

Thirteen years and three more kids later, the house serves as the setting for two reality shows – and very large family gatherings. 

Of course, 13 years is a long time. Much of the younger Duggar generation has grown up and moved into homes of their own.

Some of the adult Duggars are just starting out – while some are already living the good life on some very enviable property.

Others … er, well, not so much.

Sit tight, we’ll get to that shortly.

The folks at celebrity gossip magazine In Touch took a look at all of the Duggar homes, and the findings were surprising.

So where do the Duggars live?

Buckle up. Let’s take a look:

1. The Compound

Dh 1
Every Counting On fan is familiar with the massive Tontitown property known as the Duggar compound. But these days, several of Jim Bob and Michelle’s kids have left the nest to establish homes of their own.

2. The Beginning …

Dh 17
The Duggars’ story begins here, in this much more modest home in nearby Springdale, Arkansas. Not the kind of place in which you would want to raise 19 kids.

3. A Humble Start

The duggars in 2004
When the Duggars made their TV debut on Discovery Health, the network helped them with construction costs for their new home in Tontitown. Execs also filled up the family’s pantry, something Jim Bob and Michelle had difficulty doing in those days.

4. The Living Room

Dh 16
The Duggars love the great outdoors (especially their big backyard) but when they’re inside the compound, this sprawling living room — with its sky-high ceilings — serves as the site of more Counting On scenes than any other.

5. The Master Bedroom

Dh 15
And this — as they used to say on MTV’s Cribs — is where the magic happens. Jim Bob and Michelle’s bedroom has been the site of an awful lot of baby-making.

6. The Master Bath

Dh 14
And this is the bathroom off of Jim Bob and Michelle’s room. We’re guessing this was roughly the size of the living room in their first house.

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Bachelor Nation: Are Any Couples Still Together in 2021??

The Bachelor and The Bachelorette are TV shows with a clear goal that you don’t need Bachelor spoilers to figure out:

Set up a man or woman with his or her soulmate.

Heck, nearly every season ends with a proposal, right? And yet, over time, almost no proposals end in actual marriage.

By the numbers, few couples from Bachelor Nation last months; let alone years; let alone an entire lifetime together.

Have there been exceptions to this rule?

Oh yeah, just look at Jason and Molly. Or Sean and Cat. Rachel and Bryan. Even Arie and Lauren … or JoJo and Jordan.

Nevertheless, it’s still an arduous, uphill battle.

See Hannah Brown and Jed Wyatt, or Peter Weber and Hannah Ann, or Peter Weber and Madison for that matter.

Their engagements lasted … days? Hours?

These are unique cases, and yet … not. Heck, Peter and Kelley Flanagan broke up too now. Dude was 0-for-3 in 2020!

The fact is that it’s hard out there for duos spawned by this franchise to make it work, as we saw repeatedly last year.

If you recall, Colton and Cassie broke up last summer. Followed by Becca and Garrett. Then even Ashley and J.P.

Such a brutal year, 2020.

Oh, and Clare and Dale split up as well. The other Bachelorette of 2020, Tayshia Adams, has fared better so far.

And then there’s the dumpster fire that was Matt James’ season of The Bachelor. Needless to say, it didn’t work out.

Looking back through the years, which duos are still living happily ever after after the final rose was bestowed?

Take a look at notable couples from The Bachelor and Bachelorette and see whether they’re still a romantic item now.

1. Clare Crawley and Dale Moss

Clare crawley and dale moss on the gram
Where to begin with Clare Crawley and Dale Moss, the latest casualty of The Bachelor Curse a.k.a. real life? These two got engaged after like two weeks, peaced out of the show, and were head over heels in love before a host of usual suspects – cheating allegations, long-distance relationships, conflicting priorities, the stress of the spotlight, the honeymoon phase wearing off – derailed their romance in spectacular fashion in early 2021. Is it possible for a breakup to be surprising and yet not at all?

2. Tayshia Adams and Zac Clark

Zac clark picture
Tayshia Adams and Zac Clark, on the other hand, appear happy as can be – at least for the time being. After she took over The Bachelorette when Clare bounced with Dale, she went on to enjoy a relatively conventional season, culminating in an engagement to Zac. We wish these two all the best, as they certainly do seem like a great fit. You just never get your hopes up too high as a fan these days.

3. Matt James and Rachael Kirkconnell

Rachael kirkconnell with matt
What a mess. What a complete and utter mess. An unmitigated disaster that the show will take a long time to recover from, if it ever does, no one can take away the fact that it was, truly, the most shocking season in Bachelor history. (Ironically, Chris Harrison stepped down at the end of it.) Of course Matt James, hyped for months as the first Black Bachelor, would end up giving Rachael Kirkconnell – who came under fire for racially insensitive photos and comments – his final rose. He never even proposed to her (no promise ring, no nothing) on the finale, which is probably the only good news producers could’ve hoped for, as their Valentine’s Day breakup (a month before the season finale even aired) was relatively quick and painless.

4. Colton Underwood and Cassie Randolph

Colton cassie
Colton Underwood and Cassie Randolph, as we mentioned and you probably heard if you’re reading this, broke up in late May 2020. By all accounts, Cassie was The One for Colton from the start, and it appeared that she was along for the ride long after he busted the inaugural nut. Whether they actually make it to the altar was always suspect, however, given the hesitation we’d seen on the show … and some of the bombshells he dropped in his recent memoir … and just the overall odds of reality TV relationships actually lasting. Not good. But hey. They made it over a year and as they said in their joint statement, some people are just meant to be friends instead. No shame in that truth. Of course, given her recent accusations and the restraining order she filed, there may be plenty of shame we’ve yet to learn about.

5. Peter Weber and Madison Prewett

Madison prewett and peter weber
Peter Weber was an iconic disaster on The Bachelor. So much so that it’s hard to decide which of his relationships to even include here. He began his season needing “closure” with Hannah Brown, who returned to the show for multiple episodes … then got engaged to Hannah Ann Sluss on the finale and dumped her a month later (long before the finale actually made it to air). Then Chris Harrison flew to Alabama to set Peter up with runner-up Madison Prewett, who he went public with on the After the Final Rose special. They broke up two days after. Then he got together with Kelley Flanagan, another contestant on his season who didn’t even make it to hometown dates. Good luck to her.

6. Hannah Brown and Jed Wyatt

Jed wyatt photo
This one didn’t come close to working out. Hannah accepted Jed’s proposal… only to find out TWO WHOLE DAYS later that Wyatt had never told her about a quasi girlfriend back at home. She then dumped him. A year later, she said she had doubts even during the proposal itself. Maybe she shouldn’t have put herself through that, but what can you do. The heart wants what it wants and sometimes that’s douchelords.

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The Bachelor Stars: Ranked By Incredibly Short Relationship Length!

You don’t need The Bachelor spoilers to tell you that love – like fame – fades. Real life eventually sinks in, and hits hard.

And fast. That is cynical, yes.

But it’s just factual, guys.

While things were looking up for a time, The Bachelor stars have not exactly had the best track record over the long run.

How bad is it? Well, Peter Weber didn’t exactly raise the bar for future Bachelors last year by dumping both finalists.

Dude sure did get laid a lot, from girlfriend Kelley Flanagan … just not from his true love of a lifetime, Hannah Ann.

Or Madison, for those 48 hours.

Anyway, that guy was always a mess. And now that Peter and Kelley have called it quits, well, dude was 0-3 in 2020.

Pete set a very low bar for Matt James, which should have made the 2021 finale a triumph for the history-making star.

And yet, Matt still managed to find a way under that extremely low bar after the most controversial season ever!

Granted, no one could’ve predicted Rachael Kirkconnell’s racist photos and/or Chris Harrison stepping down.

But James’ journey for love ending in iconic failure – and man alive, did it ever – isn’t as surprising at face value.

Check out the full Bachelor relationship rankings by length and see how they fared once the cameras turned off.

1. Brad Womack

Brad womack deanna pappas
Brad Womack, in the first of his two stints as The Bachelor, takes the cake by not choosing to propose to, or even continue his relationship with, either of the final two women, Jenni Croft or DeAnna Pappas (pictured). Wow.

2. Matt James

Matt james and rachael kirkconnell together
Right here, second from the bottom, is your 2021 leading man himself, and his final rose recipient, Rachael Kirkconnell. Matt James’ #1 pick all season long found herself embroiled in scandal before the finale even aired; Chris Harrison’s attempt to defend the racially-charged photos from her college days only wound up making it worse. By the time the After the Final Rose special came along, Matt and Rachael – who never got engaged, just agreed to keep on dating basically – had already split a month prior.

3. Travis Stork

Travis lane stork photo
Dr. Travis Stork and Sarah Stone were broken up so fast, they got to talk about it on the After the Final Rose special. And they lived in the same city, so it’s not like the distance factor played any role at all. Pretty impressive!

4. Jake Pavelka

Jake pavelka vienna girardi breakup interview
Jake Pavelka chose Vienna Girardi with his final rose on The Bachelor. By the time The Bachelorette aired a few months later, the two had broken up in epic fashion … and this interview with Chris Harrison shows you why.

5. Peter Weber

Kelley flanagan peter weber on july 4
Take your pick with this guy. He got engaged to Hannah Ann Sluss on his season finale, then dumped her before that even made it to air, then got back together with Madison Prewett, then split with her two days later. You read that correctly. To think that the pilot could’ve had either of them had he been willing to commit, yet lost both in spectacular fashion while his mom became a meme is quite something, even by this show’s standards. He later went on to date Kelley Flanagan (pictured), an early-season castoff from his season, for nine months. Then they broke up as well after his desired move to NYC apparently took priority over her. Fourth time’s the charm in 2021?

6. Jesse Palmer

Jesse palmer
Jesse Palmer, former NFL quarterback and current sports TV analyst, did not propose to Jessica Bowlin. They continued to date but broke up just weeks later.

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The Bachelor Spoilers: Do Matt and Rachael Get Back Together??

Well, folks, Matt James has already made history.

But to whom will he make love on The Bachelor – and to whom will be bequeath that coveted final rose?

This is the question viewers around the nation have, as they head into a brand new year, and season of this beloved TV franchise.

Well, we now answers. More of them each day.

Based on a number of sources and reports, we’ve got The Bachelor spoilers for you for the still-unfolding 2021 campaign.

Gotta love it. Bachelor spoilers make things more fun, after all, especially as the episodes fly by and pieces fall into place.

There are still gaps to fill in, but the top three are set – and the top two and winner herself have been named by Reality Steve.

The man is just plain good at what he does.

He’s been on top of this all along, though even the Oracle of Bachelor Spoilers could not have seen some of this coming.

Questions remain after a tumultuous few months: Will Matt’s journey end in a proposal? And perhaps more significantly:

Will his season be salvaged after the Rachael Kirkconnell racism scandal that has rocked the franchise to the core?

Chris Harrison has stepped away from the franchise following his tone deaf defense of Rachael, and it’s unclear if he’ll return.

Or what will be left of the show when/if he does.

Time will tell re: some of those historical topics, but as far as the spoilers go, we’ve got you. Scroll down to find out who wins — and what sort of drama has transpired in the weeks since Matt handed out his final rose!

[Spoiler alert, obviously.]

1. James is Making History

Matt james shirtless
On the Season 25 premiere, Matt James – not only the first Black lead, but the first franchise newcomer to hand out the roses in years – admits to Chris Harrison that he’s never been in love. Not ever. Not once in his life. “It’s my job to change that,” the host tells The Bachelor. Whether we look back on this historic season as a turning point in a good sense remains to be seen.

2. Keystone State of Mind

Matt james poster
James’ journey kicked off January 4 at the Nemacolin Woodlands Resort in Farmington, Pennsylvania. The set was reportedly isolated and all COVID-19 protocols were being followed. If you recognize the surroundings, your eyes are not deceiving you. The latest Bachelorette actually filmed her After the Final Rose ceremony at this same place – and the newly-engaged Tayshia set a high bar for Matt.

3. Was There a Need to Shut Down at Any Point?

Matt james as the bachelor
No. Just like The Bachelorette (and the NBA), Covid protocols were followed and no surprises cases created any hiccups. “It’s the blueprint and the formula we used to shoot Clare’s season, and is working out perfectly,” Chris Harrison, who ironically was the only person from the show to break quarantine when he took his kid to college, and was required to sit out for two weeks, told Entertainment Tonight. “I can tell you it’s working, it’s successful and — knock on wood — it’ll continue to be successful.”

4. The First Impression Rose Was Everything

Matt james with a rose
The woman who earned the first impression rose made quite an impression on Matt and viewers alike.

5. Say Hello to Abigail Heringer!

Matt james and abigail
Abigail got Matt’s first rose. Originally from Salem, Oreon, Abigail was reportedly born partially deaf and given cochlear implants as a child.

6. Bow Down to the Queen

Victoria larson and matt
Not everyone was as well received. Victoria Larson, a.k.a Queen Victoria, quickly made her presence felt on the 2021 season, both by captivating Matt and establishing herself as the villain to end all villains.

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Celebrities Who Passed Away In 2021: Rest in Power

Some truly beloved public figures have already left us this year.

These artists, athletes, politicians, and pop culture icons may be gone from this world. But they will certainly never be forgotten.

For their fans and loved ones alike, legends never die.

Their legacies live on; their stars will never fade; and their work will be cherished for generations to come, as those whose lives they touched pass the love and admiration on to future admirers.

Join us as we pay tribute to the lives we’ve lost in the year 2021.

May they rest in eternal peace and/or power.

1. Dustin Diamond

Dustin diamond on gram
This one hits particularly hard for a generation of people who grew up with him on Saturday morning television. Dustin Diamond, the former Saved by the Bell star, died of lung cancer at age 44 on February 1. His death comes just a few weeks after his diagnosis was made public.

2. Cicely Tyson

Cicely tyson
What a legend. What a pioneer. We lost actress Cicely Tyson in January of 2021.

3. Christopher Plummer

Christopher plummer photo
On February 4, 2021, Christopher Plummer passed away at the age of 91. The legendary Canadian actor racked up more than 200 (!) theater, film and television credits over the course of his storied career, winning Tony, Emmy and Academy Awards along the way.

4. Larry King

Larry king pic
Larry King, a journalist who anchored eponymous radio and talk shows for decades, became synonymous with CNN, and interviewed just about every famous person on the planet, is sadly dead at the age of 87. May he rest in perpetual peace.

5. Manukura

Manukura, the rare, snow-white kiwi bird that was the first-ever hatched in captivity, died in its native New Zealand after multiple surgeries. The beloved flightless bird inspired toys and a picture book, winning the hearts of children and conservationists alike. #nestinpower

6. Cloris Leachman

Cloris leachman pic
Just a week apart from Tyson, another iconic actress, Cloris Leachman, passed away at the age of 94.

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Celebrities Who Died in 2021: In Memoriam

Some truly beloved public figures have already left us this year.

These artists, athletes, politicians, and pop culture icons may be gone from this world. But they will certainly never be forgotten.

For their fans and loved ones alike, legends never die.

Their legacies live on; their stars will never fade; and their work will be cherished for generations to come, as those whose lives they touched pass the love and admiration on to future admirers.

Join us as we pay tribute to the lives we’ve lost in the year 2021.

May they rest in eternal peace and/or power.

1. Dustin Diamond

Dustin diamond rest in peace
This one hits particularly hard for a generation of people who grew up with him on Saturday morning television. Dustin Diamond, the former Saved by the Bell star, died of lung cancer at age 44 on February 1. His death comes just a few weeks after his diagnosis was made public.

2. Cicely Tyson

Cicely tyson
What a legend. What a pioneer. We lost actress Cicely Tyson in January of 2021.

3. Cloris Leachman

Cloris leachman pic
Just a week apart from Tyson, another iconic actress, Cloris Leachman, passed away at the age of 94.

4. Larry King

Larry king pic
Larry King, a journalist who anchored eponymous radio and talk shows for decades, became synonymous with CNN, and interviewed just about every famous person on the planet, is sadly dead at the age of 87. May he rest in perpetual peace.

5. Manukura

Manukura, the rare, snow-white kiwi bird that was the first-ever hatched in captivity, died in its native New Zealand after multiple surgeries. The beloved flightless bird inspired toys and a picture book, winning the hearts of children and conservationists alike. #nestinpower

6. Mira Furlan

Mira furlan in geneva
For five seasons and multiple movies, Mira Furlan starred as Delenn on the landmark science fiction series, Babylon 5. She is also well known for her role as Danielle Rousseau on Lost. Mira passed away on January 20. The beloved and talented actress was 65.

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